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I think Bias is the reason for the Wii U's lack of third-party support

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#41 Rockodoodle


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Posted 24 June 2013 - 10:42 AM

I think that PS4 and Xbox One will have some of the same issues that Wii U had last year.  Mainly that I'll bet it will be hard to sell to their current install base.  There's a huge gap between the Wii and Wii U- Not so sure that Xbox/PS4 is going to be "have to have...." for the vast majority of current owners.  Wii U will have a decent library by Christmas. I think those who have been developing for the Wii U will be rewarded.




EA wanted to run Origin on the Wii U, and Nintendo respectfully declined. The result is most likely what you are talking about. However, it doesn't help that Nintendo had no spine to begin with when launching the Wii U. If they had sold more consoles they would have a back-bone for 3rd party support and EA as sour as they are about Nintendo refusing to use Origin would have to release 3rd party titles because everyone else is doing it. So, I agree that poor Wii U sales aren't the only reason for the Crysis 3 cancellation but Nintendo could have easily secured their console by having a single good Nintendo exclusive like Bayonetta 2, Super Mario 3D World, Super Smash Bros., or X at launch. 

Honestly I don't understand why Nintendo would launch a console without an exclusive that really gets people thinking "I need to buy a Wii U for that amazing game." 


If the Wii U version of Rayman Legends, Watch Dogs, Black Flag, and Blacklist sell well we can expect to see more support from Ubisoft at least and in return other companies will maybe be interested. But, here is what I predict will happen as mentioned in a previous post by Distractionwolf "Third parties can't compete with first party Nintendo software" if people don't go out and buy these games it is very likely that the Wii U is going to turn into a secondary console once again. The lack of EA support isn't really a big deal. Let's not forget the lack of Bioshock Infinite, Tomb Raider, GTA V on the Wii U. That is what really disappointed me. Why does everyone only think of EA when they think of a lack of 3rd party support for the Wii U? I'm not saying EA aren't the bad guys to an extent, but all I am trying to get across is that there a lot of other companies not supporting the Wii U and pointing fingers at just EA is rather silly. That is just one company, a very bad company for that matter that isn't exactly doing so well these days. 

Where is Blizzard's Diablo 3 for the Wii U? It's coming to Xbox One and PS4. Where is Bungie's Destiny for the Wii U? Square Enix's FFXV? Bethesda Softworks's Elder Scrolls Online for the Wii U? Warframe a F2P MMO shooter for the PC is coming to the PS4 that is a great free to play title from Digital Extremes that is not coming to the Wii U. Kingdom Hearts 3 can't come to the Wii U because of a pathetic DirectX 11 excuse? FFXIV: A Realm Reborn isn't coming to the Wii U which is silly because it can run on a PS3 and is coming out for the PS4 as well. What's their excuse for that? 

EA is not the only company that is not supporting the Wii U. That is my point. So unless all of these companies have some sort of secret alliance with each other to destroy the Wii U it is very unlikely that EA is solely trying to stab Nintendo in the back when they're just simply following the trend. Which leads me to think Nintendo is the problem. The world ain't all sunshines and rainbows and if I were Nintendo I would only blame myself which is what the CEO Iwata has officially said. Something went wrong in the marketing and development of the Wii U. Should they have created the GamePad? It seems they cannot do anything interesting with it so it makes you wonder why they even bothered with it instead of a building a traditional console like the PS4 and Xbox One? Should they have named a brand new console the Wii with a U slapped on the end which seemed like simply a revision of the Wii much like DS Lite, DSi, DSi XL, and 3DS.

The combination of Nintendo's mistakes is what lead to the lack of 3rd party support. Crysis 3 would have changed nothing, the game is old. Why would anyone buy it for the Wii U? I seriously think you are giving Crysis 3 for the Wii U far too much credit when in reality the game would have flopped horribly because it's been out on the 360, PS3 and PC for a while. Maybe you would have bought it, I don't know why you would though. There is no information on the Crysis 3 version even having Wii U features. They only said they had Crysis 3 up and running on the Wii U. For all we know they had no GamePad features implemented at all, just a bare-bone out-dated port with nothing extra special. Someone posted a video above about a guy ranting about pointless multi-plat ports to the Wii U charged at full price, lack of DLC, and no additional features. He bluntly says nobody will buy that. Would you really buy Crysis 3 for $60 with probably no DLC or additional features? 

