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Member Since 03 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Nov 17 2013 05:37 PM

Topics I've Started

PS4/Xbox 1 Launch Titles comparison

09 November 2013 - 04:37 PM




I think it's fair to say that neither camp has anything to brag over the Wii U's launch games ..

Ban on Comcast users in WA?

13 September 2013 - 01:59 PM



In the past week, I noticed that I have been banned from the Wii U forum when I try to access it from home (right now, I'm at work using my phone as a wi-fi hotspot).  I don't think it's intentional, but I was wondering if something can be done. 


I assume it had to do with an abusive user and/or spambot using Comcast that has a similar hostname to mine.


Could an administrator/mod look into this and email or PM me?



Podcast Special dedicated to the Wii U TUESDAY @ 7:15 pm PT

10 December 2012 - 07:25 PM

Hey everyone,

As I announced in a previous thread, I plan to do a podcast (the series is called "Bunkei's Corner", which I've been doing for a couple of years now) tomorrow starting @ 7:15 pm PST.  The point of this podcast is to be informative as possible.  I am looking to dispel some of the popular myths around the Wii U and also discuss what can we expect out of Nintendo's newest console.  Though it's a podcast, it will be done live, like a radio show.  It will also be recorded and made available for download.  As we get closer to the time it goes live, I will provide a link to ustream where you can tune in.  MorbidGod has so graciously agreed to be the "hardware expert" and talk about the Wii U's architecture and what potential it holds.  You can also join in via Skype (My Skype name: Benji-man01).

If you have a question  you'd like to have addressed, feel free to post it here.


Should be fun!!

Edit: Show is LIVE! http://www.ustream.t...bunkei-s-corner

Opinions needed (esp 3Dude)

05 December 2012 - 10:14 PM

It just happens that I have my own podcast, and I was thinking of having a hardware expert (like 3Dude) on to dispel the myths around the Wii U's architecture (like in the form a Q & A). Would you guys be interested in participating in something like that?

For 3Dude, (sorry I messaged you about this, but I'm not sure if you gotten it) .. would you be up for an interview?

Lastly, I have a general question. Someone here posted a link to a great article that described the Wii's architecture and how it was actually quite superior to the X360/PS3. Does anyone have that link? I can't remember which thread it was posted in or who it was posted by.

Thanks in advance and anxiously awaiting to hear your opinions!!


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