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#1 Racose



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Posted 09 November 2013 - 08:22 PM

Greetings everyone, I've been wanting to pick up a WiiU for quite sometime. And with the release of the Zelda Wind Waker HD bundle, that black & gold trim. It just goes with everything in my house. I just couldn't pass it up. As well as with some games, & so without further ado. A list of the few WiiU games I couldn't wait to add into my collection. In no real order.


Zelda Wind Waker HD, this is a given. As it came with the system. And in all honesty at first I didn't like the art style this Zelda had, but it quickly grew on me.


Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, do I really need to explain why I couldn't leave without grabbing a copy?


The Last Story, I know it's a Wii game. But with the WiiU being backwards compatible & after reading up on it. It's a safe bet. I'm gonna love it when i get around to it. As well as it has muti-player, you can never go wrong when playing with friends. Of course that's to say, people still play the muti-player. Let alone the servers are still up & running.


XenoBlade Chronicles, yep another Wii game. It's been far to long since I've played a Xeno game.


Now as you probably guessed by the topic title of this tread, I am a fan of the Smash Brothers series. I didn't pick up the latest one, nor any. Cause a good friend of mine told me, how Nintendo maybe releasing a Smash Bros HD Collection. Does anyone know if this is true? Or if my friend just made it up, so I wouldn't have a smashing head start. Aww, that joke was so much more funnier in my head..


Now I've talked a bit about the games I've picked up & that gives you a small look at the games I like. But it's a bit shallow, I'm not the type of guy that just adds people for a game or two. I belive a friends list is just that, a list of friends. Not a list of acquaintances, although. All friends start off as nothing more than a acquaintances. Hmm, wow I could so debate this with myself all night. So I better me move on.. Was trying to shift into fun facts about myself, but ended up tripping instead. Fun facts time!


My name or I should say, my handle Racose. Is a last name I've used, as long as I can remember. You see, I made it up long ago. As a last name for a character D&D. Dungeons & Dragons for those that are to young & not hip to the old ways. Played many others while useing the name in the old days. AD&D, Battletech, & Shadowrun. All while useing the same name in some way or another. Only ever changing it for when little me, died. of course in some games it didn't matter. Like Shadowrun, took me far to long before I could get a Racose to live long enough to retire, let alone pass the starter quests. I'd have the same name & everything. It worked in that game, because besides the stander names. You'd give your character a street name, and mine was Clone. See it worked out. So in closing on this fun fact, if you see a person with the name/handle Racose. Weather it's a single player game like Fallout 3 or a mmo. It's most likely me, well nine times out of ten. There was that one time, playing an mmo. This girl made a new character with it in her name. But she was a borderline stalker. So yea, nine of out ten.


Okay then, if you'll excuse me. I need to make something for dinner & I do belive I hear King of the Red Lions calling.

#2 Mitch



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Posted 09 November 2013 - 10:42 PM

I like you....You seem like you a make as a really good character in Animal Crossing


Welcome to these fine forums :D

#3 TelkEvolon


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Posted 10 November 2013 - 04:04 AM

...that black & gold trim. It just goes with everything in my house.

1. Are you Tony Montana?

2. Are you looking forward to "X"?

3. Welcome to the club!

"Each generation wants new symbols, new people, new names. They want to divorce themselves from their predecessors."

- Jim Morrison

#4 Racose



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Posted 12 November 2013 - 02:16 PM

I like you....You seem like you a make as a really good character in Animal Crossing


Welcome to these fine forums :D


Thank you, I know very little to nothing about Animal Crossing. But I choose to take it as a compliment, as long as I can be a cat with a nice fedora.


1. Are you Tony Montana?

2. Are you looking forward to "X"?

3. Welcome to the club!


1. "I'm Tony Montana! You **** with me, you ****in' with the best!" "I always tell the truth. Even when I lie." Furthermore. "Hello. My name it Inigo Montoya. You killed my farther. Prepare to die."


2. Yes, very much so! I just wish there was more info floating around.


3. Thank you, glad to be here.

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