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Wii U power

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#21 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 20 September 2011 - 11:25 AM

easily put Wii U will be next gen in terms of graphics. did you see the zelda HD demo... that was created in short period of time with the underclocked units. nothing on PS3 or Xbox compares to that. it also goes to show what nintendo developers with their great art can do with powerful console. guys get ready because the first party games that will come out on Wii U will be mind blowing. saying all this Wii U will be underpowered compared to PS4 and Nextbox but not by much.

#22 lostdwarf



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Posted 21 September 2011 - 03:52 AM

It is reasonable to assume when PS4 and neXtBOX come out the launch titles will be around the same standard as wiiU second gen graphics.
The wiiU will hold it's own ground well enough exactly like the 360 did and still does (2 years before PS3 and still looks just as good)

#23 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 21 September 2011 - 05:42 PM

You also have to factor in that the Wii U will have time ahead of the competitor 8th gen consoles.

It's already making out to be the best thing evar, skepticism aside. Someone said earlier that it may be the Wii yet again. Of the three, should Sony and Microsoft pursue to do so, Wii U will be the best. How do they make a console much better, cost effective, and try to take on the lead the Wii U will have in both core and casual audiences (outside of fandom). It's gonna be a tight squeeze, if people are willing.


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#24 nintendo3DS


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Posted 21 September 2011 - 06:27 PM

Just recently we have been informed that the Wii U specs are very good. Now us Nintendo fans wont have to feel like crap when the Sony and Microsoft fanboys say things like- "Wii U is terrible, it;s not HD and the graphics suck." Now that we have the Wii U, not only will we be able to have HD format, but superior graphics to the PS3 and Xbox 360, and many more things too. But, I can see that when the Xbox 720 and PS4 come out, it might have just a little bit better specs that the Wii U. Of course the graphical change won't be a big difference at all, it might even look the same.
I'm glad that Nintendo has stepped up to their game, and are finally doing what the other company's are doing, HD, good graphics, and excellent online capabilities, and more.
I just hope that Nintendo doesn't turn into Sony, just because you have the best specs, it doesn't mean you have the best console and games.

#25 lostdwarf



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Posted 21 September 2011 - 11:53 PM

You also have to factor in that the Wii U will have time ahead of the competitor 8th gen consoles.

It's already making out to be the best thing evar, skepticism aside. Someone said earlier that it may be the Wii yet again. Of the three, should Sony and Microsoft pursue to do so, Wii U will be the best. How do they make a console much better, cost effective, and try to take on the lead the Wii U will have in both core and casual audiences (outside of fandom). It's gonna be a tight squeeze, if people are willing.


8th Gen? Sony? Microsoft? 8th gen?


Sony joined the 'console war' along with Nintendo and Sega with the Playstation. Sony Playstation 3 is Sony's 3rd Gen console.
Microsoft joined the 'console wars' with their XBOX. XBOX360 is microsoft's 2nd Gen console.

Nintendo are the only company in the games console buisness to have been around since the very beginning.
The WiiU will be Nintendo's 6th Gen console.

1st gen = NES
2nd gen = SNES
3rd gen = N64
4th gen = GAMECUBE
5th gen = Wii
6th gen = WiiU

ALSO... in the handheld market Nintendo is currently on it's 7th generation of handheld console.

1st gen = game and watch collection (each game is it's own console)
2nd gen = gameboy/game boy pocket/game boy light (first use of carts)
3rd gen = gameboy colour
4th gen = game boy advance/advance SP
5th gen = DS/DSlite
6th gen = DSi/DSiXL
7th gen = 3DS

The playstaion 4 will be Sony's 4th gen console.
The NextBOX720 will be Microsofts 3rd gen console.

sorry but so many people are wrong about this. It had to be said.

#26 BazzDropperz


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Posted 22 September 2011 - 02:10 AM


Edited by BazzDropperz, 14 July 2014 - 12:10 AM.

