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#219918 How would you grade each conference?

Posted by J.D.R on 11 June 2013 - 04:18 PM in E3 2013 Archive

Sony: B+


MS: C- (They have a bunch of games that look pretty good, but not that great of a conference)


Nintendo: B- (I was really expecting more, but I'm excited for the new "3D" Mario game, and SSB!)

#183446 IGN: How to Keep Mario Kart from Going Stale

Posted by J.D.R on 16 March 2013 - 05:23 PM in Wii U Games and Software

A level editor would be great, and im not talking about those so called level editors which only let you change a small selection of things on a pre-existing track. Im talking a fully customisable level editor similar to mod nation racers where you could create your own scenery and race track and then show your friends what you made, oh the possibilities :)


While im happy with the character roster as is, it would be nice to see some DLC come in, having the retro tracks come as DLC would probably sell much better.


This is what I'm talking about!

#183337 IGN: How to Keep Mario Kart from Going Stale

Posted by J.D.R on 16 March 2013 - 10:20 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I actually think a shop system where we could earn/buy coins (similar to an IOS game) could be a good idea. So you earn how ever many coins you get in a game and you can use them to buy new characters, tracks ect.




This is just a thought, customizing karts should be in the game(already stated before in thread). You could use the karts you have unlocked, take the parts from the karts you have unlocked/purchased, and build (for example) a Batmobile looking kart. With Miiverse, you could trade/sell (with in-game coins) your parts or whole karts to other players. The whole customize/purchase concept could pretty much be summarized to be like TF2's system. Just no hats :P.

#180876 Nintendo E3 2013 Lineup

Posted by J.D.R on 09 March 2013 - 06:58 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Even though I've made my line-up list in other threads, I'm going to do it once more. (With some changes).


In no particular order:


3rd Party (Dream list/partially realistic):


-MGS: HD Collection

-GTA: HD Collection


-Something from Valve (c'mon, this is a "dream-list!" Highly unlikely that Valve will develop something for Wii U. But if they did: Orange Box 2.0, Half Life HD Collection, Portal 2?)


-MVC 3

-Street Fighter X Tekken


-Watch Dogs

-And maybe, just MAYBE!!! EA will straighten up and put stuff on Wii U!! ONCE AGAIN, THIS IS A "DREAM-LIST!" I realize EA will more than likely not put much else on Wii U. But if they did: Battlefield 4, ME Trilogy Collection (ME 1,2 & 3 w/ all DLC!), Medal of Honor, Dead Space.



1st Party (What we expect):


-Mario 3D (Galaxy Team)

-Yoshi Yarn

-Mario Kart U/8

-SSB Universe



-Pokemon X?

-Retro Studios game

-Zelda WW HD


1st Party (Dream list/partially realistic):


-Zelda U (next Zelda game) Details/Art

-Metroid U & Metroid HD Collection (Metroid, Metroid II, Super Metroid, Metroid Prime)

-StarFox U (This will be great with the four Wii remotes, and also the gamepad)

-F-Zero U (I'm actually getting tired of the potential "U" name for each potential Wii U game.

-Mario V. Donkey Kong! Come on! The gamepad would be perfect!

-Wario Land U

-Wii Sports U :P



More E3 2013 Announcements:


-2 Gamepads

-VC having GC games!!!!

-VC getting ramped up patch, including additions of other games: Yoshi's Island,*cough* and Gameboy (Original) games: Super Mario Land,


#175161 What games do you want ported to wii u?

Posted by J.D.R on 23 February 2013 - 06:17 PM in Wii U Games and Software

If these are theoretically decently ported titles, then I'd like to see:

-MGS HD Collection
-Battlefield 3&4
-And since PS4 got Diablo III, maybe Wii U could get Diablo III & Starcraft (series)? Maybe?
-GTA V (and, or GTA HD collection)
-"_____" Valve game?

I really hope Valve makes a game (exclusive) for Wii U. But, since this is a list of "ports", I would want, OrangeBox or Portal 2. I don't really care, just put something on the console!

#174635 Injustice: DLC

Posted by J.D.R on 22 February 2013 - 06:02 PM in Wii U Games and Software

DLC was confirmed in that a Nintendo Direct for Wii U, and its gonna be characters and stages...cuz that's really the only fundamentals of a fighter...

Ah, I see.

#174629 Injustice: DLC

Posted by J.D.R on 22 February 2013 - 05:55 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Hello everyone!

In the latest Nintendo Direct, it was said that "Injustice: Gods Among Us" would be getting a "ton" of DLC. I'm not sure what kind of DLC that means. Probably maps, characters, etc.

What would you like to see as DLC for Injustice (Wii U)?

