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#54582 Will Nintedo Grow Up!

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 15 January 2012 - 11:47 AM in Wii U Hardware

Just Ideas guys. Being A loyal Nintedo fan since nes. Just wanna see something different from Nintedo. Their franchise titles are the only ones that make them stand out. I doubt if they'll bring another franchise character to their roster just to make a new mature franchise. So why not imagine one of their current franchise characters in a more mature setting. Graphics aren't going to matter for next generation systems because, let's face it, good graphics are good graphics. It
will come down to the details and the interactions of the games. Innovatively, Nintendo
has already won that fight with it's current wii
controllers and the upcoming wii u controller(it can't be out done by Microsoft or Sony). Third-party companies will flood the wii u with mature titles but will nintendo lead the way or will they be the ones supplying only the casual(sometimes kiddy) gamers.

#54563 Will Nintedo Grow Up!

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 15 January 2012 - 11:11 AM in Wii U Hardware

I'm not saying stop the games they already make, just maybe a mature upgrade for one or two franchise titles.

#54561 Will Nintedo Grow Up!

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 15 January 2012 - 11:09 AM in Wii U Hardware

Nintendo doesn't need to change Mario or Zelda to attract a mature audience, they've been doing the same thing for years and older gamers still buy their games because they appeal to both crowds. Nintendo adding drugs and blood would just be silly to be perfectly honest, the game concept you posted sounds like a bad newgrounds video and less then a game.
Nintendo just like classic Disney and Pixar make things that just hit a certain chord with people that regardless of what they look like they can still be enjoyed by both old fans and young fans alike.

#54557 Wii UHardware Performance - Thoughts

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 15 January 2012 - 11:01 AM in Wii U Hardware

U have a computer not a home console. I will to bet that you have a large cabinet that. Houses your CPU. Now look at your computer and imagine a home console look being that large sitting besides your tv.......feel stupid don't cha.

#54554 Will Nintedo Grow Up!

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 15 January 2012 - 10:44 AM in Wii U Hardware

Already grew, own 2 very successful business, so successful all I do from 8am-1pm is paperwork. After that it's back to Nintendo. I'm more of a visionary. Just think of a more adult alternative of nintendo's current games. The possibility of Mario stomping on a turtle and its guts come out instead of a shell. Still produce regular franchise games but give hardcore gamers a different alternative of the same game.

#54547 Will Nintedo Grow Up!

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 15 January 2012 - 10:12 AM in Wii U Hardware

With the wii and wii u both sitting on the shelf at the same time, their is no way to differentiate a wii u Zelda game from a wii Zelda game. Only the graphics will prove to be different. How long can Zelda live in fairy tale land as a kid warrior. Nintedo will just be making the same up grades of their existing wii games onto the wii u. Just fancier graphics and a few tricks from their Awsome new controller. We're talking hardcore gaming here, and if theres going to be two wii systems on the market then theirs no need for backwards capatibilty because people can just use the wii. The wii u does not make wii u game better graphically so there's no need to use the wii u for wii games, just use your wii for them. This will allow the existing wii users(mostly young) to continue playing their current cute games and allow Wii U users to see Nintendo old games get a more adult upgrade. I have every single nintendo console and handheld ever made, I'm 34, ready for my Zelda to grow up.

#54538 Will Nintedo Grow Up!

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 15 January 2012 - 09:01 AM in Wii U Hardware

While watching the Zelda HD Demo (viewed it 20 times), I can understand why Nintendo lovers are so excited about this new mystical machine that may change the very way we interact with are video games and the experiences we might have with them. However, something seemed very familiar to me in the Zelda HD demo. Take away the very detailed ferocious spider, the cool lighting effects, and the detailed Hd background and all you have left is sparkling fairies and a very detailed CUTE pre-teen looking Link. Don't get me wrong it's beautiful. Very very beautiful. However, Nintendo is stepping into the realm of the " Hardcore" gamers, and a hardcore gamer such as myself is not easily fooled by such a beautiful cute Link; it will only lead to beautiful cute games. I believe that Nintendo should take the opportunity it has with the Wii U to grow up all of it's video game franchises.

Can u imagine a 20+ y/o Link dressed in full(adult) armor, shiny but blood stained shield and sword. On his face a scare or scares from the numerous battles in hyrule during his earlier years, and at his feet lies the head of of the last Hyrule fiend that he just slaughtered. No mask, No Ocarina of Time( well they can leave in the Ocarina part), Just dragons, Warlords, and of course the spider(it's a damn good looking spider). That's hardcore.
Maybe take Mario make him an ex-mobb leader on the run. Imagine this; Mario running through the streets of Chicago, being chased by some hinchmen hired by none other than mafia kingpin himself "King Koppa". Mario runs into a pizza dinner owned buy his brother and under boss "Lugi". Lugi hands him a tommy gun, and they begin to shoot their way out of the dinner and into the streets. The hinchmen surround them and their only option is to crawl into a man hole and make their way throughout the sewage where the stumble onto a world not of turtles and mushrooms, but one where "Koppa's" hinchmen run an illegal drug trade (mushrooms) and perform kidnappings( Princess). Let the rescue begin!

I realize that these are all just made up, but what I'm trying to get at is maybe Nintedo does have a powerful system that can produce HD graphics and is better then the other home console systems, but, they( nintendo) has to produce their own hardcore(grown-up) games in order to lead the way for third party developers. Microsoft did it with Halo. We will have to wait and see if Nintendo can produce it's own hardcore games or will it be left in the hands of third party developers.

#54527 Wii UHardware Performance - Thoughts

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 15 January 2012 - 07:42 AM in Wii U Hardware

Rumored specs says it has 768mb of ram embedded......that's pretty powerful and unbelievable at the same time. This would mean a larger more expensive console that would very easily leave xbox 360 and ps3 in the dirt. However, like I mentioned this would make the wii u a very large console unless nintendo has found a way to put some of the ram onto the wii u controller(it does communicate with the wii u). I think it just an xbox 360 on roids.

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