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"Gamers Without Internet Can Stick With Xbox 360" - Don Mattrick

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#1 Julio93


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Posted 12 June 2013 - 10:07 AM

In an interview filmed prior to Microsoft’s E3 2013 press briefing and published on GameTrailers, Microsoft’s Don Mattrick has addressed concerns about the compulsory connectivity requirements of Xbox One.

“"Fortunately we have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity; it’s called Xbox 360,” said Mattrick.

“If you have zero access to the Internet, that is an offline device.”

Mattrick is aware of the kinds of gamers who’ll be missing out on Xbox One, and “absolutely” anticipated some blowback, but went on to reiterate he feels they have made the right call.

I don’t even know what it means to be on a nuclear sub but I’ve got to imagine it’s not easy to get an internet connection.

“Seriously, when I read the blogs and thought about who’s really the most impacted there was a person who said, ‘Hey I’m on a nuclear sub.’ And I don’t even know what it means to be on a nuclear sub but I’ve got to imagine it’s not easy to get an internet connection. But hey, I can empathise; if I was on a sub I’d be disappointed.

“It’s a service-based world, if you think about things and how they get better with an internet connection, that’s a design choice we’ve made. I think people will appreciate it... We did a lot of testing, a lot of consumer research and I think we made a good choice.”

Mattrick said Microsoft appreciates the passion of gamers but he believes gamers are “imagining outcomes that are worse than what we believe it’s going to be in the real world.”





In short, he is telling everyone "F You. Get a 360 if you can't get a Xbox One".......You still want to support this company after all they have done which is all negative?



#2 Doc


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Posted 12 June 2013 - 10:10 AM

Yup this is dissapointing, too bad my bro is actually gonna purchase one >_>

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#3 Chrop



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Posted 12 June 2013 - 10:22 AM

Yup this is dissapointing, too bad my bro is actually gonna purchase one >_>

Strap him to a chair and make him listen to justin Beaber all day!!!

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lhKtSmX.png?2 Well, I've finally found my Starfox, and I love it.

#4 DéliopT



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Posted 12 June 2013 - 10:50 AM

And i thought Nintendo did bad this E3. At least it wasn`t this kind of bad.



#5 Ghost



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Posted 12 June 2013 - 11:00 AM

He will be out by the end of 2013. The thing with Xbox One as I keep on saying is a software issue not hardware. This all could be solved by a software update and a $100/£100 price slash. If Nintendo does bring a 500GB console by the holidays, I could see them winning second place maybe even first. 

#6 grahamf


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Posted 12 June 2013 - 11:29 AM

He will be out by the end of 2013. The thing with Xbox One as I keep on saying is a software issue not hardware. This all could be solved by a software update and a $100/£100 price slash. If Nintendo does bring a 500GB console by the holidays, I could see them winning second place maybe even first. 

Ok, games are still required to be installed to the hard drive, and I highly doubt Microsoft can magically make them readable on the fly.


How do you propose Microsoft remove this DRM while still preventing people from loaning the disk to their friends to install on their hard drives?



#7 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 12 June 2013 - 01:05 PM

Don Mattrick is a pretencious d**k you can shove your Xbox One and you and EA can have each other, at this point I don't think there are any gamers left who give a carp crap.

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