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#78781 Wii U at E3 vs Sony

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 17 May 2012 - 11:15 AM in Wii U Hardware

You can go back and do the history but plain and simple Sony HATES nintendo. I do believe that they will do everything in their power to try and take attention and gamers away from Wii U. Let's look at how.

1st. I believe Sony will in some form show a tech demo for the PS4. Now sonys CEO said they would be the last to show something and maybe that's true. If that's the case it leads to my second way.

2nd. 3 games! The last of us by naughty dog, the last Guardian by team ICO and the God of War Acension by Santa Monica. These will in my opinion be the 3 best looking games of this gen from a pure polygon aspect. Sony will show off these games and try to sell gamers they don't need the Wii U they can get close to next gen graphics on the PS3.

3rd. Now this goes in line with the above point. A price drop. Sony will drop the price this holiday season when the Wii U is released. So they are going to say we have this great library of games, PSN, blu-ray player and all the 3rd party games the Wii U will launch with(for the most part) by PS3 instead of the Wii U.

Now this is what nintendo must do IMO and sony doesn't stand a chance. 1 show unreal 4 demo running on the Wii U. 2 show a 3rd party next gen graphics exclusive heading to the Wii U. 3 show that they have an amazing 1st party engine for next gen by showing off Retro's new gaming that the newest rumor said will be massive. 4 show off nintendo network and how it can best PSN and LIVE and that's it.

What do you guys think?

I don't think Sony wants it with Nintendo just ask Iwata.


#78774 More Rumors:Black Wii U Shipped To US,Wii U Design

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 17 May 2012 - 10:56 AM in Wii U Hardware

Black Wii U, eh?

Posted Image

Sleek. Me likes. Reminds me of a Michael Jackson song. "it don't matter if your black or white". I'll take either.

#78741 More Rumors:Black Wii U Shipped To US,Wii U Design

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 17 May 2012 - 09:47 AM in Wii U Hardware

I hope Nintendo brings in the founders of Epic Games.

that would trigger the apocalypse.

#78739 More Rumors:Black Wii U Shipped To US,Wii U Design

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 17 May 2012 - 09:28 AM in Wii U Hardware

As E3 gets closer everyone's unknown source starts to here things. Here's some more but at least they're  positive rumors.


I sure hope I can do robot voice with voice chat.

#78738 Dev Kit V5

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 17 May 2012 - 09:21 AM in Wii U Hardware

I suppose nintendo are thinking that movies will be streamed in hi def so whats the point in adding a blu ray. Now im gettiing all excited about the possabilitys of not jus games but tv and film streaming on my tv and the controler! I cant f-ing wait!

Took the words out of my mouth. Check this out.


Nintendo, Ubisoft, and EA knows what's going on? Out of the three, Nintendo and EA have been extremely quiet lately. Ubisoft has been doing all the blabbering especially about socially connecting games. Has Nintendo come up with a clever idea to keep us playing by adding deep, rich, online functionally? Is EA the key to this online functionality? Is Ubisoft the inside hype man who knows all the in's and out's and ninja's? LESS THAN A MONTH BEFORE E3!!!

#78436 Nintendo preparing third parties for digital downloads on Wii U, 3DS

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 15 May 2012 - 08:30 AM in Wii U Hardware

I'm beginning to think that online is their main priority when it comes to the Wii U.

#78334 WiiPad Rumored to use Android OS:

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 14 May 2012 - 09:51 AM in Wii U Hardware

What the HECK MAN! Again with this apps ...

It's like this in order for you to see a different view from what's on the main tv screen, their has to be some kind of CPU/gpu/ram or whatever. We expect the Wii U to stream content to the WiiPad, run the game, recognize your face, allow for touch recognition, and display everything in 1080p. Either this is the most powerful console ever and you need to sit it inside an ice cooler just to keep it from exploding or the WiiPad does have processors/CPU/gpu/arm whatever. I love speculation but I hate bs. What your trying to say is that the WiiPad is just a clear piece of glass and plastic until the console itself streams something to it. Since you work at nintendo tell me how can I get a job

#78329 WiiPad Rumored to use Android OS:

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 14 May 2012 - 09:34 AM in Wii U Hardware

It needs the Wii U console to do that, it doesn't do it by itself.

