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#167814 Persist preferences for second player inverted flight settings in Sonic?

Posted by JDThird on 06 February 2013 - 04:12 PM in Wii U Games and Software Help

I can't help but think this game would stink without joysticks - I'd never want to try to play with a wii remote...

I can give it a shot though just to see if the problem persists...  for troubleshooting at least...

I'm not sure if you can change it permanently. Surely you can explore the options menu on the main menu to make it so.

If not, then the only other alternatives are that you change it manually every time, or perhaps learn the default function.

He's 9 - I tried to teach him about how regular flight controls would work, but he gets frustrated...  I tried and I can persist the invert on the pad through reboots and power cycles, it never loses the setting for player 1, but player 2 it just refuses to remember at all...

#167782 Persist preferences for second player inverted flight settings in Sonic?

Posted by JDThird on 06 February 2013 - 02:52 PM in Wii U Games and Software Help

My son and I play Sonic All Stars Transformed a lot.  But it's very very annoying that the second player settings for the invert settings for flight never persist.

So every time we start a new game, the first time he starts flying he ends up having to pause it to change the flight preferences.  After that we're good through all races, of course, until we quit the game and play again later.

There *HAS* to be some way for it to persist for the second player?  It persists fine for me on the pad, but not for him using the pro controller.

Thanks for any ideas, as this is VERY VERY frustrating!


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