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Very long rant about Nintendo.

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#21 Rockodoodle


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Posted 12 November 2013 - 10:44 PM

Yeah, I get that you don't want to shoot everything out at once.  I went out and read a lot of the reviews from the launch, and people/reviewers for the most part seemed happy with the system but people were thinking that a lot of these games were coming out in the near future- Rayman (I know, Ubisoft), W101, Pikmin etc.  It seems like a lot of the early adopters got upset about the time I bought mine (April)- then you heard a lot of people- and still hear people complaining about the lack of games. Some of this is exaggerated (I have a backlog of games that I've barely touched)- but some of it isn't, especially with the new consoles on their way.  Are there even a dozen exclusives a year after launch?  They have the resources to produce more games and to get them out in a more timely manner.   




I agree with you there. Rich has a lot of insight and a lot of brains when it comes to subjects he's knowledgeable about such as PCs and tech and whatnot, but he's definitely no business genius. I find it ironic that they have an hour long video about Nintendo's 'problem' and yet from a business perspective they're the only ones out of the big three to be doing well. MS has never made a profit on the Xbox brand and the PS3 lost Sony pretty much everything they made with their first two systems. 


To Rockodoodle: They tried the 'darker' route with Twilight Princess. Wasn't really all that great. They tried telling a 'mature' story with Other M and people just down right despise that game (In my opinion unfairly). If there's one thing I've learned, it's that people rarely respond as expected when given what they say they want. As for the games thing. Part of that is on Nintendo being stupid, but the other part is simply that it takes time to make games and they're not going to throw out all their biggest names at once and over saturate their own system. 

#22 Hunter



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Posted 13 November 2013 - 12:11 AM

Summary of video:

"colourful games are babyish and the wii sucked because families enjoyed it"

They both obviously have no idea what theyre talking about.

#23 Mitch



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Posted 13 November 2013 - 12:29 AM

Nintendo not growing up with their audience yet you see 30 and 40 year olds dressing up like kids at halloween wearing mario, link, yoshi, luigi and all sorts of outfits standing in line for hours on end waiting for game releases or at a convention for free giveaways. LOLz
and don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with that!

Just sayin.... This isnt adults dressed up for Halloween






#24 Poptartboy



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Posted 13 November 2013 - 01:30 AM

Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up. -C.S Lewis

Its time for people to grow up.

Absolutely spot on, as was the other post. This industry as a whole seems too scared to make games like Nintendo does. It seems like Sony are the only ones to even consider them, with stuff like Puppeteer and Tearaway.

But yeah it's nonsense. It's like saying Pixar should start doing horror movies. I find it ridiculous when people make it seem weird about watching a film like Toy Story.

The ironic thing to me is that I find Pixar and Nintendo to be far more mature than the rest of the nonsense out there.

Is Call of Duty really a 'mature' game? Dealing with adult issues? Or is it just about killing and blood and therefore classed as 'mature'?

Is Saw really a 'mature' movie? The way I define mature Up would fit the description far more than Saw would.

#25 Nollog


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Posted 13 November 2013 - 05:10 AM

kokirii, on 12 Nov 2013 - 2:29 PM, said:
Great quote! Going in my sig

I reported your signature for copyright infringement.

Plutonas, on 11 Nov 2013 - 9:21 PM, said:
Well they right, I grow up with atari 2600, snes, gameboy.... I loved my gamecube... But after... I play pc now :)

I want to buy a ps4, but not yet, revision 2 or 3 maybe. not at release date. Because I love to play " THE ORDER ".

As for the wii U, a friend of mine works in an online magazine with reviews and he is in the nintendo section. He only tells me, when I ask him " shall I buy wii U ", he says " NOT NOW".

I could get ps4 or wii U right now, but I decided to go sli or crossfire in my pc, but since I decided that, I have to upgrade cpu and mobo too! So I will stick with it for now.

also there is still numerous articles about ranting wii U, even today!!! read


I dont know... But I see some increased sales latelly, out of nothing... Up to 80.000 consoles per week.

A rant is just a long amount of words to show your issue with an event, or set of events you care about.
A rant is neither good nor bad, so those links you pasted are not rants, they're rainbowty "news" "articles" from rainbowty web blogs.
The motley fool one is just an investor trying to get you to invest in their hardware (apple and microsoft)

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/thewiiu/public_html/ips_kernel/HTMLPurifier/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Serializer.php:133) in /home/thewiiu/public_html/ips_kernel/classAjax.php on line 328

#26 Kokirii



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Posted 13 November 2013 - 05:56 AM

As Benjen Stark said "Nothing before 'but' really counts"; Nintendo are not going to force themselves to be something they are not. They are not interested in M-rated BS or insecure "darker" schlock. They have ONE mission statement: to make games that are FUN and that people of all ages, walks of life, and skill levels can enjoy.


hear hear!



I reported your signature for copyright infringement.


lol to whom? :) you're so funny, noll-dawg

Edited by kokirii, 13 November 2013 - 05:56 AM.

Games of The Moment

New Super Mario Bros. 2

Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

#27 Azure-Edge


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Posted 13 November 2013 - 06:54 AM

Yeah, I get that you don't want to shoot everything out at once.  I went out and read a lot of the reviews from the launch, and people/reviewers for the most part seemed happy with the system but people were thinking that a lot of these games were coming out in the near future- Rayman (I know, Ubisoft), W101, Pikmin etc.  It seems like a lot of the early adopters got upset about the time I bought mine (April)- then you heard a lot of people- and still hear people complaining about the lack of games. Some of this is exaggerated (I have a backlog of games that I've barely touched)- but some of it isn't, especially with the new consoles on their way.  Are there even a dozen exclusives a year after launch?  They have the resources to produce more games and to get them out in a more timely manner.   


