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There have been 4 items by maxpain456 (Search limited from 10-May 23)

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#209045 EA Sports Engineer: Wii U is crap, less powerful than 360. No money for 3rd part

Posted by maxpain456 on 20 May 2013 - 07:50 AM in Wii U Hardware


 omg this is hilarious xD

#208926 Nintendo Direct 5.17.2013 Recap

Posted by maxpain456 on 19 May 2013 - 05:23 PM in Wii U Games and Software

So mostly just release dates and updates?  Not near as amazing as the last direct with the Zelda announcement, but nice nonetheless.  Nice that they will be putting demos of their E3 games in stores, but what they should really do is make them downloadable on any Wii U.  I always dreamed of being able to play the demos at E3 on my console to tie me over for awhile, but this will do.


If Sonic: Lost world is as good as Sonic Colors, its a day one buy for me.  I'm hoping this leads to Sega working on another F-ZERO.  GX was fantastic and we need F-ZERO with HD and online.

That's not the point. The point is marketing. If people walk into best buy and see a bunch of people crowded around the wii u what do you think will happen? It's another way to get the word out about the console. It's quite a smart marketing stradegy. ^_^

#208782 My feelings towards the wii u and new console generations

Posted by maxpain456 on 19 May 2013 - 11:33 AM in General Gaming

I believe the Wii U has potential, but I'm not going to pretend everything is OK right now when it's not. There should have been more games in the first 6 months. However, there will be games by the end of the year and all the doom and gloom crap will be resolved.

I agree. I'm not saying everything is ok and the launch could of been way better. But i mean it's only been 6 months. do people really have that short of an attention span?

#208767 My feelings towards the wii u and new console generations

Posted by maxpain456 on 19 May 2013 - 10:19 AM in General Gaming

Firstly i would like to address i have no disdain for sony or microsoft (maybe ea.) Since i was young i have enjoyed video games in general and back then i could just waltz over to the bargain bin section and pick some random game that looked cool and be happy with it. When the wii, and ps360 came out i was amazed at the new graphics and what the systems could do. But the older i got the more i felt i had to be careful with what i bought and what appealed to me, and also becoming more aware of the companies, devs, sales, etc. My point is i feel for alot of people around my age group (im 20.) This is are first home console launch where we are a lot more aware of the games and what is going on than in the previous launch. But i feel that awareness has caused alot of people to want off this console due to lack of games. Even though it has only been out for 6 MONTHS. It's like when you think you are special when something specific happens to you even though it happened to your parents and grandparents etc. This is nothing new and i wish more people would look past what's being spouted by companies like ea and out of touch "analyst." I feel this console has great potential but it is FAR too early to write it off so soon.  Please discuss. 


Sincerely max :)

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