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#317079 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by CUD on 19 October 2015 - 10:38 PM in The Café

Finally got the Metroid Prime Trilogy. My life is almost complete.


#317153 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by CUD on 06 November 2015 - 11:26 PM in The Café

Picked these up pretty recently.



#317285 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by CUD on 19 November 2015 - 02:07 PM in The Café

Oh cool, I never heard they were releasing a new version of Odin Sphere. I'll probably get it on Vita.

#316973 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by CUD on 02 October 2015 - 01:54 AM in The Café

Got these today. Couldn't resist those prices.


#315909 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by CUD on 08 July 2015 - 04:16 PM in The Café


"All blue coins exposed"

Hope this has some uncensored blue coin on blue coin action.

#315649 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by CUD on 01 July 2015 - 03:16 AM in The Café


#317163 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by CUD on 08 November 2015 - 03:57 AM in The Café



Do you have any other World of Nintendo figures? I ordered the Metroid one last week. From what I've seen, most of the WoN figures aren't that high quality compared to other companies out there so I'm not sure that I'd want Samus since the Figma Samus is a lot better.. Although the Figma is the Other M style Varia suit while the WoN one is Metroid Prime but it's not much of a difference anyway and even then the quality of the Figma is considerably higher. The Metroid figure (if you can call it that) was the only one that I really wanted from WoN.


Anywho, do you plan on opening them or do you collect them boxed?

#317037 Currently playing thread

Posted by CUD on 16 October 2015 - 03:09 PM in General Gaming

TF2 is getting most of my playtime as per usual. I'm also replaying No More Heroes which I never got around to finishing in the past.

#312424 Currently playing thread

Posted by CUD on 27 April 2015 - 05:02 AM in General Gaming

Lately mostly TF2 but also some Dragon Ball Xenoverse. I want to finish Star Wars Force Unleashed II in the near future and finally get back to Batman Arkham Origins before Arkham Knight comes out.

#313911 Splatoon Is A Bad Unfinished Game

Posted by CUD on 05 June 2015 - 06:55 PM in Wii U Games and Software

PS: Mics in FPSes are awful and you should feel bad for thinking mics are ever a good idea.


I feel really bad right now.

#311894 Splatoon Voice Chat... the reason we wont get it

Posted by CUD on 12 April 2015 - 05:43 AM in Wii U Games and Software

No you cannot chat across games with friends, there's no "party" system like on xbox or whatever the equivalent is on playstation. The only way you can communicate with your friends is to go onto miiverse and send them a private message or use the video chat (which is in a separate app so you cannot do anything else while using it).


Ah, that's what I thought might be the case. That makes this much worse and comparisons to Dark Souls or other PS or Xbox games that lack voice chat are even less valid considering this.


Agreed with the rest of your post. I really don't see how this decision could be defended.

#311883 Splatoon Voice Chat... the reason we wont get it

Posted by CUD on 11 April 2015 - 10:51 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Gamepad has a mic on it and you can video chat. MK8 lets you post match. Again I say why is it a big deal people praise Dark Souls and Journey and niether have voice chat either.


But can you voice chat across games like I asked? Well not necessarily across games but just to other friends while in-game through the OS.


Why are you comparing Spatoon to other team based shooters? A game none of us have played but looking at it may as well compare Mario Kart 8 to Driveclub if you keep comparing it to other team based shooters.  You race so must be the same right? It may not even be needed in Splatoon.


In Dark Souls it would be nice to communicate telling a dude how to strategize on a boss. Instead the series uses emotes from MMO's in the 90s.


Are you being serious? I really can't tell. Journey? That game not including voice chat can easily be overlooked but a team-based shooter such as Splatoon voice chat would definitely be ideal. Upon searching it seems that Dark Souls lacks voice chat but Dark Souls II doesn't so I'm not sure where you're getting your information from.


So you're claiming coordination and communication wont be necessary in Splatoon? It's a team based shooter, we know enough about it to know that voice communication would only enhance the experience.  

#311875 Splatoon Voice Chat... the reason we wont get it

Posted by CUD on 11 April 2015 - 07:14 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Just a question, does the Wii U allow voice chat within the OS itself. As in, one person could be playing a different game or no game at all but be able to voice chat with people in their friends list?