Posted Image

Lets say this thing was the final Wii U controller design and it has all the features (3-axis accelerometer, 3-axis gyroscope, built-in stereo speakers, front facing camera, IR sensor strip, built-in microphone, etc.) the current controller has. I know people wouldn't be calling this thing a tablet.

Not shaped like one

#78102 WiiPad Rumored to use Android OS:

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 13 May 2012 - 05:57 AM in Wii U Hardware

The Wii U controller is not a controller/tablet it is just a controller with a screen. I don't think size and shape alone make it a tablet or part tablet.

It's more than a controller if it can run apps.

#77973 Dev Kit V5

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 12 May 2012 - 08:16 AM in Wii U Hardware

24 days until we see if any of theses rumors materialize into reality.

#77970 Crytek Testing Wii U:Effects On Par With PC

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 12 May 2012 - 08:05 AM in Wii U Games and Software

It's the DX9 thing that throws it off.What happened to OpenGL?

#77874 Crytek Testing Wii U:Effects On Par With PC

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 11 May 2012 - 01:24 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Learn how to make a thread.
And read the rules.

You're supposed to summarise it, and give us something to discuss.
Then you link a source.

Anyway, this is unicorn tongue. Multiple reasons why, the most obvious being he's claiming to be a Crytek Beta tester.

It's just like every rumor on this forum.Comment on it don't thrash me.

#77869 Crytek Testing Wii U:Effects On Par With PC

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 11 May 2012 - 01:18 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Learn how to make a thread.
And read the rules.

You're supposed to summarise it, and give us something to discuss.
Then you link a source.

Anyway, this is unicorn tongue. Multiple reasons why, the most obvious being he's claiming to be a Crytek Beta tester.

At work posting.if the employees saw me I'd have to fire myself. Going to expand more when I get off.

#77852 Crytek Testing Wii U:Effects On Par With PC

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 11 May 2012 - 11:28 AM in Wii U Games and Software


#77724 WiiPad Rumored to use Android OS:

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 10 May 2012 - 11:46 AM in Wii U Hardware

I'm saying that iPad is a tablet. The wiipad is a controller.

You buy an iPad for portability and to able to other stuff than gaming and some extra stuff. You buy the wii u for gaming. You can't really compare them.

Nope...WiiPad is controller/tablet or a tablet with a controller. The best of both worlds. They can be compared with the exception of mobilty. It's like getting tablet and a console in the same box. Combined they'll both be cheaper than iPad.

#77701 WiiPad Rumored to use Android OS:

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 10 May 2012 - 09:50 AM in Wii U Hardware

The iPad is fully portable and Wii Pad have to be 10 meters from wii u. You can't say it's better than iPad, two completely different products with different audiences.

iPad is not an ideal game device. It's just that it can play games. It needs a thumb stick or something for better game control. Plus there's not as much depth to tablet games. @ 420 every day I take break:) after this break my hands become very sweaty. This causes oil build-up on my iPads screen cover making it very difficult to play the simplest touch games like Angry Birds. Nintendo maybe playing catch up in graphics power, but, the are "THE GODS" of controller design. I'm a little cautious on the Hardware specs but I'm confident that Nintendo will produce a gaming controller that can't be matched or replicated. Check their history, their controllers are groundbreaking...............and their doing it again.

............the Atari joystick was the greatest controller every made(that one red button did everything...jump,kick,accelerate, ect.)......Until the WiiPad.

#77658 WiiPad Rumored to use Android OS:

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 10 May 2012 - 04:05 AM in Wii U Hardware

I use it exactly for that, i don't even have a smarphone, my brother does have however, samsung galaxy S2, so I kind of tested it ... but still mobile devices are so crap, the touchscreen senors is the biggest issue, it just doesn't respond properly and is pretty stupid, i point with finger like an idiot i would smash the sceen if it was mine and old and worthless. The idea of picking with a big finger on a screen is a terrible idea, it's not practical.