I think if I bought mine in Nov./Dec. I would have been slightly disappointed with the available titles (and their prices at the time).  I've been able to pick up 2/3 of my collection at a reduced price- really all but one when you consider that I got a $25 gift card.    



I bought mine about a month ago and I'm very happy with it. I don't think the launch was terrible, or else I wouldn't have bought one. I am on the same boat as you, there is actually a lot of games on the Wii U that I would like to still buy. 

#42 Nintyfan86



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Posted 24 June 2013 - 05:07 PM

I think that PS4 and Xbox One will have some of the same issues that Wii U had last year.  Mainly that I'll bet it will be hard to sell to their current install base.  There's a huge gap between the Wii and Wii U- Not so sure that Xbox/PS4 is going to be "have to have...." for the vast majority of current owners.  Wii U will have a decent library by Christmas. I think those who have been developing for the Wii U will be rewarded.




I think if I bought mine in Nov./Dec. I would have been slightly disappointed with the available titles (and their prices at the time).  I've been able to pick up 2/3 of my collection at a reduced price- really all but one when you consider that I got a $25 gift card.    

There are various opinions; one being that the large gap between consoles has led to disinterest in current products, and the other being that the market is actually contracting (based on continuous year over year reductions in sales). 


I believe that gaming, in general, hit an apex around the time of Rock Band 2 through Black Ops 1. I believe there has been a downhill skid since, or somewhere around, that period. 


This, in my opinion, is awesome. I want publishers focusing on everyone, but with the core gamer in mind. Nintendo certainly is with the major releases. Sony definitely is. Microsoft....well, I personally think they are late to the party with a device that cannot please 2 audiences (lower power turns their prior audience off, and price turns the Kinnect group off). 


2014 may be the best year for those of us reading about the industry yet. Buckle up;). 

#43 MorbidGod


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Posted 24 June 2013 - 05:21 PM

I think that PS4 and Xbox One will have some of the same issues that Wii U had last year. Mainly that I'll bet it will be hard to sell to their current install base. There's a huge gap between the Wii and Wii U- Not so sure that Xbox/PS4 is going to be "have to have...." for the vast majority of current owners. Wii U will have a decent library by Christmas. I think those who have been developing for the Wii U will be rewarded.

I think if I bought mine in Nov./Dec. I would have been slightly disappointed with the available titles (and their prices at the time). I've been able to pick up 2/3 of my collection at a reduced price- really all but one when you consider that I got a $25 gift card.

One difference will be, they both do have exclusives, both third and first party exclusives. Nintendo had very little exclusives. That's the big difference.

But, they will have some problems.
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#44 Rockodoodle


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Posted 24 June 2013 - 07:07 PM

Good post. Honestly, the only reason I had any interest in the Wii u was BC I thought my gf's five year old was getting one and it turned out just to be a Wii. I thought it looked cool enough so I got one. I didn't even really play my Wii.

I think mobile and tablets have cut into consoles- so maybe the need isn't obvious enough to upgrade for most when you can get games at 1/10 the price or even free. Maybe that's why Nintendo took the chance on the gamepad

#45 MorbidGod


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Posted 25 June 2013 - 05:37 AM

Good post. Honestly, the only reason I had any interest in the Wii u was BC I thought my gf's five year old was getting one and it turned out just to be a Wii. I thought it looked cool enough so I got one. I didn't even really play my Wii.

I think mobile and tablets have cut into consoles- so maybe the need isn't obvious enough to upgrade for most when you can get games at 1/10 the price or even free. Maybe that's why Nintendo took the chance on the gamepad

Yeah, it is a good idea. They need to utilize it more, and they haven't. It's sad ZombiU is the only game showing how that screen is best used.
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#46 Rockodoodle


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Posted 25 June 2013 - 09:34 AM

Somebody mentioned in another post that the Wii U is basically a transitional system.  I think in four years, the next system will probably be a bit more powerful than Xbone but will support multiple game pad play and offer more functionality than just game play.




Yeah, it is a good idea. They need to utilize it more, and they haven't. It's sad ZombiU is the only game showing how that screen is best used.


