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#56545 Project C.A.R.S.

Posted by coyoteBR on 23 January 2012 - 01:57 AM in Wii U Games and Software

At the "What games you would like for the Wii U" thread my answer was "I'd like to see a racing game at the same level (or better) of Forza and Gran Turismo.".Needless to say, I'm pleased with these news;.

#45359 Please allow me to introduce myself

Posted by coyoteBR on 05 December 2011 - 01:59 AM in Introduction Central

Thanks Marc, aaron, StreetPass.

Brian, I found this place searching news about the Wii U. I can't remember now if it was through Google News or plain google search. I joined so I can remember to make this my primary Wii U choice and because you all looked like a nice group of people.

Thanks again-

#45053 Your favorite game that no one plays

Posted by coyoteBR on 03 December 2011 - 09:27 AM in General Gaming

Of those mentioned here, I do play Fluidicity and Little King Story, both are great. For Wiiware, may I add Max & the Magic Marker - this little game is perfect for a Wii U sequel. Basically, you're a kid who finds himself on a draw 2-D world. You use the wii remote to draw stairs, bridges, etc. that the character can use.

Now, on PC, I'm quite a fan of the Jagged Alliance series. Premisse: a tiny country/isle somewhere is overrulled by an evil dictator, and you need to sign a group of mercenaries to free the place and - of course - profit while you do that.
There's tons of challenges in the game: you have to balance your expenses;  you must assemble the right team, what is not easy, because you must balance the strenghts of every character (medics, explosives especialists, snipers, burglars, stealthy ops... you will need then all one time or another) and the personal factor: some characters refuse to work with each other, and you often only will find it at the end of the day... when they leave with your most usefull guns to never return.
A fun turn-based series of games.

#45046 Please allow me to introduce myself

Posted by coyoteBR on 03 December 2011 - 08:56 AM in Introduction Central

Thanks for the welcome and tips, NL and Caius. I appreciate it

#45035 Wii U Wishlist

Posted by coyoteBR on 03 December 2011 - 06:08 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Some great ideas here, folks.

I'd like to see a racing game at the same level (or better) of Forza and Gran Turismo.
Oh, and of course, probabilities are thin, but... a new Zack and Wiki, Capcom? Purty please?

#45033 Please allow me to introduce myself

Posted by coyoteBR on 03 December 2011 - 05:56 AM in Introduction Central

... ya know, there's a song there somewhere

Right, now, I was used to play sparsely only on PC untill the day I decided to buy a Wii. Every month, for almost a year, I saved pennies here and there to make such purchase. And, gotta say, the console was one of my best purchases of that year. Not only I entered the game culture but now I cant wait to buy my Wii U. In fact, I am so looking foward to it, I already started saving to purchase it. Heck, I'm so looking foward to it, I even joined a forum about the new nintendo console, can you believe it? Waittaminute... yes, I guess you do.

At any rate, nice to be around.

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