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#113952 Anyone here got RE6 early?

Posted by 00stevo on 30 September 2012 - 02:46 PM in General Gaming

Yes theres defo a romance,although its leon chasing ada if you get what i mean.Maybe resi 7 will get us there? :P
Also the game is as long as you want it to be. There are 3 main stories and you have a choice of 2 characters per story. The secondary characters will take slightly different routes if your in co-op play,but all in all its all the same.

The game is meant for co-op so grab a friend and get blasting.

#113922 Anyone here got RE6 early?

Posted by 00stevo on 30 September 2012 - 12:44 PM in General Gaming

Yh the endings dont really give anything away.(wide open for a sequal)But collectively,the stories from all parts make sense(a bit) when you get to ada's campaign.And yeah like i said the boss battles make up for all the lame running around inbetween. Overall a good game,spectacular in some parts,dire in others,but ill happily give it an 8/10.

I think they should give the next game to ada,she is so cool and collected plus sexy,she is the perfect character to base a resi game around.

I almost lol'd when that machine was asking her questions while the sub was sinking and shes like 'im kinda busy right now,but yeah go on then' pure class.

Leon + Ada would be perfect for the next game imo.

#113794 Anyone here got RE6 early?

Posted by 00stevo on 30 September 2012 - 02:42 AM in General Gaming

Well it took me something like 20-odd hours to finish the first 3 on veteran. So its not quite full campaigns but something inbetween. Some chapters last longer than others. What amazes me is how they've got the gfx looking so good. Easily on par with the best ever produced on the current consoles. I cant wait to see what the PC version looks like.

#116487 To those who played RE6 (Leon campaign story spoilers)

Posted by 00stevo on 10 October 2012 - 12:09 PM in General Gaming

He's obviously just a nut job who thrives on the power to make decisions that have a huge effect. Also Capcom needed to give us the urge to pursue him because no one that is sane would launch missiles on anyone.

As for what family he is part of,i dont know but im guessing capcom will expand it in the next game,we need a new Wesker lol. I wouldnt be surprised if capcom thought of some way to ressurect him,because lets be honest he was sorely missed in Resi 6.

I just hope Resi 7 is one big campaign,with Leon and ADA as the main characters. Capcom could even let us briefly control other characters at certain points in the game,like Chris/Jill/Claire etc.Resi 6 was too unfocused,and it felt disjointed. But i did enjoy the overall story especially when everything pieces together after Ada's campaign. We can only hope.

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