#47 MorbidGod


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Posted 25 June 2013 - 10:11 AM

Somebody mentioned in another post that the Wii U is basically a transitional system. I think in four years, the next system will probably be a bit more powerful than Xbone but will support multiple game pad play and offer more functionality than just game play.

The Wii U will last at least five years. And yes, it will be more powerful. Hopefully, it does support more than two GamePads.
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#48 Goodtwin


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Posted 25 June 2013 - 12:08 PM

I personally feel that Nintendo is going to transition into a portable/home console hybrid.  Think about about everything Nintendo has done.  They merged their portable and home console hardware divisions into one.  They have been very concious about getting a lot of performance with very low power draw.  The Gamepad already looks like a portable.  Nintendo could release a portable that has a wireless HDMI connection with the TV for the home console experience.  In five years time, Nintendo could do this and have more powerful hardware than both Sony and Microsoft.  Mobile technology has been advancing quickly.  I think the Wii U is the last traditonal home console Nintendo will ever make. 

#49 routerbad



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Posted 25 June 2013 - 12:15 PM

I personally feel that Nintendo is going to transition into a portable/home console hybrid.  Think about about everything Nintendo has done.  They merged their portable and home console hardware divisions into one.  They have been very concious about getting a lot of performance with very low power draw.  The Gamepad already looks like a portable.  Nintendo could release a portable that has a wireless HDMI connection with the TV for the home console experience.  In five years time, Nintendo could do this and have more powerful hardware than both Sony and Microsoft.  Mobile technology has been advancing quickly.  I think the Wii U is the last traditonal home console Nintendo will ever make. 

The reason behind merging the hardware divisions is unified brand vision.  In order to have competent cross play between handheld and home console, they need to be designed each with the other in mind.  I think this is what Nintendo really want in the next 5 years, this would also create more opportunity for resource sharing and multifaceted production teams.

#50 MorbidGod


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Posted 25 June 2013 - 12:36 PM

I personally feel that Nintendo is going to transition into a portable/home console hybrid. Think about about everything Nintendo has done. They merged their portable and home console hardware divisions into one. They have been very concious about getting a lot of performance with very low power draw. The Gamepad already looks like a portable. Nintendo could release a portable that has a wireless HDMI connection with the TV for the home console experience. In five years time, Nintendo could do this and have more powerful hardware than both Sony and Microsoft. Mobile technology has been advancing quickly. I think the Wii U is the last traditonal home console Nintendo will ever make.

A really good idea would be to make a Wii U+, have a super charged home console and instead of the controller not being a console itself, have it be a console. Like, for example, lets say Sony sold a PS4 and Vita together. That way you can have both all in one price.

But that would probably cost too much.
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#51 alan123


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Posted 25 June 2013 - 01:23 PM

The WiiU is not powerful enough to keep up with the X1 or PS4, the WiiU will have games that look as good as the first X1/PS4 games but they will soon pull away, they have much more power, it makes no difference how you spin it, the X1 & PS4 have more power than the WiiU, the WiiU would of stood a much better chance if it had 4GB or RAM & 1GB of dedicated for the system.


The first party games have been delayed until 2014.


People keep going on about how rubbish COD & FIFA are & that they are the same things over & over again but the same can be said for Mario & Zelda, every gen another Mario & Zelda etc game is rolled out, now you may not like COD or FIFA but they sell consoles, & i have no doubt that COD is the biggest online multiplayer game being played on the WiiU.


The WiiU needs a proper hardcore FPS & also a proper driving game, now not in a few years, having GTA5 would've helped a huge amount to.


No the WiiU doesn't have the mini game-disc like the GameCube had but it still uses a priority disc system.


People that do not already have a WiiU are not interested in a getting a WiiU, they are more interested in getting either a PS4 or X1 & they are saving their money for that.


I would think that the PS4 & X1 will have a bigger install base than the WiiU does six months after release, the other thing is that Sony & Microsoft are going to back their consoles to the hilt & they have said that they are looking at another long cycle, are Nintendo backing the WiiU well yes but at E3 we only heard about games we already know about & some of these were pushed back from a 2013 release to a 2014 release, come Autumn everyone will be playing GTA5 & waiting for the PS4 & X1 to be released, where the WiiU will have Pikmin 3 !