#27 lostdwarf



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Posted 22 September 2011 - 02:20 AM

I honestly don't believe you. How did "your friend" get the opportunity to see both Crysis 3 and the Wii U? Sounds like complete bullcrap to me.

I actually made a mistake. I meant to say My friend has seen a tech demo using CRYENGINE3 running on wiiU. Not crysis 3.

#28 BazzDropperz


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Posted 22 September 2011 - 02:33 AM


Edited by BazzDropperz, 14 July 2014 - 12:10 AM.

#29 Andy


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Posted 22 September 2011 - 03:05 AM

8th Gen? Sony? Microsoft? 8th gen?


Sony joined the 'console war' along with Nintendo and Sega with the Playstation. Sony Playstation 3 is Sony's 3rd Gen console.
Microsoft joined the 'console wars' with their XBOX. XBOX360 is microsoft's 2nd Gen console.

Nintendo are the only company in the games console buisness to have been around since the very beginning.
The WiiU will be Nintendo's 6th Gen console.

1st gen = NES
2nd gen = SNES
3rd gen = N64
4th gen = GAMECUBE
5th gen = Wii
6th gen = WiiU

ALSO... in the handheld market Nintendo is currently on it's 7th generation of handheld console.

1st gen = game and watch collection (each game is it's own console)
2nd gen = gameboy/game boy pocket/game boy light (first use of carts)
3rd gen = gameboy colour
4th gen = game boy advance/advance SP
5th gen = DS/DSlite
6th gen = DSi/DSiXL
7th gen = 3DS

The playstaion 4 will be Sony's 4th gen console.
The NextBOX720 will be Microsofts 3rd gen console.

sorry but so many people are wrong about this. It had to be said.

Actually, the Wii U will be part of the 8th generation of Video game consoles.

Atari 2600
Pong consoles

Atari 5200

SEGA Master System
Atari 7800




XBOX 360

Wii U
Next BOX

When people talk about system generations they mean systems from the entire industry, not just one company.
Also, I don't think I would count redesigns like the DSi as a new handheld generation, as it is pretty much the same system with some added bells and whistles.

Edited by Andy, 22 September 2011 - 03:26 AM.

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#30 lostdwarf



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Posted 22 September 2011 - 03:45 AM

yes but then the distinction between generation and console releases is now staggared and undefined. Take for example the Dreamcast (which you left out)
Dreamcast came out alongside the N64 and Playstation. Dreamcast was a generation above those two consoles. The Playstation 2 came out not too long after and was clearly a much more capeable system, above the abilities of dreamcast. Soon after the xbox and gamecube came out, arguably both higher spec'd than the playstaion2. You could count all these consoles as 6th Gen but that would be misleading.

Before that you have what people call 5th gen but that includes both 32bit and 64bit machines. Clearly the 64bit machines are a generation jump ahead of the 32bit playstion.

Then take 'current' gen. We have the PS3 and xbox360, and then we have a wii with last gen specs but with next gen controls.

I would say the field is blurred.
I am wrong, but you can not be right either.

also Nintendo releases are staggered against microsoft and sony's.
Nintendo release a new console every 5 years or so. Sony every 7-10 years. Microsoft hit whenever is best.

I see your point completely, but only up untill sony joined in were the generations clearly defined, and closely matched in ability.

My point being you say wiiU will be 8th gen, but it is only slightly more powerfull than current gen, making it current gen or 'last gen'.
Whereas PS4 Nextbox will be on another level entirely.

I am admittedly confused thinking about this.

Slightly more believable then. Still though, how did he get the opportunity to see that? There's been no news about is so I'd assume they'd only show it to the most trusted people.

He works in a factory that provide the screens for 3DS and WiiU and some smartphones with resistive screens.

#31 abbe


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Posted 22 September 2011 - 04:48 AM

@lostdwarf When did the power of the consoles really had to do with generations? You cant really deny that wii belongs to this generation, plus, WII U will probably wont be "slightly" more powerful than current gen, many sources said it is most likely to be 4-5 times as powerful as 360, and crytec said they are very happy about the dev kits, and for me, that says a LOT.

