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Philip Draco

Member Since 14 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Mar 23 2012 08:27 AM

Topics I've Started

A game for all you Pony Fans.

07 September 2011 - 06:26 AM

You're welcome. :)

The Crusaders of Centy

18 June 2011 - 09:28 AM

Years ago, "Monsters" ruled the land.
These creatures where bathed in never ending darkness, and existed peacefully in the land above.
One day, a enormous beam of light bathed the land, scorching the "monsters", who had no natural defence to light.
The monsters fled to the underground to escape.
Centruys past, and a new creature, called "Human", took place where the "monsters" existed.
Some of the monsters adapted to the light, and fought with the humans to claim what they deemed there rightful inheritance.
To keep peace, Warriors from both sides where given the ability to talk to both Human and "monster" (and plants.)
This Chosen squad would be the diplomats between the two, solving the problems that stood in between peace.
This Chosen squad slayed evil, Both on the humans and the monsters side, and brought peace to the land.
Until the Crusaders all disappeared
The land once again plunged into chaos. War between the monsters and humans escalated, and the crusaders where forgotten to time.

In a desperate attempt to slay there "enemy", A new law was passed for the humans: All males upon reaching 16 must fight the monsters.
The law is working. Monsters are being destroyed faster then they can grow.

Annihilation would be the only option without intervention.

The time has come! The crusaders of centy must return! Be a part of this legend!

I'll need the following:

Name: Charicter's name.
Allignment: Human or Monster?
Personality: Charicters personality
Age: Age.
Background: If possible. The crusaders are picked when they are needed. You don't need to start as one, nor do you need to be one to be in the RP.
Prefered Power:

Approval, and you're in. There is no Character limit here, nor are the crusaders restricted by a head count.
Furthermore, there's no time limit. apply and join whenever you want. :D

Charicter list:

Name: Philip Draco
Alignment: Human
Description: Brown hair, medium height. tan skin. Likes to wear blue clothing.
Personality: Kindhearted, a little rash, and hates monster. it's all he's ever been taught to do.
Age: 15, 16 within 2-3 days.
Background: Philip's father was a powerful fighter, Victorious in many monster battles. He died sword-clentched fighting the attack of two hundred and thirty eight monsters attacking the town while poisoned.
Philip shares his fathers passion for monster slaying, although he has never gripped a real weapon before. He is eager to equip his fathers blade on his birthday.
Philip has three friends at his school, they hang out often. one of them already was sent to the battlefield, the other two await there turn.
At school, Philip learn mathematics, weapon forging, reading, and basic swordplay. He Utterly failed the spellcasting school, and he feels the bow to be a cowards weapon.
Prefered Power: While Philip has no natural "Magical" abilities, He is a very keen visual learner, able to pick up abilities after watching the process, sometimes only once or twice. Granted, he can't perfect it without practice, but the initial pickup has always come easy to him.

User: Ruthie

Name: Raven Stone
Allignment: Monster
Discription: Female, Dark purple skin, skinny with pointey ears (Shadow Elf)
Personality: Quiet, thoughtful, sometimes cynical, dislikes humans
Background: Whole family was slayed by humans seeking revenge from their villages being ramsacked by monsters
Prefered Power: Able to bend the air at will, excellent at throwing knives, could understand human language from birth.

User: Epic Kirby
Name: Arthurnius (Arty for short)
Allignment: Human
Discription: Shoulder length brown hair, rough dirty clothes, thief by trade, steals the belongings of villages destroyed by monster raids
Personality: Funny, charming, wily, thinks that life is a joke.
Age: 19
Background: Mother was killed when he was a young child, father deserted him to join a sinister vigilante gang who go around torturing and killing monsters.
Prefered Power: Master swordsman

Hello there! :)

17 June 2011 - 09:38 AM

Hello everyone! I'm Philip Draco.
I enjoy obscure video games and being odd.

I hope to be of some use here. :angry:

Have a Wondeful day or I shall for thee.

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