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#8289 Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion Thread

Posted by Sirralart SuperDragon on 17 June 2011 - 12:38 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I like the adaptability, like some smashes are outright useless against some characters/stages (Dk on any big stage as an example)

Yes, SO true!

#8042 SSB4 Final Smash IDEA just for fun

Posted by Sirralart SuperDragon on 17 June 2011 - 06:59 AM in Wii U Games and Software


I'm really happy that people are actually having fun with this idea!

All of your ideas are fantastic!!!

AWESHUM SAWCE!!! **(:angry:)**

Keep em' coming and send anyone that may have even more Final Smash ideas this way!!!

#7770 hello there ^_^

Posted by Sirralart SuperDragon on 16 June 2011 - 01:18 PM in Introduction Central

Hello **(:D)**

#7762 SSB4 Final Smash IDEA just for fun

Posted by Sirralart SuperDragon on 16 June 2011 - 01:06 PM in Wii U Games and Software

KIRBY (my favorite character)

Final Smash 1: Bringing back the cooking pot final smash from brawl. This time with more interesting drops that come out of the pot.

Final Smash 2: Kirby sucks up any character in front of him. They take damage in his mouth until together they either struggle their way out OR Kirby can swallow all the characters outright. By swallowing, he gains multiple powers that combine and interact to form new bigger and better combo-powers. Perhaps Kirby could even be bigger for a short time after swallowing.

Final Smash 3: Multiple kirbys of all different colors and costumes come down from the sky on warp stars for 5 to 10 seconds. 10% of the time a giant kirby comes down the center of the screen on a giant warp star.

There you have it. Hope you like it.

That sounds like a heck of a lot of FUN!!! :D

#7748 SSB4 Final Smash IDEA just for fun

Posted by Sirralart SuperDragon on 16 June 2011 - 12:35 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Awesome idea. Kinda like what I want to see also...... Apparently great minds think alike!!!! Nice thoughts!

Cool, Cool. **(:D)**

Well, you got any ideas based off of this system?

Sounds a lot more logical than my Smash Armor concept. Great idea!

If you have any Final Smash ideas for the 3 Final Smash System, don't be hesitant to say them. I read your Armor idea so I know you can think of at least 3 Final Smash ideas for one character. ;)

#7742 SSB4 Final Smash IDEA just for fun

Posted by Sirralart SuperDragon on 16 June 2011 - 12:24 PM in Wii U Games and Software


Here's an idea I've had in my mind for a while...like ever since SSBB was released.

More than likely, Nintendo will EVENTUALLY have a Street Fighter character or Street Fighter characters in Super Smash Bros. so I believe Nintendo will have to step things up a notch from Brawl to make this game BETTER overall.

I suggest throwing in 3 Final Smashes instead of one.

The Street Fighter characters are know for having MANY signature Super Moves, so lets assume that the Nintendo characters will also have more Super Moves this time around. Working off this idea will open up MANY new Final Smash ideas for ALL the fighters!!!

We will assume that the 3 Final Smash System will work like the 3 Super Move system in Street Fighter III: Third Strike. At the character select menu, players will have the choice of selecting one of three Final Smashes.
Depending on which Final Smash is selected will result in certain conditions for breaking the Smash Ball.

Lets use the Street Fighter character Ryu for example since he's the most basic and balanced character the series has to offer.

If he were in a Super Smash Bros. game with the 3 Final Smash System implemented, the system would work like this:

Final Smash 1: Shinkuu Hadouken (The beam version from the VS. games) - This will be Ryu's most basic and WEAKEST Final Smash. It travels long distance and it's easy to deal damage to opponents at a distance, BUT lets say it only does a maximum of 50-55% damage if it FULLY connects. HERE'S THE TWIST!!! For picking his "weaker" Final Smash, this allows Ryu to break the Smash Ball more easily than normal if he were to pick say a "stronger" Final Smash.

Final Smash 2: Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku - This is Ryu's Super Move that you see often in Capcom cross over games. This Final Smash isn't as easy to hit with, but the damage is MUCH greater than his first Final Smash; probably 70-85% if it FULLY connects. This move works great on opponents that have SURROUNDED you instead of having to space yourself away from your opponents like his Shinkuu Hadouken. This move of course hits multiple opponents and also sucks in opponents if they are within a certain distance. I can see enemies being swarmed with lightning as Ryu spins and strikes them with his foot (Ryu's element is lightning for those of you that didn't know. Ken's element is Fire). This move sends opponents flying horizontally on the last hit. This move sounds quite powerful, no? HERE'S THE NEXT TWIST!!! Choosing THIS Final Smash will make it a little harder for Ryu to break the Smash Ball!!! Do you see where I'm going with this?

Final Smash 3: Shin Shouryuuken - This move is OBVIOUSLY Ryu's STRONGEST FINAL SMASH!!! The damage is insane!!!! Probably 105-150%...pretty much guaranteeing a K.O. if you land it. Landing it though is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT!!! Your opponent must be at CLOSE RANGE!!! IN YOUR FACE!!! They'd have to be pretty stupid to get caught by this, but if you're a skilled SSB Ryu player...you can find ways of connecting with this DEADLY FINAL SMASH!!! Also, this move is made to hit only one opponent (Like Link's Tri Force Slash) BUT if two or three opponents happen to be right in front of you...then they will also take damage from the move. Breaking the Smash Ball takes a while with this Final Smash selected.

