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#318046 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Chaos on 17 May 2016 - 12:22 PM in The Museum

I sent that track in. Got an automated reject answer a few hours later lmfao.

Getting into monstercat is like one of the worlds greatest mysteries I guess

You should try getting a release on Tasty then. That channel seems to be more friendly towards upcoming artists.

#318044 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Chaos on 12 May 2016 - 09:54 PM in The Museum

Released a new track that I actually got #1 with on a swedish LAN producer contest =)))))


Ah yes. This is nice. One day I expect to see you on monstercat lol

#317988 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Chaos on 10 April 2016 - 01:45 PM in The Museum

I did a thing. I didn't work on it for very long because it's just supposed to be part of a tutorial I'm doing in my speech class, but I'm still happy with it lol.

#317842 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Chaos on 27 February 2016 - 08:37 PM in The Museum

The almighty Serum ofc!

how much does serum cost x.x

#317834 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Chaos on 21 February 2016 - 10:42 PM in The Museum



mmmmmaybe I should finish this one

Loving it. Especially the drums. I think you should finish it XD

#317825 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Chaos on 17 February 2016 - 03:51 PM in The Museum

lol yeah I think I'd go for a mix between making fun of stuff and overreacting to how good some stuff is...


#317823 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Chaos on 17 February 2016 - 01:21 PM in The Museum

I kinda want to but I really don't know much and I want to figure out a style for videos... I'd like to make them funny but IDK how I'd do that, lol.

I made a stupid tutorial once that emphasized making fun of the genre of music. It's kind of a bland video that I made on the fly because I don't like all of these people making nightcore "remixes", so I made one myself. I included needlessly bad language because that's what all of the kids are doing these days.

#317821 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Chaos on 17 February 2016 - 11:31 AM in The Museum

Yup! The intro is from the original, but the drop is mine. Here's the rest of it...


It's really easy tho... The lead is just sytrus with one saw osc, unison turned up to 9, some other slight tweaks and then of course vibrato, some distortion, EQing... I could do a little tutorial if anybody wanted... :P


But yeah, doing this did teach me some things, so I'm gonna have to do some more remakes...

You should totally to sound design tutorials lol. I'm looking into 8bit stuff right now. I also should learn how to properly use sytrus XD

Oh so I have the stems for this song 


If anyone wants them we can talk about how I can get them to you ;;;;;DDDDD Vocals and such are included. No midi's though ;-;

#317819 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Chaos on 16 February 2016 - 07:16 AM in The Museum


I just signed a contract to make a sound track for a video game XD


This is one of the songs  I'm working on for it.



Wanted to make some generic early 2010s electro huehue



Gonna try doing some remakes. This one already taught me how simple that signature Laszlo/Nanobii lead is. Just a saw with the unison cranked way up...

So did you remake that from scratch? It sounds really good lol. I've always wanted to make some sounds like Laszlo, but I don't have sylenth, which seems to produce the best sounding saws and plucks. I'm poor right now so I can't buy it 

#317626 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Chaos on 12 January 2016 - 04:12 PM in The Museum

Yeah I feel ya. Not sure what I need to do...


I must say though, I'm absolutely loving having FL now. I can work on multiple things at once, and not fear losing my work to crashes.


Oh also, Seamless just released a tutorial for a Sytrus growl and it's literally exactly what I've been looking for. :L

I've been meaning to watch his tutorials. They are really helpful for sound design, which is what I need to know more of right now.

#317624 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Chaos on 12 January 2016 - 12:38 PM in The Museum



Well here's a thing I've been working on... I can't quite get the drop chords right... Also, that PWM square lead is going to be replaced by a vocal in the final track.

I really like that snare. And the drop is pretty gosh dang XD.


That splatoon remix is awesome too. the bass felt retro, but it felt like something was missing and I don't know what it is. Whenever I here "retro" though I think about mario kart if that helps :P

#317428 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Chaos on 04 December 2015 - 08:07 PM in The Museum

Okay that's really weird haha... If you copy and paste the link, it works for some reason...

I figured it out lol. There's a space at the end of the link. So you're gonna be featured here?

#317415 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Chaos on 03 December 2015 - 05:19 AM in The Museum

Keep an eye out on https://www.youtube....r/MrEdmStation ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

It says the channel doesn't exist :o

#317335 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Chaos on 25 November 2015 - 04:28 PM in The Museum

Wow, this is... freaking epic.


Matrix, you will reach far.

This is my newest release... You might remember the melody as I posted it here ages ago.


If you keep up the awesome music I'll get to brag about knowing someone famous XD

#317325 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Chaos on 24 November 2015 - 09:50 AM in The Museum

Well I guess this is still on topic, so...



That Second Flight guy I was singing the praises of earlier did a remix of my song! :D

I wish someone would remix my music lol. Someone asked once, but there was never a follow up for that.

