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#195917 UPDATE: Pikmin 3 Release Date

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 17 April 2013 - 06:54 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Didn't hear that during the direct?

Just heard him say it will be released in few months or something.

#195913 Nintendo Direct 4/17/13 Recap and Discussion Thread

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 17 April 2013 - 06:51 AM in General Gaming

3DS has some very nice titles coming out in quick succession.

Goosebumps when I saw A Link to the Past gameplay, can't wait to see it with the 3D effect.

The Wii U added features sound quite promising as well.

Just find it strange that there's still no release date with Pikmin. 


(edit: apparently July 13th is Japan's release date for Pikmin 3)



#195902 A Link To The Past Sequel announced for the 3DS.

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 17 April 2013 - 06:43 AM in General Gaming

It looks absolutely fantastic. I love the new puzzling mechanic as well.

Hope they release a map of the world soon.

#195859 Japan getting a nintendo direct on 4/17/13 too, will focus on Luigi again

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 17 April 2013 - 02:22 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Ok thats great news... Retro game maybe??


I think they'll be saving that big one for E3.

I do expect some more news on maybe Mario and Mario Kart,

as they already confirmed them to be playable at E3.

#195858 April Wii U update coming next week

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 17 April 2013 - 02:20 AM in Wii U Hardware

"Also [Iwata], so we decided to carry out next week to update the body of the Wii U, in the direct of today, we also introduced an update this body."


Awesome translation ^^ 

#195346 What music are you listening to at the moment?

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 16 April 2013 - 07:30 AM in The Café

#195345 Iraq Bombing Tragedy

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 16 April 2013 - 07:28 AM in The Café

As to why the Boston marathon got more press than Iraq, it's because America is not, and has not, been a warzone for many years.


I know, but the value of the lives lost in Boston should not be higher than those in Iraq because of that reason.

For me even more reason to focus on Iraq because there is still no sign of improvement.


Thought I'd share this news as well considering you won't find it as easy.

#195297 Iraq Bombing Tragedy

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 16 April 2013 - 01:37 AM in The Café

Roughly at the same time as the Boston bombings,

at least 55 people killed and 300 injured.


Where's the love for these people?



#194834 What do you predict the next 3D Mario and Mario Kart will be?

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 15 April 2013 - 06:29 AM in Wii U Games and Software

​Mario Kart:

  • Kart/Track editor, online sharing
  • Dual Gamepad support, allowing off-tv multiplayer
  • Additional Cups
  • Coin challenges and Mirror modes
  • No retro tracks, maybe later with dlc
  • Roster increased that rivals smash bros
  • Optional 16 player frenzy races
  • Dynamic tracks

​Off all of these I want dynamic tracks the most, maybe have some that are user triggered.

I also really hope they get rid of tracks from previous Karts, they may be nice but I want new experiences.


​Super Mario:

  • 8 story sandbox worlds, all connected making 1 big planet
  • Bowsers Castle is one of those worlds
  • 2 hub areas, Mario's house is in one of those areas
  • 1 secret sandbox world
  • Lots of freedom to explore beautiful natural environments, and get rewarded for doing so
  • Equivalent to 15 stars per world + special coin/secret challenges
  • Coins are actual currency and used for power-ups, collectibles and other things
  • Wario and Yoshi make an appearance
  • Peach is kidnapped by Bowser

While I absolutely loved the Galaxy series, the levels were really linear.

I missed the freedom you had in 64 and Sunshine.

It would be great if they made exploration a big part of the game.

#193089 What will you do if Nintendo fails to impress at E3 2013?

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 11 April 2013 - 10:45 AM in Wii U Games and Software

If no smash is shown, we all go down.


I think Smash will only be shown in trailer form, no playable demo just yet.

#193048 Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion Thread

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 11 April 2013 - 08:51 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Anyone else want to see Shovel Knight join the roster?

I think he'd be an awesome addition, even though it's very unlikely.

#193044 something about Nintendo i noticed

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 11 April 2013 - 08:45 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Most of those look very much in proportion with their size tbh.

Looks like you're confusing big with overweight.

#193031 Wii U FTW this holiday 2013 preemptive prediction over PS4/720 (article)

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 11 April 2013 - 08:22 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Quite an interesting read.

His Wii U sales numbers are off though.

The Nintendo Wii U has actually sold 3.06 million units from release to year end,

with a total of 11.69 million software units sold.


Any predictions concerning the success of the 720 are a bit futile as we know nothing about the system,

the price point of the PS4 will be a huge deciding factor as well.


Considering the Wii U, I agree with most of what he says.

I also believe Nintendo will come out on top by the end of the year.

#193005 What publisher would you like to see in the console race?

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 11 April 2013 - 06:57 AM in General Gaming

I'm with Nollog on this, much rather see some consoles go away.

You need 4, maybe 5 platforms if you want to enjoy all the best gaming has to offer.

Maybe Sony and Microsoft should merge into 1 console and Nintendo should buy Ubisoft and Sega :P

#192999 Ps4 $868 in Australia.

