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Assassin's Creed IV, Batman & Watch_Dogs are Wii U's only hope for 3rd party

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#1 Julio93


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Posted 10 October 2013 - 10:00 AM

You know, its funny when I see Wii U owners complain about 3rd party support, especially Miiverse,"Why isn't this game coming to the Wii U, why isn't that game coming to the Wii U?" Its because 3rd party games aren't selling at all on the Wii U and 3rd party devs are taking notice, Injustice and Splinter Cell Blacklist are the best 3rd party games that were ported to the Wii U, and they both sold miserably. (Rayman doesn't count since it sold bad on Ps3 & 360) Someone in Meticritic reviewed Injustice on Wii U said he played both versions and the Wii U version is slightly faster and more competitive. Splinter Cell Blacklist is the better version on Wii U because it has no screen tearing. If Injustice sold more on Wii U then Wii U owners would get it the same time as the PS3 & 360 versions. Blacklist had the worst selling big triple A ubisoft title, If the developers aren't making a profit then they might aswell abandon it and work on the systems that will make a profit. And I know some of you are gonna say "But the Ps3 wasn't selling and Ubisoft was with them all the way." That was different back then, since someone from Ubisoft stated games are expensive to develop for on an article I think it was the reason why Rayman Legends is multiplatform because they wanna make more money?

The only tripple A 3rd party games on Wii U left are Assassin's Creed IV, Batman Arkham Origins and Watch_Dogs, what's left? Nothing besides Mighty No. 9 and Shantae Half Genie hero but those are coming to all platforms. Its funny to me that Lego City & Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate are the only games that sold way more than Wonderful 101 and Wind Waker HD. If you want the sequels, then buy the 3rd party games, especially Watch_Dogs, you really don't want to let that go. The only ones supporting it are Ubisoft, Sega with that partnership they made, Platinum games because Nintendo greenlights their ideas, Disney with their kids games, and Warner Bros with their kids games. That is very light. "Julio doesn't know what he's talking about, Wii U is a fail/Julio Logic." I like the Wii U and I joke around about how bad the Wii U is here and there, but I don't want to act like a fanboy and pretend nothing is wrong and say Nintendo is doing a great job even though they clearly aren't with delays and 3rd party. Because these next gen games that are coming to PS4 and the Xbox One, they're not coming to the Wii U at all if they see 3rd party games still selling horribly on the Wii U. (Better hardware is needed though.)

I made this because there'sthis girl named Emily Rodgers who writes for a fan made Nintendo magazine. And even though she's a Nintendo fan and still supporting the Wii U, she's dead serious about the 3rd party situation that everybody who owns a Wii U should go buy the 3rd party games on Wii U if you want to play the sequel or DLC on that platform.


These are for the people who complain about 3rd party support on Wii U, buy the games. Go buy Assassin's Creed IV reguardless if it doesn't have the DLC, go buy Batman if you don't want tacked on Multiplayer for 50 bucks, especially go buy Watch_Dogs if you really want the sequel to come on the Wii U. You really don't want that producer of Watch_Dogs all of a sudden change his opinion about the Wii U. Sure the Installbase needs to grow but still, 3 mil units can still reach around 50k if Wii U owners were demanding multiplatform games.



#2 meitantei_conan



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Posted 10 October 2013 - 10:35 AM

I agree with most of what you are saying. To tell you the honest truth if assassins creed 4, watch dogs and batman all fail to sell then I wouldn't be angry at ubisoft or WB if they stopped supporting wiiu. they did what they could. I will be buying all the 3rd party games on wiiu! 

#3 Abcdude


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Posted 10 October 2013 - 10:40 AM

Don't forget Sonic Lost Worlds. 


The only problem with those games is that devs are too lazy to add simple things. That lack of multiplayer in batman really defeats all reason to even go wii U. What really worries me is the future of the Wii U 3rd party, next year, there will probably not be a single 3rd party title. Think about it, everyone's moved to the PS4 and Xbox one, far more powerful than the Wii U, and they're too lazy just to down the game's features and optimize it for the wii U.


Honestly, I don't see any reason to care, imo. If you want to play 3rd party games just get a PS4/PS3/PC. The Wii U has a good enough first party lineup to make you proud to own one.


#4 Kokirii



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Posted 10 October 2013 - 10:42 AM

Are you measuring the selling success of games like Blacklist as a ratio of copies sold to install base?  We can't compare absolute numbers sold because PS3 and 360 have been out for 8 years and have huge install bases compared to Wii U.  

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#5 TheDoctor_13


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Posted 10 October 2013 - 10:48 AM

Don't forget Sonic Lost Worlds. 

Yeah but Sonic and Nintendo will always have a good relationship I reckon. 


I agree, I keep supporting, but it's still so little. Got ACIII for Wii U, was gonna get Most Wanted U, but I got the 360 version because it wasen't coming when I got it, still might pick it up. Haven't planned on getting Blacklist until I found it cheaper, And will defiantly get ACIV and Watchdogs as soon as I can. 

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#6 Azure-Edge


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Posted 10 October 2013 - 12:09 PM

If third parties want their games to sell well on the system then they need to treat these games with the same TLC as all the other versions and not gimp them. Even though the MP in Batman will probably be crap and hardly played, the fact remains that it's missing from this system's version. Wii U owners don't live in a vacuum. They own other systems, so if one version of the game is better than another then they're going to be smart consumers and buy the better version available to them, even if they would rather have it on the Wii U.