#311934 Splatoon Voice Chat... the reason we wont get it

Posted by CUD on 12 April 2015 - 02:56 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Bloodborne doesn't.


Why do you keep bringing up other games as if it has anything to do with Splatoon?

I don't care about Bloodborne. You can use PS Party chat if you want to chat with friends, that is a feature that would benefit the Wii U greatly. Bloodborne's co-op functionality is designed in a different way that isn't even necessary, it's a game that can be played entirely on your own. I wouldn't say the same could be said for a team based shooter like Splatoon, surely the best way to experience such a game would be online.


You're constantly diverting attention from this game as if it somehow makes Splatoon a better game. Splatoon isn't going to be perfect and you're going to have to accept that PlayStation games lacking voice chat wont change that. If a game like Team Fortress 2, CS, Overwatch or even Destiny lacked voice chat you bet I'll criticise how stupid a decision that would be. 



People like to do this false equivalence thing with this issue...


"Splatoon is a team-based tactical shooter. Other team-based tactical shooters I've played benefit from voice chat. Therefore Splatoon would benefit from voice chat."


But it's not so simple. Splatoon is a very different game to anything we've seen before. It's such a quick game. Iteration time is very low with the super jump; you can get straight back into the action. You can easily see everything that's happening on the map just by looking down to the gamepad. You don't need somebody yelling at you to get over there, you can look at the map and see for yourself where things are happening and go there. You say voice chat could be used to call for help when something unexpected happens... Two things: 1, there are predetermined signals in the game, used by pressing up/down on the dpad. You can change these messages somehow, and I'd be surprised if there wasn't some way to signal for help. 2, If something unexpected happens, you're basically dead. It only takes a few shots to splatter a player, and if you're caught off-guard, it's likely you'll end up dead. There's just no time to react. Nobody could come in time to help you.


Splatoon is a game where every player has all the information possible at all times. Other than if an enemy is hiding in their ink, or around a corner, you see everything either on the TV or on the map. The only thing determining the outcome of the match is the strategic and twitch skills of each individual player.


Of course, this is assuming most players will be competent. If there's a lot of baddies, then yes, a simple "Hey stupid, standing there doing nothing won't help." might do some good, but then they're a lost cause anyway...


EDIT: I had an idea the other day... What if Nintendo charged a monthly fee for voice chat in Splatoon? People would probably flip out. Even though they do it for Xbox One and PS4. lol


That's not a false equivalence though... It's a team-based shooter. TEAM BASED.

You're acting like this is some entirely new genre when it's really not. Do you honestly believe that it would not benefit from more communication options? How can you honestly claim this?


You can see everything going on the map but you can't read the players on your team's minds. You claim this is about the skills of the individual player but this is a team based game, with proper communication you can strategise together rather than simply call for help or whatever else the limited preset communication options offer you.


There's a game called Awesomenauts that I've been playing a bit of on PC lately. It's a team based MOBA like game so communication is important but I don't think there is a way to use voice chat through the game itself so it's up to text and presets which limits communication considerably. Sure you can use the presets to ask for help, tell your team to attack or defend or even taunt the enemy team but you can't properly communicate and strategise without stopping to type it out by which time it might be too late to tell them your plan.


I honestly cannot see how any team based game would suffer from featuring a voice communication option. Especially with Splatoon offering ranked leaderboards, why bother taking that seriously when the Wii U system itself or the game don't allow you to properly communicate with your team? You're only encouraging Nintendo to stay where they are when they should be improving, don't you find it insulting to be treated like the child Nintendo assumes you are? Parental options aren't hard to implement and Nintendo has experience with them already, there is just no excuse or justification or false equivalence here.


Of course they'd flip out if Nintendo charged a monthly fee for their online features since it's a step in the wrong direction for Nintendo, it's beyond me why people pay for the Xbox One and PS4 services let alone the consoles themselves.