I don't think Nintendo can turn the WiiU's fortunes away, the third party developers have two excuses, not a big enough install base & the machine is not powerful enough, now without more games sales won't rise & then you have the work of getting PS4/X1 games running on the WiiU, RAM is the key it always has been, the WiiU doesn't have enough, the code cannot be forced through it is that simple.


The WiiU is just going to end up as a console for Mario & Zelda, many people myself included have had enough of spending hundreds of pounds/dollars/euros on a full console just to play a handful of games, that in effect we have played before.


If i hadn't already got a WiiU i wouldn't buy one.


As for a WiiU2 in a few years, that will kill it, people who bought a WiiU will not be happy at all for a start & it still won't have the third party support either, why spend £300/$300 on a WiiU2 when you will be able to play the games on your X1/PS4 ?

Edited by alan666, 25 June 2013 - 01:26 PM.

#52 Rockodoodle


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Posted 25 June 2013 - 03:14 PM

Not so sure about the install base- Just read an article that both PS4 and Xbone will sell 3m at launch with WiiU expected to be at 6m over the whole year. WiiU will have a far more compelling library in 2014 and that's just based off what what we know.  PS4


As for the games, I guess it depends on what you want out of your system.  I think the WiiU has plenty of power for my purposes, but then again I'm your "casual gamer."  I'm not going to notice the level of detail that your true gaming aficionado would.


The WiiU is not powerful enough to keep up with the X1 or PS4, the WiiU will have games that look as good as the first X1/PS4 games but they will soon pull away, they have much more power, it makes no difference how you spin it, the X1 & PS4 have more power than the WiiU, the WiiU would of stood a much better chance if it had 4GB or RAM & 1GB of dedicated for the system.


The first party games have been delayed until 2014.


People keep going on about how rubbish COD & FIFA are & that they are the same things over & over again but the same can be said for Mario & Zelda, every gen another Mario & Zelda etc game is rolled out, now you may not like COD or FIFA but they sell consoles, & i have no doubt that COD is the biggest online multiplayer game being played on the WiiU.


The WiiU needs a proper hardcore FPS & also a proper driving game, now not in a few years, having GTA5 would've helped a huge amount to.


No the WiiU doesn't have the mini game-disc like the GameCube had but it still uses a priority disc system.


People that do not already have a WiiU are not interested in a getting a WiiU, they are more interested in getting either a PS4 or X1 & they are saving their money for that.


I would think that the PS4 & X1 will have a bigger install base than the WiiU does six months after release, the other thing is that Sony & Microsoft are going to back their consoles to the hilt & they have said that they are looking at another long cycle, are Nintendo backing the WiiU well yes but at E3 we only heard about games we already know about & some of these were pushed back from a 2013 release to a 2014 release, come Autumn everyone will be playing GTA5 & waiting for the PS4 & X1 to be released, where the WiiU will have Pikmin 3 !


I don't think Nintendo can turn the WiiU's fortunes away, the third party developers have two excuses, not a big enough install base & the machine is not powerful enough, now without more games sales won't rise & then you have the work of getting PS4/X1 games running on the WiiU, RAM is the key it always has been, the WiiU doesn't have enough, the code cannot be forced through it is that simple.


The WiiU is just going to end up as a console for Mario & Zelda, many people myself included have had enough of spending hundreds of pounds/dollars/euros on a full console just to play a handful of games, that in effect we have played before.


If i hadn't already got a WiiU i wouldn't buy one.


As for a WiiU2 in a few years, that will kill it, people who bought a WiiU will not be happy at all for a start & it still won't have the third party support either, why spend £300/$300 on a WiiU2 when you will be able to play the games on your X1/PS4 ?

#53 MorbidGod


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Posted 25 June 2013 - 09:01 PM

The WiiU is not powerful enough to keep up with the X1 or PS4, the WiiU will have games that look as good as the first X1/PS4 games but they will soon pull away, they have much more power, it makes no difference how you spin it, the X1 & PS4 have more power than the WiiU, the WiiU would of stood a much better chance if it had 4GB or RAM & 1GB of dedicated for the system.

The first party games have been delayed until 2014.