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 11 April 2013 - 06:45 AM in General Gaming



That can`t be right. I doubt Sony will let the price go beyond 500€/$.

It`s just too much money.... again.


Australian prices are notoriously higher than anywhere else.

You can't just convert to euro and that'll be the price over in Europe.

PS3 games costs about $120 new over there, yet Euro games don't cost €95.


I think €499 is a pretty decent guess.

#192934 PS4 launch=Wii U price cut?

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 11 April 2013 - 01:55 AM in Wii U Hardware

holiday 2013 could mean Easter,Arbor Day,Grandparents day etc 


Actually, when you say "Holidays 2013" it refers to Christmas and the holidays surrounding that period.

It runs from November to Januari.

Easter and Arbor Day are holidays but they don't happen during the holidays.

#191653 EA's Lack Of Wii U Support An Opportunity For Others?

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 08 April 2013 - 02:21 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Here's the actual quote:


The console business is still a core part of our business; it’s the majority of our business. The demise of console gaming is very premature as far as we’re concerned, we still have thousands of people focused on developing current-generation Xbox 360 and PS3 games, as well as people focused now on the next generation when that finally arrives and so, people still want core games.

Interpret as you like, but in no way did he say that they're never making another Wii U game.


Further on topic, I would love to see some other company have a go at sports games,

just to see what sort of fresh ideas other studios can come up with.

On a side note, gimme sci-fi/fantasy sports games with a massive focus on rpg.

#191427 Please support Shovel Knight

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 07 April 2013 - 11:17 PM in Wii U Games and Software

How do we get Shovel Knight to become a playable character in the new Smash Bros?

#190188 Teen snitches on parents for weed plants in backyard

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 04 April 2013 - 03:49 PM in The Café

My father used to grow his own weed. That crap is expensive, lol.


Growing weed is expensive or he started growing because it was too expensive to buy?

#189656 Wii U outsells PS3 in Japan thanks to DQX and Game&Wario

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 03 April 2013 - 11:02 AM in Wii U Hardware

Lego City has been selling pretty well, and was number 4 in sales last week I believe.


Which is quite an amazing feat considering the relatively small install base.

Wii U sales have doubled or more all over the world, things are looking up.

#188995 Spam Battle

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 01 April 2013 - 02:32 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

I think it was fan made.


Should have checked the link :P (and use less of the green stuff)

Ah well, if so, then it's still a nice joke and I still agree with the message ^^.

#188991 Spam Battle

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 01 April 2013 - 02:25 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games


Besides being a nice April Fool's joke, it also really shows they are confident with the path their company is taking.

So much doom and gloom, yet Nintendo finds a way to turn it around and laugh about it.


#188982 What is Retro Studios Working on?

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 01 April 2013 - 01:58 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Ok place your bets:


I'm not willing to put money on this but what I would prefer is this:


They're working on 2 games, a Star Fox reboot and a new IP

They've done the Metroid Trilogy and I think they can leave it alone for a while.

Whatever they do with Star Fox is fine with me, I have faith in them.


The new IP i'd like to be an action/adventure/sandbox game with the occasional puzzle/platform sections.

I'd love a mix of cartoon style graphics and realistic fantasy, as in both styles in the game, not a compromise between the 2.

Extremely dark humour and an excessive amount of realistic gore, violence and horror.

Think Conker's Bad Fur Day + MadWorld + Eternal Darkness.

Throughout the entire game you should not be sure whether to laugh, cry or scream.


The best way to describe whats in my head:

Quentin Tarantino makes a movie with Disney and Pixar characters stuck in room 1408 with Jack Torrance and Regan MacNeil


My actual bet would be on just 1 game and it'll be Star Fox,

most of the original gameplay intact but some unexpected additions.

Not a change as big as Metroid, but not so close to the originals as Donkey Kong.

#188967 Making a List of Wii U exclusives

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 01 April 2013 - 12:58 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Because last Nintendo direct it was more or less confirmed that the next Zelda would "break conventions" such as "linear gameplay"  "playing alone" and "completing dungeons in a certain order" 


Not playing alone indicates at least local multiplayer if not online.


Their idea of not playing alone will most likely be something similar to dark souls, not four swords, or perhaps something like Super Mario Galaxy.

It'll be a single player experience with influences from people around the world, doesn't really make it a multiplayer adventure.

#188729 Nintendo: Games will save the Wii U, not a price cut

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 31 March 2013 - 06:54 PM in Wii U Hardware

Lego City and Monster Hunter have just proven this claim.


The Wii U saw a global 150% increase in hardware sales and 300% in software sales.

In USA alone those numbers are roughly 200% and 650% (!!!) respectively.

Even Europe, who's sales numbers do not include Lego City yet, the best selling Wii U game in USA, saw an increase of roughly 100% in both hardware and software.

Next week should further improve those numbers. 


Imagine what Pikmin 3 will bring.


(btw I know it's VGChartz data, but its the same data that's been used for the doom threads)

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