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#133868 Who got a Wii U without pre-ordering?

Posted by Rayven on 19 November 2012 - 04:36 PM in General Gaming

None of the stores around me had them at midnight. The Walmart I went to said they did, but in the 5 minutes it took me to get there, some pimply faced kid with daddy's credit card had bought (or tried to... his card wasn't going through) all the deluxes. Despite the card not going through, the lady at the counter refused to let me purchase one.

The next morning, I went to Fry's electronics and stood in a line of about a dozen people who were there about 10:30 am, most of whom were actually pre-orders. They had no extra deluxes, but they had the white ones. You could only buy it bundled with the Super Mario and Nintendo Land games so I ended up just getting it. Not really happy about the whole purchasing process all in all. I couldn't pre-order anywhere. Every time I tried, it said it was sold out.

#133862 Very Basic Nintendo Land Question

Posted by Rayven on 19 November 2012 - 04:26 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Well, it did actually autosave this time after the update for the game was installed.  I also tried it out this afternoon, just went to the home screen and such, and nothing I did got saved.  Tonight it was successful.

#133831 Very Basic Nintendo Land Question

Posted by Rayven on 19 November 2012 - 03:54 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I feel awfully silly for asking, but how do you save and exit from Nintendo Land?  I tried pushing buttons on the game pad from the main middle area with no luck.  And when I went to the home screen, it didn't save anything (game progress, scores, tutorial progress, etc...)

#133193 Revealing the Wii U Forums' new theme!

Posted by Rayven on 19 November 2012 - 05:07 AM in Site News and Feedback

I just got here yesterday so I don't really recall the old theme. But as others have said, that top banner is way too wide for my MacBook screen and there is no horizontal scroll instigated when I load the page. I'm using Chrome for Mac.

#133158 Greetings

Posted by Rayven on 19 November 2012 - 04:29 AM in Introduction Central

I'm really not big on these intro threads but since I was asked so nicely in my introductory email, I suppose I'll at least put something here.

I'm a mom, wife, student and caregiver for my grandfather with Alzheimer's Disease.  And a relentless geek.  I like when art and science are fused; things beautiful to the eye and to the brain.

Anything else? Ask. ;)

#133157 An honest letdown, but still hopeful

Posted by Rayven on 19 November 2012 - 04:26 AM in Wii U Hardware

I wonder if people migrating from xbox-esque controllers are all going to find the gamepad a bit cumbersome to hold until they use it for a while. Your hands are spread further apart on the gamepad and it's overall got a thinner feel instead of a compact and round feel. The game pad has hills and valleys sculpted into the bottom and, to my hands at least, the fit is fine. My 11 year old daughter also didn't express any distress after playing for a short while.

I will be interested to know how it feels a month from now when it becomes more second-nature to use. I totally agree with the author of this thread when he says the graphics on the gamepad itself were great. I even made my daughter stop playing for a minute so I could gawk over the gamepad view of the game she was playing.

The menus do seem to be laggy and we're having other issues. Today, we're going to focus more on the games made for the Wii U instead of the ones we have for our old Wii and see where that takes us.

Overall, I remain cautiously optimistic about the whole thing.

#132923 Rock Band DLC migration

Posted by Rayven on 18 November 2012 - 07:56 PM in Wii U Hardware

Well I don't know about worse.  The big update necessary out of the box was a bit of an unpleasant surprise.  We're just a regular family who does assorted gaming, not any kind of cutting edge technophiles who have been following the Wii U news forever.  Today has been more unhappiness than happiness beginning with the purchase and ending with this Rock Band debacle.

We love our Wii system, however, and we still have high hopes for the Wii U.  The gamepad is really impressive for what little of it we've been able to really see.  My daughter played a little bit of the Super Mario game and she had a good time.  We've played the Rock Band franchise for quite a few years now and have been huge proponents of voicing our desire for continued support on our console (which is roundly mocked on the Rock Band forums).

Fortunately, it's also Football Day for us (American football) so we got to watch the Packers beat the Lions whilst the update chugged along.

I'm tired and disappointed after day 1.  But I'm cautiously optimistic about getting the kinks worked out.  The potential for this to be a good addition to my household is definitely there if we can get it all sorted out.

#132878 Rock Band DLC migration

Posted by Rayven on 18 November 2012 - 07:21 PM in Wii U Hardware


I was under the impression that we wouldn't experience problems migrating from our old Wii to the Wii U.  My husband has been fighting with this all day.  We did the whole SD card migration thing and now we're stuck, unable to have the DLC on either console.  Since the migration pretty much wipes out the SD card (yes, we made a backup), the old Wii wants us to download everything again.  The Wii U doesn't seem to recognize it's own native available space and it trying to limit us to the native space of the old Wii when trying to re-fetch the songs.

Has anyone been able to port their DLC from Rock Band 3 from one console to the other successfully?  If so, would you be kind enough to share how you did so?

This has been my family's favorite game and we're just all so sorely disappointed this evening.

Thank you in advance for any guidance you can offer. (And I beg patience from the admins if this should be in games... I wandered back and forth trying to decide if this was a software or hardware issue.)

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