People keep going on about how rubbish COD & FIFA are & that they are the same things over & over again but the same can be said for Mario & Zelda, every gen another Mario & Zelda etc game is rolled out, now you may not like COD or FIFA but they sell consoles, & i have no doubt that COD is the biggest online multiplayer game being played on the WiiU.

The WiiU needs a proper hardcore FPS & also a proper driving game, now not in a few years, having GTA5 would've helped a huge amount to.

No the WiiU doesn't have the mini game-disc like the GameCube had but it still uses a priority disc system.

People that do not already have a WiiU are not interested in a getting a WiiU, they are more interested in getting either a PS4 or X1 & they are saving their money for that.

I would think that the PS4 & X1 will have a bigger install base than the WiiU does six months after release, the other thing is that Sony & Microsoft are going to back their consoles to the hilt & they have said that they are looking at another long cycle, are Nintendo backing the WiiU well yes but at E3 we only heard about games we already know about & some of these were pushed back from a 2013 release to a 2014 release, come Autumn everyone will be playing GTA5 & waiting for the PS4 & X1 to be released, where the WiiU will have Pikmin 3 !

I don't think Nintendo can turn the WiiU's fortunes away, the third party developers have two excuses, not a big enough install base & the machine is not powerful enough, now without more games sales won't rise & then you have the work of getting PS4/X1 games running on the WiiU, RAM is the key it always has been, the WiiU doesn't have enough, the code cannot be forced through it is that simple.

The WiiU is just going to end up as a console for Mario & Zelda, many people myself included have had enough of spending hundreds of pounds/dollars/euros on a full console just to play a handful of games, that in effect we have played before.

If i hadn't already got a WiiU i wouldn't buy one.

As for a WiiU2 in a few years, that will kill it, people who bought a WiiU will not be happy at all for a start & it still won't have the third party support either, why spend £300/$300 on a WiiU2 when you will be able to play the games on your X1/PS4 ?

Um, what the hell are you talking about dude. I'm tired of going back and forth on this. And some of these topic you mentioned just are plain wrong.

First off, I'm not spinning anything. Look at X. Look at Bayonnetta 2. Look at Mario Kart 8. These games aren't possible on old generation and when it comes to X nothing I saw on PS4 is better than that. The same quality? Sure. But Wii U is capable of next generation graphics. They proved that with X. Hell, LOOK at Watch Dogs on Wii U. Graphics are great too.

Second, not a single game has been delayed until 2014. Pikman 3, Wonderful 101 and Wii Fit U all were delayed and will be released in 2013. The first two way before end of 2013. X, Bayonnetta 2, Mario Kart 8 and SSB4 had no official release date before E3 2013 and can't be considered as a delay. It's called we now know when they are being released. At least the year.

Third, Pikman 3, NSLBU, Wonderful 101, Donkey Kong, Mario 3D World, Sonic Lost World, Watch Dogs, Splinter Cell, Batman is coming on 2013. Most of those exclusives. So while people are playing CoD I will be busy playing Wonderful 101, DK, Sonic and Mario. I'll also be playing Watch Dogs and I'll probably be getting Batman and I'll even give Splinter Cell a try.

Finally, there are people who won't get a Wii U until that one exclusive title comes. That could be Wonderful 101. That could be Pikman 3. That could be Donkey Kong. That could be Mario 3D World. That could be Sonic Lost World. In terms of Mario, that has over 8 million fans from 3DS who wanted multiplayer and many of the other upgrades. Plus there are new players who want the game (like me). Imagine 1 million current Wii U owners and 8 million 3DS (new Wii U owners) buying Mario 3D World (and Wii U). That would be over 8 million new console owners. For one freaking game. Imagine another five million who loved Donkey Kong on Wii and hadn't bought a Wii U yet. That could easily add anywhere from one to five million new owners too Wii U.

See how this can add up. Nintendo can turn this around. And, if they manage 9 million owners by the end of the year -- they are at the same number of sales PS3 had at there 13th month mark. Which ended up selling 70+ million units. Was the PS3 a failure? Maybe was last place, but 70 million sells is a hell of a lot of sales. And Sony went beyond 70 million.