#174506 Hello Everyone, I'm Scribbleworx

Posted by J.D.R on 22 February 2013 - 09:25 AM in Introduction Central


#173467 Who's interested in Injustice?

Posted by J.D.R on 20 February 2013 - 10:08 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I've wanted this delectable game since it was first announced for the Wii U the only thing that bothers me is that there is no DLC if you preorder the game.

I dunno about DLC at release, but in the newest Nintendo Direct, it was said that "a ton" of DLC would be on it's way.

#173210 Destiny for Wii U

Posted by J.D.R on 19 February 2013 - 05:45 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Forgive me if this topic has already been posted.

As I'm sure you know, Bungie's new game, Destiny. (set to be released in 2014) Is available for pre-order for PS3 and of course Xbox 360 on Gamestop's web-site. But what about Wii U?

Here's a link:


#164622 Yarn Yoshi

Posted by J.D.R on 29 January 2013 - 02:21 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Maybe (hopefully) we'll see Yoshi's Island on the VC for the release of "Yoshi-Yarn."

#164617 What GCN games should be remastered next?

Posted by J.D.R on 29 January 2013 - 02:13 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I don't fully understand the phrase: "I missed it the first time around." I understand that it means this person did not get the game when it first came out. But you can still get lots of Gamecube, PS2, GBA, etc. games at Gamestop or eBay.

I wouldn't mind if Nintendo continued to make "reborn" GCN games, but they had better be more than a little different from the original. Otherwsie, but it on the e-Shop!

#163901 Legend of zelda wind waker is a full price commercial release

Posted by J.D.R on 27 January 2013 - 06:08 PM in Wii U Games and Software

$60 is not horrible, but it's a little steep.

#163077 What is Retro Studios Working on?

Posted by J.D.R on 25 January 2013 - 04:34 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Rumor got shot down.

Whew! Good thing too.

I think that rumor was started around May, and I must have not heard about it's demise.

#163068 What is Retro Studios Working on?

Posted by J.D.R on 25 January 2013 - 04:16 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Hopefully new Starfox game.

What ever happened to the Starfox-Metroid universe crossover game?

#163037 Early E3 General Discussion

Posted by J.D.R on 25 January 2013 - 02:30 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Wishful thinking list of 3rd party Wii U games to be announced:

-Bioshock (Rapture Edition)
-Saint's Row 3
-Street Fighter X Tekken
-Valve's Orange Box
-Resident Evil HD collection
-Awesome RTS (?)
-Dead Island (not a cheap port)
-Borderlands 2

Realistic list of 3rd party Wii U games to be announced:

-Max Payne 3
-WWE 13
-(Latest COD)

#162971 Sakurai explains Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS trickle of info @ E3

Posted by J.D.R on 25 January 2013 - 12:49 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I just hope there's some sort of F-Zero game in the mix.

And cross-platform play (Wii U-3DS) would make SSB4 the best installment yet! With some more 3rd party characters of course. :)

#162925 Injustice: Gods Among Us "Versus" Cinematic Trailer

Posted by J.D.R on 25 January 2013 - 11:43 AM in Wii U Games and Software

This would be a good example of DLC on the Wii U, buying characters like: Ganthet, Golden-age Flash, Super Boy Prime, etc. would be pretty sweet IMO.

#162756 My Body just Wasnt ready

Posted by J.D.R on 24 January 2013 - 06:24 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I was shaking up and down during the last of half of the Direct. It was great! Can't wait 'till E3!

I'm a little hesitent on the art-style of the Yoshi game. But, all the other games out-weighed Yoshi with awesomeness! Don't get me wrong, a new Yoshi game is gonna' be great! But, is the art-style supposed to be like Kirby Epic Yarn? What's the deal?

#162753 Wii U Wishlist

Posted by J.D.R on 24 January 2013 - 06:18 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I know most of these have been said before, but I'll say 'em again anyway.

-GTAV (Would be great!)

-Mass Effect Collection

-Bioshock Collection

-Street Fighter X Tekken (I don't even care if it's a port, I'd prefer it not to be)

-SSB4 With tons of 3rd party characters (Big Daddy, Ezio Auditore, Ken-Blanka-M. Bison, etc.)

-Yosh's Island, with Baby Mario

-Maybe a Legend of Zelda HD collection (including some handheld Zelda games.)

Also, Gamecube games on the Wii U VC. I know it's kinda' a long shot.

#162750 HELLO!

Posted by J.D.R on 24 January 2013 - 06:08 PM in Introduction Central

Hello everyone!

I am new here (I bet you figured that out already)! I have been watching and reading from this forum since summer 2011 (e3 2011 era). But, since I was not planning on buying a WII U at luanch I was hestitent to create an account on here. I don't even have a WII U now! But, so much awesomeness is going on down here, that I can't resist being part of it all!

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