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What's wrong with me? Trouble enjoying games

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#1 Kokirii



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Posted 27 September 2013 - 06:57 AM

I've been gaming for a long time (~20 or more years), and I'm finding that I'm having trouble enjoying games the same way I did when I was younger.  I remember as a kid having a Nintendo 64 with maybe a max of 4-5 games the whole time I owned the console.  I replayed Mario 64, Zelda: OoT, Goldeneye, and Mario Kart over and over and never got tired of them.


These days I don't think it's that the games aren't objectively fun, but I find that when I get a game I feel pressured to rush through it because I have this desire to get other games.  It often makes the overall experience unenjoyable and I can rarely finish a game because I get tired of it and want to try the next one.  While I find it easiest to slow down and play the heck out of Nintendo games, even with these I "feel the urge" to move quickly or put the game away before finishing it.


Maybe it's because I am older and don't have nearly as much time for video games anymore, or maybe it's because I use the internet and money, which open up the possibility of seeing and buying more than whatever my parents would get me.  Or maybe I just don't like video games as much as I used to??  


Anyone else experience this?  

Edited by kokirii, 27 September 2013 - 06:58 AM.

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#2 Zinix



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Posted 27 September 2013 - 07:07 AM


Take a break. Like Im doing right now. I dont have the urge anymore, but I still make too for games.

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#3 NintendoReport



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Posted 27 September 2013 - 07:09 AM

I've been gaming for a long time (~20 or more years), and I'm finding that I'm having trouble enjoying games the same way I did when I was younger.  I remember as a kid having a Nintendo 64 with maybe a max of 4-5 games the whole time I owned the console.  I replayed Mario 64, Zelda: OoT, Goldeneye, and Mario Kart over and over and never got tired of them.


These days I don't think it's that the games aren't objectively fun, but I find that when I get a game I feel pressured to rush through it because I have this desire to get other games.  It often makes the overall experience unenjoyable and I can rarely finish a game because I get tired of it and want to try the next one.  While I find it easiest to slow down and play the heck out of Nintendo games, even with these I "feel the urge" to move quickly or put the game away before finishing it.


Maybe it's because I am older and don't have nearly as much time for video games anymore, or maybe it's because I use the internet and money, which open up the possibility of seeing and buying more than whatever my parents would get me.  Or maybe I just don't like video games as much as I used to??  


Anyone else experience this?  



I think I know how you feel and what you mean. I am 33 and work a lot, when I do get free time I get involved in catching up with other things around the house but wanting to play some videos games I've been putting off... then when I finally do have free time to play... the excitement isn't quite as strong.


It isn't the games per say, it's more of life in general and being an adult with lots of responsibilities. Best thing I found to do is if you do get time to play some games, spend some time playing a few different ones rather then invest a ton of time into one. I tend to spread myself out a bit over a handful of games and it seems to make me more happy knowing that I am at least putting some time into all of them rather then just one and having the rest sit idle on my shelf.

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#4 3Dude



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Posted 27 September 2013 - 07:53 AM

I used to feel the same as you. Until I realized it actually was the games. And publishers are doing it on purpose.



#5 Kokirii



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Posted 27 September 2013 - 08:07 AM

I used to feel the same as you. Until I realized it actually was the games. And publishers are doing it on purpose.


Well, that does make sense.  It certainly doesn't help line the publishers' pockets if we're all buying only one or two games every few months and spending tons of time playing the crap out of them.  Having just got WW HD and Monster Hunter, there's no reason I should feel the constant need to check on what's coming out next and be looking for deals on other games, but whatever I've been trained to feel from these other games is encroaching even when my focus is on my beloved Nintendo.

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#6 BrosBeforeGardenTools


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Posted 27 September 2013 - 08:17 AM

Play a good, solid game. Not AAA. But indie or close to AAA. Problem solved?

#7 3Dude



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Posted 27 September 2013 - 08:23 AM

Play a good, solid game. Not AAA. But indie or close to AAA. Problem solved?

I think you just shone a flashlight directly on the problem. Those kind of games, 'indyie like but close to aaa', or the A or B budget games, solid games without a huge marketing/icing (overblown vo/cinematics) so they acan focus that time and money on the actual game... practically dont exist anymore thanks to the current state of the industries business model. They are becoming VERY hard to find. And the really good ones among them, naturally rarer still.