#317321 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Chaos on 23 November 2015 - 09:19 PM in The Museum

Wait! You are not supposed to cut the lows from the bass (unless you mean simply decreasing certain frequencies by a tad amount)! xD You are supposed to cut it from the chords, leads and etc. Everything that doesn't need stuff going on in the sub 150 Hz area. I really underestimated this and now I usually decrease a lot from the 200-800 Hz area too. That's the region which always muds up fast.

Well I noticed that I had the frequencies for the bass were turned up a lot higher than everything else and they were kind of overpowering the rest of the mix. And I am using two different basses. One for normal lows and such and then one for the subs :D

#317308 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Chaos on 22 November 2015 - 05:04 PM in The Museum

Haha xD, why would you use Pro Tools for mixing? Isn't that over complicating things? There is no real need of its managing and workflow unless you are doing huge projects like orchestra stuff imo. Sound is same between DAWs. In any case, when I hear your mixes I kinda think you are over complicating the process. Lots of things are being processed even though they don't need it. Also cutting more lows is also recommended for ye xD.

I'm using pro tools because the class I'm making the song for says I gotta do it. And yeah, I've been cutting out a bunch of lows in the bass line :P

#317291 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Chaos on 19 November 2015 - 09:27 PM in The Museum

Nice vibes! It sounds like the "New Stuff" project in FL Studio 12 though, talking about the chords that is.


I will leave some technical feedback cause no one can get enough of it :)


1. The dynamics are off. It sounds like you pushed too hard into a limiter or something. Like all woobely all over the place. This occurs throughout the whole track. I would double check the mastering or maybe you have done some inappropiate compression in your mix.


2. The reverb is too slow to kick in and it has too much low mids in them. Send them to another buss and cut the lows from them and set the reverb delay time to something that matches the rythm better.


2. Layer the main saw chords with something wide. The whole mix is quite narrow.


3. The drums could use some NY compression. They are a bit muffled and doesn't cut through enough.

Sweet. I'll look into this stuff. I'm trying to use pro tools to do the mixing which is kind of hard lol.

#317273 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Chaos on 17 November 2015 - 08:14 AM in The Museum

I finished a song for one of my college classes XD


#317002 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Chaos on 10 October 2015 - 03:57 PM in The Museum

So... Here's what I've been working on for the past few days... I think it's my best track yet.

You gonna finish this one lol

#316823 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Chaos on 06 September 2015 - 06:54 AM in The Museum

It's poorly mixed but what's happening is that it's a regular kick with a lot of thump to it aka mid freqs. Did you mean that you thought it was a kick+snare 4/4 pattern or that you think I should add a clap? Cause I have no clap on every beat now.

kick+snare 4/4 pattern

I won't be posting here any more.

Awww, that's too bad. Well keep pursuing a musical career!

#316805 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Chaos on 03 September 2015 - 11:24 PM in The Museum

Inital first impression feedback on this?


I feel like the kick after the drop threw me off a little. Like the build up was good, but the kick wasn't hype enough. I imagined a clap and a kick going at the same time. Maybe it's just me being crazy though. It is 1:23am and I'm tired and such lol.

#316753 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Chaos on 29 August 2015 - 10:32 PM in The Museum

Sounds way better than before!

Alright sweet. That means I can actually hear the different frequencies much better with my new headphones XD

#316747 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Chaos on 29 August 2015 - 05:58 AM in The Museum

I think I fixed some of the stuff. I muted the vengeance kick, lowered some of the mid frequencies, and I separated the basses a little bit.


#316688 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Chaos on 21 August 2015 - 07:03 PM in The Museum

Its good I like the drop a lot. But you should really stop using the vengeance samples. The vengeance kick hit really hard and doesn't fit in your prog style at all imo. The hats are also a bit too loud and not panned so it kinda sounds like the kick is going 1/8 if you know what I am saying since the kick high end and the hat sound very similar. I can send you two or three custom kicks that are really nice for your style if you want. Cut some more lows/mids out of stuff that dont need it too so you reduce some of that weight/mudd in your mix which will be a disaster in a car system for example.


Also take a look at your arrangements. I know you love deadmau5 but unless you really know what you're doing when doing these super long intros, I think you should stick to more catchy/faster arrangements cause honestly the intros are always a skip for me on your songs while the drop often is amazing.


Now, it kinda sounds like you haven't seperated your bass (lowmid) from a simple sub. I think you should because the dynamics is kinda wtf in the lows right now since you have like that nice upper bass going on but the same dynamics kinda screws my headphones' sub.

Sweet thanks. I kind of know what you are talking about lol. I got a new laptop recently and I can hear a lot more with it compared to my old one when I listen to the soundcloud file. Now I just have to figure out how to get my version of fls onto the new computer so I don't have to pay for another version. Then I can actually start making better edits.

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