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#154838 Wii U frozen at home menu

Posted by RAD on 01 January 2013 - 12:33 PM in Wii U Hardware Help

I've had 2 do this and have sent them back, first for a replacement then for a refund (Amazon)

My original post #18

#154464 Wii U known Hardware Issues/Software bugs so far

Posted by RAD on 31 December 2012 - 10:10 AM in Wii U Hardware

I've had 2 and returned both with the same fault (Zombi U pack). And before any starts on the "user error" accusations, I am very tech savy, and have been using game consoles and pc's for 20 years plus.

Ok, so I eventually get the Wii U connected to the internet having to manually set it up. I then proceed to download the day 1 update, after a few attempts and consulting the Nintendo Support, I finish the download by having to use my mobile phone as a wi-fi hotspot (the update crashes on install using my home wi-fi (Virginmedia))

I then attempt to play a game (first console) or look at Love Film (second console) to be told that an additional download is required. After this download and install (successful) I then try to return to the "Mii Plaza"(?). The console then locks with half the icons on the Game Pad and just the background on the TV, and a slight buzzing sound.

The console can then only reach that point every time. I have unplugged everything and tried booting with nothing unnecessary plugged in/connected. I can still edit and create new Miis but as soon as I select an account to go to it crashes again.

Amazon have been fantastic and replaced the fist console, then gave me a refund when the second one was faulty as well. Don't know if it is a bad batch or what but I am now going to wait a couple of months then try again.

I will definitely get a new one as I have games to play on it and loved what I played before trying to update it. :(

#142521 Problem with updating

Posted by RAD on 03 December 2012 - 09:37 AM in Wii U Hardware

Just spoke to Nintendo customer support, they suggested trying someone else's network , it appears to miss out a chunk of data so won't install. I have unlimited data on my phone so am trying that as a Wi-fi hotspot, so far so good, connected instantly and now down loading. Will keep you updated.

Success !!!! :) . Dropped connection a couple of times but picked up where it left off.
Took an age but got there in the end.
Good luck everyone.

#142458 Problem with updating

Posted by RAD on 03 December 2012 - 04:52 AM in Wii U Hardware

I'm getting the same, download completed then update crashing after 30%.
With Virginmedia 30Mb
I can only assume that the download is corrupted.
Had a similar issue sometime back with something else and people were speculating that the connection was too fast! Sorted itself out in the end so don't know the cause.
Anyone find a solution yet?

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