I have an old nokia phone, enough. it even has wlan so for any quick Web stuff checking news is just fine.

The Wiipad has a much larger screen than smartphones so that's easier on the fingers so some apps(angry birds) should be better to play in my opinion. A hd gaming system with a tablet and it's still hundreds cheaper than the cheapest iPad. Wii U is a winner in my book. I can finally give my iPhone a rest.

#77621 Dev Kit V5

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 09 May 2012 - 06:22 PM in Wii U Hardware

Yah not many times will you have 4 local players. A friend could bring their Wii U over and say for Mario Party 10 2 people on each console playing online?

plus that's what online multiplayer is for.

#77587 Dev Kit V5

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 09 May 2012 - 02:29 PM in Wii U Hardware

Ideamans change to the dev kit is not the controller. That was the only hint. So it's probably a software/OS feature

Voice and facial recognition?

#77586 WiiPad Rumored to use Android OS:

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 09 May 2012 - 02:16 PM in Wii U Hardware

exactly .. it might be used for some flyby on-screen warnings, error, low battery, diagnostic stuff , but full interaction very unlikely.

along with the hardware stuff that obvious, but im going to list it for anyone still not getting what exactly:
- led lights
- control inputs (buttons, sensors, circle pads)
- touchscreen controller
- wireless AV signal decoding
- misc operations (camera, mic, memory, nfc ...etc)
- extension detection and support

So doesn't really matter what kind of OS works in the background for this, as long as it's functioning properly without latency issues and as responsive and optimized as possible.

This is normally called firmware, but on top of that could be a "software" OS in dev mode for better and more stuff possible with the device operations, certainly the OS will also calculate stuff and send back to the console to offload processing that can easily be done without having to go through wireless signal, processed, and then into the TV screen, but rather directly and available. I think this is a big and important reason.

As they claim without latency issues, you'd think that all processing is done on the console as we said about the actual graphics stuff that substantial processing power is required, but im talking about these MISC things that should be processed on the controller, you don't want your touchscreen input to be wirelessly transmitted to the console to be processed and then back to register on the controllers screen, bad idea. They will sort out all of this so the tablet will have self-sustainability in it's local operations except the AV stuff, with the video/audio feed will come solely from the system main where the actual power of the system is which is a much better choice technically and practically, so there will be no video/audio rendering on the controller as it was said by nintendo, those so called "apps" will be nothing special at all.

Stuff like Apple names is often a gimmick buzzword, stuff like "retina display" - it is not any new technology at all, it's just a LED TFT LCD screen with a bigger than usual pixel density that is claimed (by apple) to be the max of the detail the human eye can detect. Worthless .. why, that's because everything looks crap already, the screen won't make the textures(source) magically better.

The word Apps is short for Applications ... it's a word denoting something smaller. It's nothing special again, those are smaller games and programs, i won't use them, i don't need them, they're not important for me, it might be useful to number of people who actually are buying nintendo console for this. Nintendo needs to do this because the competition is forcing them, I don't care for these apps at all, i have mobile phone for that if i need, stupid gadget always-online freaks people. blyah

Well...now you can use your mobile phone to just make mobile phone calls...Enjoy every aspect of the Wii U my friend:)

#77554 WiiPad Rumored to use Android OS:

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 09 May 2012 - 04:47 AM in Wii U Hardware

It'd need an ARM chip to decode video coming from the console.

As a point of pointing, everything needs an operating system to function.
It's entirely possible the upad will use android or a variant of linux to fuction.
We won't have access to it in the way of a GUI or anything though, most likely.

Thanks for the backup

#77361 Dev Kit V5

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 07 May 2012 - 05:58 PM in Wii U Hardware


#77135 Rumors: All In One

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 05 May 2012 - 04:52 PM in Wii U Hardware

Look how many. If just 10% of the good rumors are true the Wii U will be hard to compete with.

#77103 Rumors: All In One

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 05 May 2012 - 01:13 PM in Wii U Hardware


#76120 Eternal Darkness 2 Wii U?

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 30 April 2012 - 02:29 PM in Wii U Games and Software

They should release the original game in HD just to let everyone warm up to the type of gameplay

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