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#144887 Just sold my Wii U!

Posted by suzuki650 on 07 December 2012 - 02:20 AM in Wii U Hardware

Why are you guys trying to defend Nintendo and it's almost like you're mad at him for selling his Wii U, he's right,  2D Mario sure as hell doesn't cut it for a whole new console, and the third party games are mostly on par or worse than the 360/PS3 counterparts, let him buy one in the future if he is interested in new games coming out.

Well, they've rushed it out for Christmas haven't they (day one system update of 1Gb then another one of 625mb not long after says it all) and they want (need) a good head starts on Microsoft and Sony's new consoles.

#144882 Just sold my Wii U!

Posted by suzuki650 on 07 December 2012 - 01:33 AM in Wii U Hardware

I just... don't understand why you'd go ahead and let yourself have a £20 loss, when you can have it collect dust and not lose anything. :/ I don't get your "Why let it collect dust?" argument when it's obviously the better option compared to losing money when you buy it again. Unless you're planning on waiting however long until the first Wii U bundle with a £20+ game you happen to like pops up... Because the price probably won't go down for at least 3 years, judging by the Wii. Plus the fact that they're losing money already making them reluctant to drop the price even if the sales are slower than Wii's. Not that I see slow sales happening considering the good games coming out Q1-Q2 next year... (IMO anyways, cause Aliens and Pikmin's cool.)

At least you make sense lol. It's best to just wait it out and see if the games or price drop comes first if you don't like what you see at launch and the near future. That way you don't lose money and you don't feel like you wasted $300 on a console.

Like I said, I haven't really lost anything, I've got to play several games to completion and play with the consoles features. Think of it as paying just £20 to rent it for a week.It's really no biggy. People will happily blow that on a few drinks down the pub for one night.

It was nothing to do with a lack of games or being dumb and not 'researching' before buying. I'm 42, been buying consoles at launch for years now, this is actually the only one I will be selling soon after having my wicked way with it, hehe. Seriously though, the thing is so slow that I don't want to touch it again until all that is sorted out, if they ever can. It makes the PS3 downloads and installs seem like lightning speed.

While I do not understand the need to post about it here, I think its fair enough to sell the console if the poster is only going to lose £20.

Renting a Wii U with ZombiU for £20 is very good value.

Exactly, thank you.

#144424 Just sold my Wii U!

Posted by suzuki650 on 06 December 2012 - 03:38 AM in Wii U Hardware

...and the really slow UI and downloads.  ;)

#144420 Just sold my Wii U!

Posted by suzuki650 on 06 December 2012 - 03:22 AM in Wii U Hardware

Learn to read mate.

a] It's not a problem.

b] I clearly stated I knew there would be few games (same on any new console)

c] Already have a PS3/360

d] Learn to read

#144415 Slow loads not really

Posted by suzuki650 on 06 December 2012 - 03:12 AM in Wii U Hardware

Click into System Settings. Wait 15 seconds. Now click Back. Wait 20 seconds. That's slow, and everyone is affected. Nintendo is aware of the issue and will patch it, but it's a real annoyance to have to wait for something to load when I never wait to go into screens like that on my 360.


It's appallingly slow. 15 seconds just to get into system settings, then another 15 second to go back to the home screen. Anything like that is almost instantaneous on the PS3, 360 and has been since launch day, not like it had to be patched to make it faster.

#144410 Just sold my Wii U!

Posted by suzuki650 on 06 December 2012 - 02:37 AM in Wii U Hardware

No whining here, just stating why I got it and why I'm selling it. I got to play Zombie U, Nintendo Land and play with Miiverse and all the console features over the course of a week for a measly £20 loss. Absolutely no big deal at all so why not get it just for one game, as you say? :)

#144395 Just sold my Wii U!

Posted by suzuki650 on 06 December 2012 - 01:31 AM in Wii U Hardware

@ Red Koopa Trooper

Why though? there aren't many games (obviously as it's a new console) and I've already played the best multiplatform ones on PC - Darksiders 2, Batman, Mass Effect 3. No point letting it sit there to gather dust. A year from now they'll probably have refined it a bit more and improved things, and there will be games to play, and it'll all be cheaper.

You could ask yourself why bother getting it in the first place. Well, I really wanted to see what it was like and really wanted to play Zombi U. Now that's done it has no purpose. Got a PS3 for Netflix and games, PC for games and browser etc.

Also, there don't seem to be any decent games on the horizon next year. Nintendo Direct didn't reveal anything of interest. They really needed a big AAA title like a new Metroid or something at least but anything like that seems to be way off!

#144373 Just sold my Wii U!

Posted by suzuki650 on 06 December 2012 - 12:24 AM in Wii U Hardware

That's the price of an early adapter, you have to deal with the lack of games for awhile. Eventually you'll miss your Wii and you'll regret selling it.

I don't think so, as long as you don't make much of a loss on selling it. I'm going to sell mine when I'm done with Zombi U (which is great) and I'll lose just £20 in the process from what I originally paid. I don't mind that, it just means it cost me £20 to rent it for two weeks.

I'll just buy one again when there are plenty of games I want and the console should almost definitely be cheaper then too. Hopefully they'll have sorted out the incredibly slow updates and installs by then too.

#143905 New Update right now?!

Posted by suzuki650 on 05 December 2012 - 03:27 AM in Wii U Hardware

Another phenomenally slow download. Nintendo need to sort this crap out.

#143100 Nintendo Wii U Setup

Posted by suzuki650 on 04 December 2012 - 05:50 AM in Wii U Hardware

The system update took about 90 minutes for me and I'm on Virgin's 100mbit connection (12mb a second!). The 1GB download in theory should have taken no more than two minutes, lol, although obviously wireless will be slower than an ethernet connection. Still, shouldn't have taken any more then 10 minutes tops.

God knows what Nintendo have done to make it so slow.

#143086 Gamepad Problems

Posted by suzuki650 on 04 December 2012 - 05:10 AM in Wii U Hardware

The new pad is exactly the same. I guess it's just normal then. Can't understand why there is no rumble in ZombiU when there is an option for it in the settings. I wouldn't call a very weak vibration when you use the scanner a rumble feature, lol.

#143053 Gamepad Problems

Posted by suzuki650 on 04 December 2012 - 04:33 AM in Wii U Hardware

As far as the light goes, I've never seen it light up. I believe it only does that for notifications, which I haven't turned on.

I don't get weak rumble, but I also don't know about those games in particular. I've only played 20 minutes of ZombiU and I haven't touched Battle Quest yet.

I see, did you not get as far as using a weapon in ZombiU?

I know for a fact from someone else it should vibrate when using the bat or a gun but I get nothing on mine.

UPDATE: Anyway, went back to GAME and they exchanged the gamepad for a new one (after the manager made a lengthy phone call to someone). That was surprisingly hassle free. Hopefully this one works ok.

#143046 Gamepad Problems

Posted by suzuki650 on 04 December 2012 - 02:52 AM in Wii U Hardware

Hi all.

Ok, I was playing ZombiU then realised after a while that the rumble doesn't work in the pad except for when I use the scanner, I just get a weak short vibration when I use it. Using the cricket bat or gun I get no vibration at all.

Same for the Zelda game in Nintendo Land, I get a gentle vibration when I fire an arrow but it's very weak. The gamepad rattles as well on the right side, is something loose?

Also, I've never seen the light come on on the Home button.

Is any of this normal? I don't really want the hassle of packing it all up and taking it back to the store if I can help it.

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