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Member Since 08 Aug 2012
Offline Last Active Apr 01 2013 01:43 PM

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Will the Wii U take as much time to get going as the 3DS?

13 December 2012 - 09:46 PM

The Wii U is upon us, and I believe that it is a console brimming with potential. The question on everyone's mind of course, is "when are we going to start seeing the big games". We have Pikmin 3 on the horizon, as well as P-100 and Bayonetta 2, all good games in their own right, but beyond that we know very little. So my question is, when are we going to start seeing Nintendo pull out the big guns? If we look at the 3DS, the situation becomes a bit scary.

The 3DS is almost on it's 3rd year, and the only big first party support we have seen is Mario, and man they have really pounded Mario into the ground. SM3DL, NSMB2, Mario Kart, Mario Tennis, Paper Mario, need I go on? Those games are all fine, but we really haven't seen any of Nintendo's big games. Sure there was OOT3D, and Starfox 64, but those were both remakes. So far we have seen Mario, and Kid Icarus. Frankly, I don't want to play Mario for 3 years on my Wii U. Right now the 3DS is close to it's 3rd year, and we still have zero info on: Kirby, Starfox, Zelda, Metroid, Pokemon, Donkey Kong, Yoshi, etc. Kind of a grim library in my opinion. Right now mario is the only reason to buy a 3DS, and I'm burnt out on Mario after the whoring of him nintendo has done recently.

So my question is, how long until the Wii U's library really starts heating up? Are we going to see a 3DS situation with very little variety/third party support? Or are we going to get the diverse library that is usually part of Nintendo systems? Even the Wii two years in had a: 3D mario game, Metroid game, and Zelda game.

Iron and Wine

17 August 2012 - 12:14 PM

Anyone listen to them? I've loved them for years, and last night I saw them for the first time. Great time.

Analog triggers

13 August 2012 - 10:14 PM

I emailed ninety asking about analog triggers on both the Wii u gamepad and the pro controller.


Thanks for contacting us about the upcoming Wii U console. I know you were hoping for additional information about the Wii U GamePad but, unfortunately, the answer about if they are digital or analog hasn’t yet been revealed. What I can tell you is that everything we have available to share regarding Wii U has been added to our website.

It may be nothing, but he didn't say they weren't, so I still have hope.

Which style do you want Wii U 3d mario to be in?

12 August 2012 - 05:42 PM

Pretty self explanatory. Obviously there will be a new 3d Mario game for the Wii U. So which style do you want it to be in?

I personally would love a sunshine 2, but wouldn't mind a galaxy 3.

I would however like the secrets and exploration from sunshine and 64 to return in some manner.

The Xbox effect

09 August 2012 - 05:16 PM

When the xbox 360 launched, it was a flawed console. It broke down, had low quality games, and required a wifi adapter to play online. It should have been scorned by the community, but it wasn't, why? Because it was first to the market by roughly a year. It was the most powerful and interesting machine for a year. Then why did it stay relevant afterwards? The Ps3 was more powerful, the wii had more exclusive games, the 360 essentially had nothing going for it. Of course it was cheaper than the ps3, and had a few hits like halo, overall it had the least exclusives, and wasn't quite as powerful as it's twin. Why did it stay relevant, and why does it still outsell the ps3 in some regions? Simple the Xbox effect. I myself own a ps3, but most of my friends and family prefer the Microsoft variant. They prefer it because more people have it, more people have it because it was launched a year earlier than the competition. As a result of the headstart, the 360 had a snowball effect. Three friends buy it before the ps3 comes out, then their three friends want to play with their three friends, so they buy an xbox. It also helped that playing with their friends was easier on xbox live. I even asked my friend, who is impressed by the games on playstation, what system he would get next gen. He ( not a nintendo fan) said the new xbox, simply because more people would have it. He likes playstation exclusives, and yet the quantity of people is enough to buy an xbox.

So your probably wondering what this has to do with the Wii U? Well here it is, the Wii U will be out for about a year before the playboxs get to the market. I believe that If nintendo can get a decent online system, they can become the gamer console of choice. Nintendo has enough first party games to keep their fans happy. But if they can  make a decent online component, get a multiplayer game like black ops 2, then they can get a huge initial install base before the other consoles even hit the market. And when they do, people will want to play with their friends. So they will buy a Wii U instead. I sincerely hope this happens.

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