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Member Since 07 Jul 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 10 2012 06:50 PM

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How do you battle Rhino duing the side mission on the 3DS version of ASM

14 July 2012 - 12:26 AM

I have just purchased the 3DS version of the Amazing Spider-man and I am currently trying to defeat Rhino in the side mission at the parking garage.  All strategies I have tried have failed to put a dent in him.  I have tried to web rush him fro a distance and use web shots to slow hm down with no success.

I am planing to purchase the web cyclone upgrade as soon as I have plenty of upgrade points to see if that will allow me to swing him around.  I am also going to see if I have the ability to immobilize tough enemies, but other than those changes, I am lost as to what strategy to use against him.  I tried to look for possible videos from players on YouTube but all I found were gameplay videos from the demo showing the Black Cat mission.

If anyone has played this level of the game and has any suggestions, please let me know, thanks!

Hello out there

07 July 2012 - 05:01 PM


My name is TheFlash7. I am new to this community, but I have been a Nintendo gamer on and off since the Gameboy days. I currently own one DSi, one 3DS and a Wii. I am currently saving up for the Wii U and am very excited to see what it is going to offer in terms of both gameplay and other features.

I would have probably waited to get it after the launch window, if it were not for the release of the Armored Edition of Batman: Arkham City. I have wanted to play it since the Arkham City game was released for the PS3 /360 and I am so glad that the Wii U will give us a chance at playing some games that have been exclusive third party games to the competitors.

I will have to wait until I purchase it in order to test out the system because I live in rural Colorado. I am lucky enough to have a GameStop store in town, so I guess I may have a better chance to test it out prior to launch, but I am not sure yet. I am glad to be here and I want to be able to be updated on everything related to the U so that I can be sure to know what happens as soon as possible.


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