This isn't the first time this has happened either. Sniper Elite is missing a huge chunk of its content so no one bought it. And that was also an old game. Batman is missing MP, devs have no one to blame but themselves when the Wii U version doesn't bring in as much as they want. AC4 is apparently going to not be getting dlc, so they've shot themselves in the foot as well. The fault here lies with the devs, not the gamers. You bring up Injustice, didn't that game release later than the PS360 versions and wasn't given dlc? Once again, smart consumers are going to be smart consumers and do what's best for them.


Don't get me wrong, I completely agree that people who want more third party support on the Wii U need to show it with their money, not talk about it online. But that doesn't mean they should buy gimped versions of their games because that sends just as bad of a message to devs. It tells them they can get away with screwing over Nintendo gamers. PS and Xbox gamers wouldn't stand for that crap so why should people who play on Nintendo systems? I say go out and fully support the good third party games by reserving/buying day one and letting the gimped crap crash and burn. You can't let devs get away with treating one consumer base like they're less than another one.


People seem hyped for Watchdogs right? I have no interest in the game, but if you do and you want more third party support on this system then you need to buy the Wii U version day one, not wait half a year until it's in the bargain bin. I know I'll be supporting third parties if/when they start bringing out games I want.

Edited by Azure-Edge, 10 October 2013 - 12:12 PM.


#7 GAMER1984



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Posted 10 October 2013 - 01:59 PM

COD ghost? Might be the most important because its probably going to outsell all those mentioned and its known for its online multiplayer which Wii U has a negative view with right now... So we will see.

#8 Expansion Pak

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Posted 10 October 2013 - 01:59 PM

*cough* forgot COD Ghosts*cough*hack**wheeze*

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#9 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 10 October 2013 - 05:49 PM

 (Better hardware isn't needed.)

fixed* ;)


#10 Mahmoodinho98


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Posted 12 October 2013 - 03:51 PM

I hope those games have poor sales so that nintendo cancles wii u and releases a new console

#11 TheUltimateWaddleDee


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Posted 12 October 2013 - 04:49 PM

I hope those games have poor sales so that nintendo cancles wii u and releases a new console

So you want Nintendo to pull a Sega before they release their big titles?

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#12 krizzx


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Posted 12 October 2013 - 04:50 PM

I am so tired of seeing threads like this around the net. If Nintendo's last hope for support are sub par ports with missing content, then they'd be dead already.



Most of those games do not deserve to sale. They are missing content and will likely be ransacked with glitches. Nintendo isn't desperate and neither are its supporters.


People should not be expected to buy sub par products. When developers make a game that is worth what is being charged, people will buy it. Batman Origins and AC4 have already been announced to be missing content and thus, do not deserve to sale.


Those games may be those specific third parties last chance on Nintendo's hardware. They are throwing their own money out the window by trying to sell Wii U owners inferior software. Nintendo still has the support of Capcom, SEGA, Atlus and plenty of other third parties who make actual full featured games.


Well made games sell well. That is pretty much all there is to it.

Edited by krizzx, 12 October 2013 - 08:33 PM.

#13 Socalmuscle


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Posted 12 October 2013 - 05:01 PM

I am so tired of seeing threads like this around the next. If Nintendo's last hope for support are sub par ports with missing content, then they'd be dead already.
Most of those games do not deserve to sale. They are missing content and will likely be ransacked with glitches. Nintendo isn't desperate and neither are its supporters.
People should not be expected to buy a sub par products. When developers make a game that is worth what is being charged, people will buy it. Batman Origins and AC4 have already been announced to be missing content and thus, do not deserve to sale.
Those games may be those specific third parties last chance on Nintendo's hardware. They are throwing their own money out the window by trying to sell Wii U owners inferior software. Nintendo still has the support of Capcom, SEGA, Atlus and plenty of other third parties who make actual full featured games.
Well made games sell well. That is pretty much all their is to it.

Excellent post.

Very well said.


#14 Aiddon



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Posted 12 October 2013 - 09:30 PM

I am so tired of seeing threads like this around the net. If Nintendo's last hope for support are sub par ports with missing content, then they'd be dead already.



Most of those games do not deserve to sale. They are missing content and will likely be ransacked with glitches. Nintendo isn't desperate and neither are its supporters.


People should not be expected to buy sub par products. When developers make a game that is worth what is being charged, people will buy it. Batman Origins and AC4 have already been announced to be missing content and thus, do not deserve to sale.


Those games may be those specific third parties last chance on Nintendo's hardware. They are throwing their own money out the window by trying to sell Wii U owners inferior software. Nintendo still has the support of Capcom, SEGA, Atlus and plenty of other third parties who make actual full featured games.


Well made games sell well. That is pretty much all there is to it.


Amen to that; mediocre effort is NOT something that should be rewarded. 3rd parties are basically trying to have their cake and eat it with the Wii U and it's rightfully backfiring on them. Consumers aren't that dumb, if they hear that one version of the game is missing features that other versions have of COURSE the gimped one is going to bomb. I don't know whether this is because 3rd parties are intentionally trying to starve Nintendo (which, let's face it, has never, EVER worked) or they're just that stupid. I'm gonna go with the latter.

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