In order to keep up a monthly banner, we will be needing user submitted banners. Because the museum has some banner threads scattered, I figured that I would make a submission so that users can send me their banners as well as giving others a chance to try.
Now, the banner size requirement is 2000x300. A sample is below.
In order to submit your banner, send me a private message with a title having something to do with the banner or monthly banner. Please submit a PNG image, not a JPEG.
I will accept banners at any time, even after voting for next month. If you want a banner to be voted for a specific month, or not want it to be voted on for the next round, please let me know.
Previous Banner Credits:
Because we started banner ideas up in the middle of this month, when voting opens, it will be for May's banner.
I will keep this thread open for suggestions, ideas, or questions, so feel free to ask.