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#274289 Tracking speed of wiimote

Posted by -SRS-45- on 23 February 2014 - 11:02 AM in Wii U Hardware

Thanks 3dude, that's great info.  I still think its a great console, just not for gun games maybe.

#274270 Tracking speed of wiimote

Posted by -SRS-45- on 23 February 2014 - 07:48 AM in Wii U Hardware

Cheers guys, Zelda Skyward Sword looks great and is on my list... I only really noticed the tracking speed from playing gun games on the wii, I was finding that the target wasn't sweeping across fast enough

#274261 Tracking speed of wiimote

Posted by -SRS-45- on 23 February 2014 - 03:29 AM in Wii U Hardware

Good morning all, was hoping someone could help.  Currently own a Wii which I love (seriously worth every penny for the amount of time spent on MarioKart and Wii Tennis alone).  Thinking about going to Wii U. 


On the Wii the tracking speed of the Wiimote was relatively slow... i.e. you scan across the screen with the wiimote and the cursor would drag behind it until you stopped and it caught up.  Is this the same on the Wii U? or is the tracking faster/does it keep up with the wiimote?


Have looked around for an answer but none came up.


Cheers, James

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