#32 lostdwarf



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Posted 22 September 2011 - 05:37 AM

Yes I mentioned in my last post I have become extremely confused about all of this and I am probably wrong.
My day started bad and that attitude went along with my confused post. appologies.

Although I know the wii U is 4-5 times as powerful as xbox360. This though does not make for a very big deffence in graphics. A leap of x10 and more will see a decent improvement,(ie nextbox) wii U will just have better quality textures and draw distance and loading times, (as well as being able to view everything on screen or a different area of the same map at the same time using the controllers screen) which is fantastic, but not a generation leap - more a small hop.

Can you clear this up then for me... If the wiiU is 8th gen, when the PS4 and nextbox come out in about 3 years will that be the 9th gen?

#33 Tre



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Posted 22 September 2011 - 05:39 AM

I want to say that just because a console comes out 2 years before or after doesn't change its generation. The Wii U is next gen. The whole next gen issue is only a recent issue. HD is the reason for the confusion. Take HD out and it's a new generation for all three consoles. HD has clouded judgements. People should realize that there won't be a new format for many years. It took 40 to 60 years for the governments of the world to change the format to 720i/p and 1080i/p. That's the only reason why people think the Wii U is not next gen. I have some heartbreaking new then cause if the Wii U is not then the next Playstation and Xbox won't be either.

Edit: there wasn't really a huge difference from 8-bit to 16-bit but that doesn't mean it wasn't a generational leap.

Edited by Tre, 22 September 2011 - 05:41 AM.

#34 lostdwarf



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Posted 22 September 2011 - 05:52 AM

I have no idea, I am finding this all very confusing and I have a BSC in science and astronomy.
I think I need pictures. A picture graph of each generation side by side - along with reasons WHY this console, is this gen, or that gen, even though they are released years apart and have different capeabilities and graphics.
I really can not make any sense of it. It used to make sense when I was at school but I never questioned it then.
I don't get it. Maybe I am too old to get it. ha.

I am deviating everyone from the topic so I say forget my dribble and keep the topic flowing.

Sooooooo do we think it will have a mahooosive power brick or will it be built in like PS3?

#35 Tre



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Posted 22 September 2011 - 06:01 AM

think of it like this. each new generation is a new console. Specs doesn't matter. It is new generation of the console. sega CD is not a new generation because it is an add-on of their current system at the time. Each new console is better than their previous console. I believe you were over thinking it.

#36 lostdwarf



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Posted 22 September 2011 - 06:17 AM

So my original post is correct?

#37 Tre



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Posted 22 September 2011 - 06:24 AM

So my original post is correct?

both you and Andy were correct.
It is the 8th generation of video consoles when Wii U debut but it is also what you said in the breakdown of each company. Just as if Sega came back to making consoles it would be their 5th generation.

#38 Eskimo_sam



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Posted 23 September 2011 - 12:29 AM

Guys…who cares??!!!

#39 lostdwarf



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Posted 23 September 2011 - 01:15 AM

I want to play on wii U now.
Their is an article on the front page about darksiders being SUPERIOR on the WiiU version!!

#40 SleepyGuyy



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Posted 24 September 2011 - 04:55 PM

I think the WiiU would have to be significantly more powerful than the Ps3 in order to stream two (and quiet possibly 5) Video feeds at once while still holding true ports from the ps3 (and the discs are 25 GB max... what are you gonna do with all that memory if you can't
do huge complicated things)
. I'm not sure how much more powerful a home console can get, there was a jump to HD but i dont see another jump as big as that. At the same time the ps3 was nearly $600 or $700 when it was new so the competitors might surpass the WiiU in power a few years after its out and still try to sell it. Of course people aren't as willing to pay $600 for a console now unless it makes the next big jump.... Holograms

Edited by SleepyGuyy, 24 September 2011 - 04:57 PM.

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