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#109932 Is Bayonetta too much for me?

Posted by DallasDiatorei on 19 September 2012 - 04:22 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Glad I can help! And welcome to the forums by the way :D You should write up an introduction in the Introduce Yourself section of the forums! Also, chat is a great way to get to know other members :3 Hope you become active and enjoy it here ^^

Thanks. I hope so too. :)

Well, attitude. Shes not one of those great female characters with a likeable personality like Jade from Beyond Good or Evil or Alyx form Half-Life 2 but more of a kick ass and taking some names-kinda character.

Regarding Bayonetta on Playstation 3 you should be aware of that the PS3-demo is based on the unpatched version of the full-game and is basicly a very broken game. If you have the option to play the game on Xbox 360 instead you should do so instead.

Well that is good to know at least. Like I said in my last post, those are my favorite types of characters. I haven't actually played either of those games you mentioned though, so I have no idea who those characters are. Sorry.

And I don't actually have an XBox so. Not really an option there. |8

#109899 Is Bayonetta too much for me?

Posted by DallasDiatorei on 19 September 2012 - 12:16 AM in Wii U Games and Software

She wears tight leather, has a special attack where there are some PG13 nudity (i.e not much nudity at all. More like teasing of the idea of nudity) and Bayonetta has attitude. Where according to some men are the same thing as sexy. If you can deal with this, you are a go.

Tight leather and nudity don't really bother me most of the time themselves. It is more the intent and execution of stuff like that that tends to do so. Basically anything that is just overtly sexual.

I have to ask what you mean by "attitude" though. I've always loved strong female characters. The ones that just do whatever the hell they want despite what anyone else says. i.e. Samus (not counting Other M), Tetra, characters like that. If that is what you mean by attitude. Then awesome. I am all for that.

Well.. to put it into perspective.. she stripes into almost nothing but her hair covering her nips. My suggestion would be to try out the demo first (which should be available for download). It's only about 20 minutes long, but it'll give you a really good idea of what you're getting yourself into.

I was actually unaware that there was a demo. I will have to try that out when I get my PS3 back in October.

#109886 Is Bayonetta too much for me?

Posted by DallasDiatorei on 18 September 2012 - 10:53 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Yea it's too much for you.

I suppose I should have picked a different title. The questions I really wanted answered where the ones toward the end. "How sexual is it?" "Is it actually fun?" "Is is worth playing despite my prudishness?" "If I do end up playing it is there anything I should be warned about before hand?" stuff like that.

This is more of a way for me to make up my own mind based on input from people that actually have played the game. Not for them to just make my mind up for me.

Maybe you should spend the money on a psychologist instead...?

That seems like a really pointless thing to see a psychologist for.

#109878 Is Bayonetta too much for me?

Posted by DallasDiatorei on 18 September 2012 - 09:39 PM in Wii U Games and Software

(First off, I have no idea if this is in the right section or not. I just made this account today because I really would like to hear what other people think about this, and couldn't think of another place to post it.)

So I have been hearing a whole lot of good things about Bayonetta recently (for obvious reasons), and went and did a little research and... well... it actually looks really fun. And since I really don't like playing sequels to games without having ever played the originals, I am considering going out and getting it sometime soon.

However, there is a bit of a problem.... I'm a teensy bit prudish... and thus sexual stuff in games sort of bother me. And from what I have seen of the title character at least, this game appears to have a bit of a sexaulized style at first glance. And no I'm not one of those "OH TEH NOES THINK OF TEH CHILLLDRENS???" people who thinks videogames should be nothing but kids games. I honestly don't care what people put in games, so long as it is rated in a way that lets me know exactly what it is I am buying. I just don't like sexual stuff. It makes me feel kind of sick. If I had to explain the feeling in detail, it is sort of like looking over the edge of a really tall building combined with the feeling you get when you have eaten way too much.

So I was just wondering... exactly how sexual is the game? Is it just the main character? Is the game actually as fun as it looks? Fun enough to put up with all the sexual stuff? Like I said, I really want to give this game a shot. But I don't want to waste time and/or money if it indeed turns out being too much for me to handle.

TL;DR: I am a prude, but I want to play Bayonetta. Wat do?

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