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#318003 After Star Fox and Zelda... Anything else?

Posted by grahamf on 19 April 2016 - 07:01 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I wouldn't mind replaying Windwaker HD again. That and ALBW are my two most favorite games at the moment.

#317998 After Star Fox and Zelda... Anything else?

Posted by grahamf on 19 April 2016 - 08:55 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I still have a bunch of games I bought but never finished. Like several Lego titles and both Bayos.

#317044 Nintendo Distributing NX software kits to 3rd parties

Posted by grahamf on 17 October 2015 - 02:59 PM in Wii U Hardware

You see, a console handheld hybrid would make complete sense for Nintendo.


...And because it would make sense we can confirm its not true.  I'll believe it when I see it.

Why would it be untrue just because it makes sense? Nintendo's actions make sense all the time, just you cannot look at industry statistics and expect them to apply.

#317096 death is lovely

Posted by grahamf on 26 October 2015 - 02:18 PM in Site News and Feedback

what is ncc

wait...I'm dumb, for some reason I thought it was something other than nintendo chit chat

That was my thought too. I'm surprised though.


I had just gotten an email that someone from there asked me if I got a couple games yet, and if it wasn't for the fact that he said my title specifically I would never have known if he was talking to me, a group broadcast, or posted a new thread. Looking closer it seems that he tried to send me a direct message but accidentally posted it to his profile page.


I actually kind of hate the design of that website, and have deleted my account. I'll probably migrate to the 3DS forum, there at least I know which end is up.

#317089 death is lovely

Posted by grahamf on 26 October 2015 - 08:16 AM in Site News and Feedback

So I've been sitting on this for a few months now...but is it safe to assume that this site is basically dead? almost no one posts, new threads aren't really made its just a ghost town here after...not really sure what happened but everyone left. So is it safe to just abandon ship at this point and find a new forum? I know one of the mods made a new site but its layout is just...not really sure how to put it but I just find it cumbersome to navigate. Or do you think there is still some glimmer of hope for this site to come back alive? I guess ti doesn't help the wii u failed in the consumer's eye.

Yeah I don't really know how to describe the other site too. It's pretty, but half the time I don't understand what I'm looking at. And apparently you have to be invited to each specific subforum before you can post in them.


I'm guessing part of it is that it's crunch time for many people, with school or college starting to get more intense.

#317289 2016 games you are looking forward to! List away!

Posted by grahamf on 19 November 2015 - 07:51 PM in General Gaming

Paper Jam, Zelda U, more Wii VC releases. I've had to resort to running the impossible to find games off a SD card.

#317070 Nintendo Distributing NX software kits to 3rd parties

Posted by grahamf on 18 October 2015 - 03:56 PM in Wii U Hardware

That would be a large up-front investment but for people who care about mobile gaming it wouldn't be any more expensive than buying a console and handheld separately. If you consider a console launch price of around $400 and a handheld launch price of around $200, you're actually saving $100. Then there's the fact that you wouldn't need to be different sets of games, thus saving a huge amount on games. 

...except that it seems that most Nintendo gamers are just buying handhelds.

#317826 Twilight Princess HD available now! (for pre-purchase) - NA

Posted by grahamf on 18 February 2016 - 10:42 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Game unlocks March 4. Costs 65 Canadian Pesos :/

#317829 Twilight Princess HD available now! (for pre-purchase) - NA

Posted by grahamf on 18 February 2016 - 09:48 PM in Wii U Games and Software

What are these "Canadian Pesos" you speak of?

They're worth about 0.73 USD at the moment.


To be fair I should be grateful Nintendo hasn't done another correction for the chance in currency value.

#317180 What games would make the NX launch successful?

Posted by grahamf on 08 November 2015 - 05:32 PM in General Gaming



But honestly we really need a proper Zelda and Mario 3D game, and probably a Splatoon sequel. At launch. Not having a decent lineup at the launch of the Wii U had a pretty bad impact on it. It would also be great if Nintendo could work with some of the more famous indys to port their games over, like Undertale.