#8 Abcdude


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Posted 27 September 2013 - 08:40 AM

I don't know about you guys, but I seem to find PC and Handhelds so much easier to pick up and play in comparison with consoles (which I can only play about an hour and 30 minutes until I feel like my session is a chore)


#9 Mocha Bear

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Posted 27 September 2013 - 08:41 AM

Well, that does make sense.  It certainly doesn't help line the publishers' pockets if we're all buying only one or two games every few months and spending tons of time playing the crap out of them.  Having just got WW HD and Monster Hunter, there's no reason I should feel the constant need to check on what's coming out next and be looking for deals on other games, but whatever I've been trained to feel from these other games is encroaching even when my focus is on my beloved Nintendo.

From my experience I only rush when a game is coming out soon for a series I really enjoy. I'm not sure I could rush through most games like that. Maybe you should try to slow down by playing some old games you never got to enjoy? I'm currently playing kingdom hearts 2 on the side of gta v and my problem is I can't find the time to enjoy all the content. That or you could just swear off AAA like Amnesia mentioned.

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#10 xile6



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Posted 27 September 2013 - 10:51 AM

Lots of things can cause these problems.

I know if i have to many games i dont tend to play them all to there fullness.

I remember when i was getting games every week, which lead me to not playing them all because i would get use to one and not the good at the other any more.

once i started spacing out when i got another game it was better and i was able to play the game to its fullness.


Also some games just arent what they use to be,

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#11 Julio93


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Posted 27 September 2013 - 11:56 AM

You know I use to feel like that months ago, take a break from videogames and walk around your neighborhood, greet people, meet someone and have fun.



#12 DexterousGecko


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Posted 27 September 2013 - 03:18 PM

feeling the same thing lately. I think I might just be getting too old for games? Who knows. Lately I want to do something strange, like take helicopter lessons or become an electrician! lol, must be a mid-life crisis!

#13 grahamf


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Posted 27 September 2013 - 04:20 PM

May I ask what games you're playing?


That being said, I have noticed this too. Of this generation I've only completed Scibblenughts, Lego City Undercover, PM: Sticker Star, and Mario 3D Land (but I was mistaken there). and I have very little incentive to replay those games.

Edited by grahamf, 27 September 2013 - 04:22 PM.



#14 Zinix



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Posted 27 September 2013 - 05:16 PM

I still havent beaten Project x Zone, lol.

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#15 Keviin



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Posted 28 September 2013 - 02:16 AM

After playing a bit of Xbox (games like BF/COD) I usually feel very frustrated and 'empty' somehow. But a game like Luigi's Mansion 2 makes me happy instead... so maybe it depends on what you're playing too

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#16 Rockodoodle


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Posted 28 September 2013 - 12:14 PM

This.... Have spent 10x as much time on my 3ds than my Wii U.....tho the experience on the Wii U is richer, it's so much more convenient and easier to just pick up and play a few minutes here and there....




I don't know about you guys, but I seem to find PC and Handhelds so much easier to pick up and play in comparison with consoles (which I can only play about an hour and 30 minutes until I feel like my session is a chore)

#17 Kokirii



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Posted 28 September 2013 - 12:19 PM

May I ask what games you're playing?


That being said, I have noticed this too. Of this generation I've only completed Scibblenughts, Lego City Undercover, PM: Sticker Star, and Mario 3D Land (but I was mistaken there). and I have very little incentive to replay those games.



After playing a bit of Xbox (games like BF/COD) I usually feel very frustrated and 'empty' somehow. But a game like Luigi's Mansion 2 makes me happy instead... so maybe it depends on what you're playing too



Yeah, I recently tried Dragon Age: Origins, Halo 4, Borderlands 2, Bioshock: Infinite, and Monster Hunter 3U.  Wasn't able to play more than a couple hours of any of them.  

Edited by kokirii, 28 September 2013 - 12:20 PM.

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#18 cannonshane


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Posted 28 September 2013 - 01:03 PM

I felt like this for a year or so a while back, nothing really between socom 2 and the uncharted series really captured me.

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#19 Rockodoodle


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Posted 28 September 2013 - 01:40 PM

I've been hoarding games- i have over 30 games for my Wii u and 3ds, but only play a third of them on a regular basis.  I picked up three more today and have some I haven't even played yet or barely played.  I need to stop buying new games.




Lots of things can cause these problems.

I know if i have to many games i dont tend to play them all to there fullness.

I remember when i was getting games every week, which lead me to not playing them all because i would get use to one and not the good at the other any more.

once i started spacing out when i got another game it was better and i was able to play the game to its fullness.


Also some games just arent what they use to be,

#20 3Dude



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Posted 28 September 2013 - 03:16 PM

I still havent beaten Project x Zone, lol.

lol I remember that thread XD.



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