So, if Sony can turn a bad start, and Nintendo can turn it around with the 3DS (WHICH WAS ON THE SAME SITUATION), Then Wii U can do well.
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#54 GreenPenInk



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Posted 25 June 2013 - 09:55 PM

 I think we'll get a picture of how much anticipated games can help the Wii U and their momentum drive with Pikmin 3 in August.  It's not the game that's going to save the system but if you see sales get a nice spike to a respectable monthly sales total there will be concrete evidence to be hopeful for the upcoming 12 months.  As much as people are down about Wii U and horrified at X Box's missteps so far I think the holidays this year will be a pretty tight race between the three systems.  I can think of pluses and negatives for each that will impact sales.



#55 MorbidGod


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Posted 26 June 2013 - 09:10 AM

I think we'll get a picture of how much anticipated games can help the Wii U and their momentum drive with Pikmin 3 in August. It's not the game that's going to save the system but if you see sales get a nice spike to a respectable monthly sales total there will be concrete evidence to be hopeful for the upcoming 12 months. As much as people are down about Wii U and horrified at X Box's missteps so far I think the holidays this year will be a pretty tight race between the three systems. I can think of pluses and negatives for each that will impact sales.

And Pikman 3 is the least of the games that will drive sales. Sonic And Mario Winter Games, Sonic, Mario, Donkey Kong and Wii Fit U will all drive sales. Wonderful 101 might too if advertised. And then next year .. OMG Mario Kart AND SSB4 together in the same year will kill in sales.
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#56 Rockodoodle


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Posted 26 June 2013 - 10:05 AM

Good post- as I've said several times, I'm a casual gamer and easily have enough games- six retail, three eShop to keep me busy till the end of the year.  I could see myself buying about six games that are already out and the 11 that are in the pipeline- I could see myself buying eventually.  My point is that Nintendo could be in a much better situation than its getting credit for next year at this time if sales projects hold and especially good if these games create a spike. Gonna guess that this time next year, the three systems will have comparable install bases.  




Um, what the hell are you talking about dude. I'm tired of going back and forth on this. And some of these topic you mentioned just are plain wrong.

First off, I'm not spinning anything. Look at X. Look at Bayonnetta 2. Look at Mario Kart 8. These games aren't possible on old generation and when it comes to X nothing I saw on PS4 is better than that. The same quality? Sure. But Wii U is capable of next generation graphics. They proved that with X. Hell, LOOK at Watch Dogs on Wii U. Graphics are great too.

Second, not a single game has been delayed until 2014. Pikman 3, Wonderful 101 and Wii Fit U all were delayed and will be released in 2013. The first two way before end of 2013. X, Bayonnetta 2, Mario Kart 8 and SSB4 had no official release date before E3 2013 and can't be considered as a delay. It's called we now know when they are being released. At least the year.

Third, Pikman 3, NSLBU, Wonderful 101, Donkey Kong, Mario 3D World, Sonic Lost World, Watch Dogs, Splinter Cell, Batman is coming on 2013. Most of those exclusives. So while people are playing CoD I will be busy playing Wonderful 101, DK, Sonic and Mario. I'll also be playing Watch Dogs and I'll probably be getting Batman and I'll even give Splinter Cell a try.

Finally, there are people who won't get a Wii U until that one exclusive title comes. That could be Wonderful 101. That could be Pikman 3. That could be Donkey Kong. That could be Mario 3D World. That could be Sonic Lost World. In terms of Mario, that has over 8 million fans from 3DS who wanted multiplayer and many of the other upgrades. Plus there are new players who want the game (like me). Imagine 1 million current Wii U owners and 8 million 3DS (new Wii U owners) buying Mario 3D World (and Wii U). That would be over 8 million new console owners. For one freaking game. Imagine another five million who loved Donkey Kong on Wii and hadn't bought a Wii U yet. That could easily add anywhere from one to five million new owners too Wii U.

See how this can add up. Nintendo can turn this around. And, if they manage 9 million owners by the end of the year -- they are at the same number of sales PS3 had at there 13th month mark. Which ended up selling 70+ million units. Was the PS3 a failure? Maybe was last place, but 70 million sells is a hell of a lot of sales. And Sony went beyond 70 million.

So, if Sony can turn a bad start, and Nintendo can turn it around with the 3DS (WHICH WAS ON THE SAME SITUATION), Then Wii U can do well.

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