And Metroid.

#317881 Twilight Princess HD available now! (for pre-purchase) - NA

Posted by grahamf on 12 March 2016 - 07:38 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Really love playing this through again in HD. It's definitely pretty, not as stark of a contrast as Wind Waker to Wind Waker HD, but still something great.


And now thanks to those stamps you can find I'll be obsessively hunting for every last chest, which I normally don't do ._.

I know! I have to get that chest in the goron temple that you need a hookshot for, but otherwise I finished all the levels up to the sky city. Now I'm going to go through the entire map and try to get EVERYTHING.

#317863 Twilight Princess HD available now! (for pre-purchase) - NA

Posted by grahamf on 06 March 2016 - 12:03 PM in Wii U Games and Software

It seems like they rejiggered the wallets. The initial wallet can hold 500 rupees as opposed to the original 300, and the first upgrade holds 1,000 as opposed to 600. It's nice because I just reached the 500 limit before the water temple so I upgraded to the 1,000, and I'll have it nearly full after I beat the Water temple boss. Then I can go pay for the new bridge right away.




I want a little Link Wolf plush. A cute chibi one like my avatar and not the scary one on etsy.

Has anyone else encountered a bug where the fused shadows do not render/are invisible after defeating a boss?

#317858 Twilight Princess HD available now! (for pre-purchase) - NA

Posted by grahamf on 05 March 2016 - 07:27 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Well, about to see if the awful cart escort mission has been improved any.

#317631 What do you want the NX to be or what do you think it will be?

Posted by grahamf on 13 January 2016 - 10:32 PM in Wii U Hardware

Because that's the industry's standard architecture.

You really think Nintendo is "Industry Standard"?

#317525 What do you want the NX to be or what do you think it will be?

Posted by grahamf on 13 December 2015 - 03:57 PM in Wii U Hardware

The 3DS outsells the Vita. Your argument is invalid.

#317628 What do you want the NX to be or what do you think it will be?

Posted by grahamf on 13 January 2016 - 07:09 PM in Wii U Hardware

Why are you throwing x86 into there?

#317275 What do you want the NX to be or what do you think it will be?

Posted by grahamf on 17 November 2015 - 04:21 PM in Wii U Hardware

Yeah I know, I keep on making these. But I keep on coming up with different ideas for it (and can't find the old threads).



I am convinced that Nintendo needs to focus on a lower-cost console that's more approachable to most people, kind of how many people bout a Wii alongside the PS3 or Xbox 360, making the Wii the most popular console. While having the most powerful console will always be demanded, I don't think that's an arms race that Nintendo is willing or able to compete in.


To me it seems that Nintendo wants to focus on making scaleable games, where you can pop the cartridge into the NX console and play it at full quality, or pop the game into a handheld and still get a decent experience. Developers would need to make sure their games work with this, so using x86 and catering to port developers would simply not work. The Cafe system is still a pretty efficient system, that we'll have to see how much it can flex.


I don't think the NX console will be more than 3x powerful then the Wii U, as Nintendo will mostly focus on improving anything that developers find limiting at that budget level. I'm guessing a price point of $250 or less, with the only controller being a Pro Controller (or an updated version). That would allow it to play the entire virtual console library (except DS) and can even play Gamecube games if analog (or trackwheel) triggers are used. Many Wii U games support off-screen mode, and so should be patchable to remove gamepad requirement. You can still buy a Gamepad or Wii remotes to play the rest of the games though, but they are not included - or at least not included in the base model.


There should be little to no similarity to the Wii an Wii U, either in style or branding. It caused too much confusion for the Wii U. The sole exception would be if the flexible NX architecture allows the Wii U to be upgraded to support NX games. But that's a level of complexity that I don't have enough information on.


After that, support for an HDD should be built in (either as an internal drive bay or an external attachment like the Xbox 360.

#317549 What do you want the NX to be or what do you think it will be?