There you have it. That's my idea. Each character will have 3 Final Smashes set in this type of way: A long distance move(A projectile of some sorts or a dash type move that only connects if you touch an opponent), a move for hitting opponents that have surrounded you, and a nearly instant K.O. move that's VERY HARD to land and EASY to waste. How about more TRANSFORMATION type Final Smashes like when Sonic turns into Super Sonic or when Bowser turns into Giga Bowser? Can you imagine Link turning into Fierce Deity Link as his 3rd and most powerful Final Smash?

The Final Smashes don't necessarily have to be in that order, but ALL characters will have 3 Final Smashes, and each one will have a sort of handicap for breaking the Smash Ball depending on the power of the Final Smash and which type of Final Smash you've selected.


What do you think???

Got any Final Smash ideas that could be used for some of your favorite characters (or characters you wish were in SSB) based off of this make-believe 3 Final Smash System? Sound off below...and remember...just have fun with the idea. Get creative! ;)

...I mean heck...you never know WHO could be watching, right?

Maybe a Nintendo spy is lurking...snooping around and watching for what everyone would like to see in the next game?

Maybe looking for new ideas? Who knows?

#7738 What has Rare been up to?

Posted by Sirralart SuperDragon on 16 June 2011 - 12:15 PM in General Gaming

Yeah Free Radical Design..they are now called Crytek UK, and are rumoured to be developing TimeSplitters 4 o_O

OMG!!! (O_O)

#7733 What has Rare been up to?

Posted by Sirralart SuperDragon on 16 June 2011 - 12:02 PM in General Gaming

Yah, Rare sucks now. Some of us had a nice discussion about that in the chat a while back :D

Anyway, I don't mind much. Honestly, Retro is a thousand times better than Rare anyway. Metroid Prime is the single greatest transfer from 2D to 3D ever. In fact, I would be much more happy if Nintendo simply purchased the rights to Banjo Kazooie and gave it to Retro, considering Rare's current... Situation.

Even if you say it's all Microsoft's fault, I wouldn't take the chance of them messing up Banjo Threeie ;)

WHOA! What's up with Rare? What's going on?

They don't completely own the rights to Banjo?

#7731 What has Rare been up to?

Posted by Sirralart SuperDragon on 16 June 2011 - 12:00 PM in General Gaming


Anyway, I think Rare hasn't done anything... I mean, yeah, there was the Conker XBOX remake, which was good. Besides that, Nuts & Bolts sucked and now they're making garbage like Kinect Sports... Rare sucks now.

It's so disheartening...

#7715 What has Rare been up to?

Posted by Sirralart SuperDragon on 16 June 2011 - 11:20 AM in General Gaming

What is said here is true sadly :D
They created Kinect Sports(which you shouldnt know since it lacked all of their charm) and Kinect Sports 2 which is on its way.

From my username you should tell this saddens me.

I feel your pain...I feel it...*sniff*

#7703 Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion Thread

Posted by Sirralart SuperDragon on 16 June 2011 - 10:59 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I've read it now, and I disagree with it for one reason, it makes it too complicated. It's not a 1 0n 1 fighter like Street Fighter, it's a party game (it always has been and always will be). It could make interesting gameplay mechanics, for other games.

Anywho, characters that need to be in the next one are:

1. Ridley (they smallinized charizard, why not ridley?)
2. Little Mac
3. Dark Samus
4. Waluigi
5. Micaiah or Hector
6. Paper Mario
7. Isaac
8. Zoroark
9. Mii
10. Animal Crossing lad or Lass
11. Mega Man
12. TINGLE!!!!!!!!!!!

You're response is VERY similar to someone else that had that same idea. I responded to them with this statement:

"I don't think it would be too complicated. The fighters wouldn't have access to ALL three of their Final Smashes in one match. They'd have to choose just one before the match begins. Adding more to the fighting aspect of game couldn't possibly HURT the game overall could it? I think it would allow a player, that's WILLING to experiment more with his or her MAIN character(s), to learn to fight three ways because of the three Final Smash system. This would make the more competitive player happy I think. It'd be pretty hard to make Smash Bros. a complicated game because it isn't."

i like this
like b and down for the close range, b for he far, and i don't know maybe b and z for the heavy??

Which part did you like most about this idea?

#7701 Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion Thread

Posted by Sirralart SuperDragon on 16 June 2011 - 10:57 AM in Wii U Games and Software

i like this
like b and down for the close range, b for he far, and i don't know maybe b and z for the heavy??

Keep in mind...


Many people seemed to over look that part of my idea. I guess they read it to quickly or something.

I'd never suggest that the fighters would have access to all three of their Final Smashes in one match.

Again, they can only choose 1 of the 3 Final Smashes before the match begins...just like Street Fighter.

