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#229486 Fossil Fighters 3 Discussion

Posted by FossilBomb on 06 July 2013 - 07:24 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Maybe just putting in some vivosaurs form the first game, add some variety to their moves, make every vivosaur evolveable, and add some references from the first game, make sure all legendary vivosaurs are not so special that they are only available at Gamestop, throw in some updated graphics here and there, The two previous game's dig sites unlockable as well.... more memorable characters... and BAM! You get a best-selling game on the spot.

#229480 Fossil Fighters 3

Posted by FossilBomb on 06 July 2013 - 07:16 PM in Introduction Central

Well, here we are. In the midst of all other amazing games (Super Smash Bros.4, Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, etc.) we've forgotten one of Nintendo's minor but addicting RPG's. Fossil Fighters is a very fun RPG that, to most people's surprise, got a sequel, with MUCH better cut-scenes, but otherwise, the same. A third installment is just screaming to be made, More vivosaurs, more references from the previous games, more dig sites, and, dare I say it, more variety. I  mean,they added evolutions, but most of them couldn't evolve or had evolutions that looked the same. their moves look the same too, and are just named differently. Please, just someone at Red entertainment just put their foot down. I mean, as far as I know, they have no other franchises. Please comment on what you think.

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