Posted by grahamf on 18 December 2015 - 03:46 AM in Wii U Hardware

That's not a very viable take.


The 3DS is a MOBILE system. POWER is not what it's supposed t excel at. That's where the Vita whiffed - they focused on screen and power - while system support and battery life sucked.


a HOME CONSOLE must be based on power.


In case you missed it, the PS4 and Xbox One both easily outsold the Wii U - and gained much more third party enthusiasm BECAUSE THEY WERE MUCH MORE POWERFUL. 


And they did so at a reasonable price. 


I didn't say the time for a cheapie mobile is past. I said the time for a cheapie console is.


Big difference between what I said, the reality of the PS4/X1 vs wii u in the home space, and what your example was.


There may be room for weak mobile units. But there is no tolerance for a home based system that is weak. 


It makes no sense to have it weak since it doesn't need to be concerned about the compromises a mobile system does.


Watch. The NX will pack some muscle. Because if it doesn't, it will be a catastrophic failure.

The 3Ds sold more because it was cheaper and had a large library.


No matter what Nintendo does, they will not do what is needed to cater to the whims of the AAA developers - who don't even meet Nintendo's quality control and family safety preferences. Big developers want insanely powerful systems at low costs to make up for the poor optimizations of their bloated and buggy engines, and demand the manufacturers bend over backwards to meet their demands. Nintendo would effectively destroy itself attempting to meet that criteria. that pretty much rules out major third party support.


While the Wii's controllers were a major selling point, I also believe that the low cost of the system and the approachable games were also just as important. It wasn't proper competition to the PS3 and 360, but it was a step up from those lousy Vtech consoles (and more tween friendly). It worked great as a secondary console to play the Nintendo library, and as a cheap console for families that wanted an introduction to the latest console generation.


All Nintendo needs to do is to make sure it's affordable and have a decent library available at launch (and just before Christmas and summer break).

#318072 Keeping the forum going

Posted by grahamf on 06 August 2016 - 11:13 AM in Site News and Feedback

Whelp, I've been gone since April and only four topics (with only two that count). I only came back because I was looking for a rant I posted somewhere.

#318017 Keeping the forum going

Posted by grahamf on 28 April 2016 - 07:37 AM in Site News and Feedback

Eh, the Wii U only has about a year left as a dominant console. Might as well switch to a more generic site that covers all the Nintendo consoles without being overwhelming.

#318020 Keeping the forum going

Posted by grahamf on 28 April 2016 - 05:06 PM in Site News and Feedback

k. I'm just tired of hearing people complain about how this site doesn't have activity while not wanting to move. Now I do like and appreciate the efforts of Sorceror and Dr. Wario. Dr. Wario's site is now my main one.

is Dr. Wario the guy behind nintendoforums?

#317550 Considering Hard Drives for my Wii U.

Posted by grahamf on 18 December 2015 - 03:51 AM in Wii U Hardware

Hi sorry for necroing an old thread, but I figured this is something to consider: http://www.amazon.ca...duct/B011TX62KS


it's a 2.5" USB enclosure with a built in hub and includes a power adapter. I can plug this into the back of my Wii U and plug my GameCube adapter (and Pebble charger) into this, without as much of a rat's nest as I currently have. it doesn't come with a drive, but I'm putting in it the 1TB Hybrid drive I pulled from my laptop when I upgraded to a SSD.

#317055 Android

Posted by grahamf on 17 October 2015 - 07:46 PM in The Café

Find a forum specific to your tablet's manufacturer if possible, or a good generic forum (androidcentral is decent). They will be able to help with any oddballs that get thrown your way.

#317069 Android

Posted by grahamf on 18 October 2015 - 03:55 PM in The Café

I don't really know how well the antivirus software works. That again should be asked at the Android forums.

#317240 [confimed] Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD for Wii U

Posted by grahamf on 12 November 2015 - 09:29 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Change the title, it's real. And the hate is STRONG.

Title changed. And what Hate? TP was awesome, and will be even more so in HD.

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