#7693 Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion Thread

Posted by Sirralart SuperDragon on 16 June 2011 - 10:47 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I want Travis Touchdown in even tho he has no chance of getting in.

Mr.Touchdown indeed has a chance of getting in. Remember years ago around the time speculation about the roster of SSBB was all over the net? Nintendo stated that (this may not be an accurate statement, but it sorta went like this) "Any character that has appeared on an Nintendo platform in anyway, form, or fashion has a shot of making the roster."

*cough* That also includes Cloud *cough* Strife *cough* *cough* Game Boy Advanced *cough*

#7687 What has Rare been up to?

Posted by Sirralart SuperDragon on 16 June 2011 - 10:41 AM in General Gaming

Hehehehe. just a joke though, don't take it seriously XD

That pic is SO funny! LOL!

#7683 Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion Thread

Posted by Sirralart SuperDragon on 16 June 2011 - 10:33 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Favorite game of all time + great gif = happy me :D




Have YOU read my dramatically long explaination of the Three Final Smash System that confused everyone? It's at the beginning of this topic.

#7682 Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion Thread

Posted by Sirralart SuperDragon on 16 June 2011 - 10:31 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Favorite game of all time + great gif = happy me :D

Effin' nice! **(;))**


#7678 Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion Thread

Posted by Sirralart SuperDragon on 16 June 2011 - 10:23 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Oh my god
it will completely eliminate campers
but it may create thieves
this could probably be solved by an upgraded points system instead of ordinary kills




I LOVE your Zero animation!!!

#7671 Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion Thread

Posted by Sirralart SuperDragon on 16 June 2011 - 10:14 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I think we'll see Megaman in SSB4, He's surely an obvious choice. But no other 3rd party characters, 3 is enough, it will no longer be the "Nintendo game".

I also have an idea for a new mode; Kill limit mode. I figured that Stock mathces have a kill limit really, 4 people with 5 lives each, the most kills anyone can get is 15. Think about it, if you had a kill limit set at 10 kills, it will create competition and it will be harder to win than other modes. And I feel (unlike stock mode) that it give everyone a fairer shout at winning the matches, as they will be in it the whole time.

Ummm...not a bad idea at all! I'd love it for sure!



By the way...


Have you by chance read my dramatically long explaination of the Three Final Smash System that most everyone seemed to get confused over? It's really interesting. It's somewhere at the beginning of this topic.

#7651 What has Rare been up to?

Posted by Sirralart SuperDragon on 16 June 2011 - 09:49 AM in General Gaming

Posted Image

LMAO! OMG! C'mon, let him slide just this once. He didn't know! LOL! I didn't chew him out for saying that. LMAO!

#7646 What has Rare been up to?

Posted by Sirralart SuperDragon on 16 June 2011 - 09:42 AM in General Gaming

Does anyone remember Killer Instinct?

#7645 The Wii U does NOT stand upright! :O

Posted by Sirralart SuperDragon on 16 June 2011 - 09:37 AM in Wii U Hardware

*cancels preorder*


That's great! XD

#7636 What has Rare been up to?

Posted by Sirralart SuperDragon on 16 June 2011 - 09:26 AM in General Gaming

What about the fighting game of ALL fighting games? (well, of all 2D fighters anyway) What about Killer Instinct? What has happened to that? Who owns the rights to it now?

I heard that even Rare didn't want to put those vehicles into the 360 Banjo-Kazooie, but M$ forced them! :D


I also heard that Micro$oft rushed Rare to make Perfect Dark Zero. I think they wanted it available on the XBOX 360's launch day.

#7628 What has Rare been up to?

Posted by Sirralart SuperDragon on 16 June 2011 - 09:20 AM in General Gaming

Rare just plain sucks now...sad to see a legend fall to the bottom of the well.

*sigh* Yeah...

Micro$oft (...or Rare...whoever did it)completely ruined the image I had of Joanna Dark with Perfect Dark Zero by trying to turn her into a Halo clone. That p!$$ed me off! I played it and was like,"This ISN'T the Perfect Dark I remember! Screw this S#!+"

They sort of redeemed themselves when they completely gave the original version of Perfect Dark a facelift and still managed to keep Joanna Dark more like her original self.

I remember around the time the first Halo was released, I found it hard to get completely absorbed into it because Perfect Dark, to me, was still SO much better. I know that sounds like insanity, but I still have not found the Halo series more entertaining than the original Perfect Dark yet.

#7610 What has Rare been up to?

Posted by Sirralart SuperDragon on 16 June 2011 - 09:09 AM in General Gaming

Free Radical Design? Yeah, that's what happened. The people who left were the ones who worked on Goldeneye 007 and Perfect Dark. They're called Crytek UK now, though.


I didn't know the Perfect Dark and GoldenEye 007 guys were Crytek now!!

#7605 What has Rare been up to?

Posted by Sirralart SuperDragon on 16 June 2011 - 09:06 AM in General Gaming

What have they been doing since Microsoft, you ask?





...but still...this fact saddens my heart. (If you can't tell by my pic...I LOVE Perfect Dark N64 even to this day)

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