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#137067 I'm back for more ...

Posted by electricaldoctor on 23 November 2012 - 05:58 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Thanx for your support and advice everyone. I sure hope that Santa gets my letter in time this year. I've been trying to be a good boy, but it can be extremely difficult at times. Just in case that I don't get back this way for a while, I will take this opportunity to wish y'all a Merry Christmas. I know that it is still four weeks away, but better early than never.

#136612 I'm back for more ...

Posted by electricaldoctor on 23 November 2012 - 12:29 AM in Wii U Games and Software

As we only had about 6 titles on the old system, we never got beyond such entry level games such as bowling, etc. so we never really got settled into one groove or another. If i could get directed towards where all of the titles for the new system are located, perhaps I could quickly narrow down where our interests will lie as a good jumping off point. We found that it is good clean entertainment for when friends and family visit us and we would like to continue by upgrading to the new system. If the new system is too far advanced for old gogies like me, I am sure that the younger kids will enjoy it.

#136594 I'm back for more ...

Posted by electricaldoctor on 22 November 2012 - 11:37 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Yesterday, this 66 year old newbie was quickly taken to task for saying more than "Hello" in my intro post. My bad for not taking the time to read the rules.

I purchased our Wii game console about 4 years ago and it very rarely gets used as we are not "gamers" so please be patient for my ignorance when it comes to the proper gaming world lingo, etc. When we do get it out, we enjoy it immensely and I am interested in upgrading it to the new system. With the old system, I had hoped to be able to play against some of our out of town friends, but that didn't work out too well. As my knowledge is quite limited at this point in time, I hope that the new system offers more features and titles than the old console did.

I will also mention that my forum expertise is extremely limited as I only belong to one other site and it is for boating and not gaming. Perhaps I had better close for now before I get flamed for running off at the mouth.


#136323 Newbie here. Wii are from Kingston, Ontario

Posted by electricaldoctor on 22 November 2012 - 12:51 PM in Introduction Central

I'm out of here ... I don't like the feel of this site already. Thanx for nothing.

#136315 Newbie here. Wii are from Kingston, Ontario

Posted by electricaldoctor on 22 November 2012 - 12:48 PM in Introduction Central

Sigh ... well enlighten me "most learned one"

Is this site about knowledge sharing or "Newbie Bashing"??

#136276 Newbie here. Wii are from Kingston, Ontario

Posted by electricaldoctor on 22 November 2012 - 12:00 PM in Introduction Central

I see that Wal-Mart is offering up the latest Wii U Console with a Wii U Game Pad for $299.00
They did not have any reviews as yet,so I am curious as to why I would upgrade my older unit.
Any thoughts on this.


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