#311949 Splatoon Voice Chat... the reason we wont get it

Posted by CUD on 12 April 2015 - 05:45 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Technically that's still an equivalence. What other team-based shooter involves ink physics (hiding in ink, high speed swimming and climbing, rival ink impedience)? Are any of those other shooters restricted to four players? It's a lot different then shooting up terrorists in Iraq, you can't honestly expect it to translate completely. Hell, even Team Fortress 2 has some fairly unique techniques (spy checking, spies in general, sentry turrets) that makes it a different game.


So can you please stop pretending that Splatoon is simply a port of COD but with family-friendly textures (and voice chat disabled)?


How do the ink gameplay mechanics affect the fact that it's team based? That really doesn't make any sense. Hiding and swimming around in ink don't change the genre from a team based game to anything else, they're just part of the gameplay mechanics just as shooting, rocket jumping, building sentries, spy checking etc are parts of TF2.


I'm not arguing that they're the same game, obviously. I'm arguing that the team based nature of these various games makes communication important if you want a successful team especially in the ranked modes.


To reiterate my point from past posts, you're supporting Nintendo in not giving us the option to communicate with our team more effectively. Think about that and why you support that because I honestly cannot understand why anyone would.

#311956 Splatoon Voice Chat... the reason we wont get it

Posted by CUD on 12 April 2015 - 11:05 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Weren't you paying any attention when I was talking about Nintendo's target audience? The average consumer will stop playing and tell their friends and family about the manchild screaming obscenities rather than hitting mute and continue playing.




Nintendo has a reputation for fun yet family friendly gaming. They killed swapnote because a little girl got raped, even though not using swapnote is available as a feature in every 3DS.


Oh, right. I forgot that Nintendo only makes games for children. My mistake.

#311852 Splatoon Voice Chat... the reason we wont get it

Posted by CUD on 11 April 2015 - 01:46 AM in Wii U Games and Software

It's stupid that they don't give an option and think no option is somehow the better way to go. It takes a true Nintendo employee to use that kind of logic.

#316612 Windows 10

Posted by CUD on 14 August 2015 - 07:59 PM in The Café

I like it more than 8 definitely, they need to fix some bugs though...

What bugs have you encountered?

#314001 Windows 10

Posted by CUD on 07 June 2015 - 10:20 PM in The Café

It's not about how "minor" the removals are.

It's Microsoft. It's a small test that will allow for more very soon.



That's pure speculation. You have no idea what they plan to do. Them taking away Minesweeper and other unimportant features isn't a sign that they're going to take away other important features then charge us to use them.

#313927 Windows 10

Posted by CUD on 06 June 2015 - 12:46 AM in The Café

You'll see.

They are pretty much FORCED into trying new schemes.

Theire hardware business is a failure and their sofware is being eaten up by Google, Apple, and others, who make competing software for free, due to their business models roviding alternate revenue streams.

The removal of basic features that can be added back in...

No thanks.

Nobody likes that and people would in fact ratther PAY up front for the finished product.

Nothing is fee.


What basic features were removed?

#313913 Windows 10

Posted by CUD on 05 June 2015 - 07:07 PM in The Café

I'm waiting on some performance comparisons before I upgrade. Might just wait until the official release date.

#313961 Windows 10

Posted by CUD on 06 June 2015 - 06:39 PM in The Café



These are the ones he is so angry about. LOL nothing that even matters. The DVD stuff. Everyone uses VLC anyway.

Minesweeper and such can download free anyway.


How can anyone seriously complain about that? I suppose if you're a die hard Minesweeper fan...

#314717 Iwata acknowledges the reaction of Ninty's Digital Event

Posted by CUD on 16 June 2015 - 02:58 PM in E3 2015

RIP Nintendo. They had a good run.

#314732 Iwata acknowledges the reaction of Ninty's Digital Event

Posted by CUD on 16 June 2015 - 03:49 PM in E3 2015

Instead of putting money into developing some games they spent all their budget on Muppets of themselves. Bravo Nintendo, bravo.

#314964 Iwata acknowledges the reaction of Ninty's Digital Event

Posted by CUD on 18 June 2015 - 05:53 PM in E3 2015

So here's Reggie damage controlling the entire event and denying that Iwata was apologizing for the whole disaster. Just your typical PR bs. 



'We hear you and we are committed to continuing to meet your expectations'



At least Reggie acknowledges that our expectations of Nintendo are low.

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