Have you ever owned any other console at launch before? Because I would consider this to be pretty normal to slightly below par for a first year. If you're expecting them to get a new exclusive game for every year then you're going to be sorely disappointed with the other two systems. Speaking for first party, just because they have one development team at work on a Wii U game doesn't necessarily mean all the rest are ready as well. Nintendo does have another device to make games for and teams finish up work at different times so not everyone is able to begin working on their Wii U games at once.


Take Sakurai for example. Last year he was still busy at work with Kid Icarus until around March. Even if he jumped straight off of that project and on to Smash Bros. then he's still had less than two years to work on the game. It's going to be amazing if we see that game ready any time before fall or winter of next year. That being said I do think that Nintendo needs to work on expanding their staff and getting more studios under their belt as much as possible. Especially since third parties are basically giving the Wii U the finger. They can't rely on just Miyamoto and Sakurai forever. This is where I agree with Rich in that they do need to get new blood in to their company. Not necessarily people who are going to try to 'westernize' or CoD up Nintendo, I don't think anyone with half a brain wants that, but at least new people with new ideas. Nintendo needs a few more Retros and a few more close, almost second party, partners like Platinum.


#28 Aiddon



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Posted 13 November 2013 - 07:54 AM

Have you ever owned any other console at launch before? Because I would consider this to be pretty normal to slightly below par for a first year. If you're expecting them to get a new exclusive game for every year then you're going to be sorely disappointed with the other two systems. Speaking for first party, just because they have one development team at work on a Wii U game doesn't necessarily mean all the rest are ready as well. Nintendo does have another device to make games for and teams finish up work at different times so not everyone is able to begin working on their Wii U games at once.


Take Sakurai for example. Last year he was still busy at work with Kid Icarus until around March. Even if he jumped straight off of that project and on to Smash Bros. then he's still had less than two years to work on the game. It's going to be amazing if we see that game ready any time before fall or winter of next year. That being said I do think that Nintendo needs to work on expanding their staff and getting more studios under their belt as much as possible. Especially since third parties are basically giving the Wii U the finger. They can't rely on just Miyamoto and Sakurai forever. This is where I agree with Rich in that they do need to get new blood in to their company. Not necessarily people who are going to try to 'westernize' or CoD up Nintendo, I don't think anyone with half a brain wants that, but at least new people with new ideas. Nintendo needs a few more Retros and a few more close, almost second party, partners like Platinum.


Uh, they ARE expanding; they HAVE been expanding for quite a while now. However, they're also not in a rush with it as it's one of those things best done in moderation over an extended period of time. So, Rich talking about "new blood" is late to the party. "Fresh blood" is nothing more than a buzz term people who are ignorant about development throw around to make things dramatic. Thing is, young dev teams aren't all that great.  Contrary to popular myth, they DON'T typically make fresh ideas, they just copy older ones and forget to find way to spice them up. It's ironically the older guys who are able to come up with new ideas more frequently.

#29 Rockodoodle


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Posted 13 November 2013 - 09:17 AM

I'm a casual gamer.  I'm fine with the number of titles out and actually have a backlog of games.  I'm more concerned with Nintendo for sales purposes. They don't need to sell me.  I've even thought about getting a second Wii U for when my kids visit their grandmother.  


I just think people would be more apt to buy a Wii U over other consoles if they had more of their big sellers out, especially by now or at least in the months right after Christmas.  




Have you ever owned any other console at launch before? Because I would consider this to be pretty normal to slightly below par for a first year. If you're expecting them to get a new exclusive game for every year then you're going to be sorely disappointed with the other two systems. Speaking for first party, just because they have one development team at work on a Wii U game doesn't necessarily mean all the rest are ready as well. Nintendo does have another device to make games for and teams finish up work at different times so not everyone is able to begin working on their Wii U games at once.


Take Sakurai for example. Last year he was still busy at work with Kid Icarus until around March. Even if he jumped straight off of that project and on to Smash Bros. then he's still had less than two years to work on the game. It's going to be amazing if we see that game ready any time before fall or winter of next year. That being said I do think that Nintendo needs to work on expanding their staff and getting more studios under their belt as much as possible. Especially since third parties are basically giving the Wii U the finger. They can't rely on just Miyamoto and Sakurai forever. This is where I agree with Rich in that they do need to get new blood in to their company. Not necessarily people who are going to try to 'westernize' or CoD up Nintendo, I don't think anyone with half a brain wants that, but at least new people with new ideas. Nintendo needs a few more Retros and a few more close, almost second party, partners like Platinum.

Edited by Rockodoodle, 13 November 2013 - 09:22 AM.

#30 Azure-Edge


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Posted 13 November 2013 - 09:20 AM

Uh, they ARE expanding; they HAVE been expanding for quite a while now. However, they're also not in a rush with it as it's one of those things best done in moderation over an extended period of time. So, Rich talking about "new blood" is late to the party. "Fresh blood" is nothing more than a buzz term people who are ignorant about development throw around to make things dramatic. Thing is, young dev teams aren't all that great.  Contrary to popular myth, they DON'T typically make fresh ideas, they just copy older ones and forget to find way to spice them up. It's ironically the older guys who are able to come up with new ideas more frequently.


I didn't say anything about 'younger' blood. I said new. As in new to Nintendo. There are a lot of really talented smaller scale studios in Japan that Nintendo could work with. Many of which founded by people who made huge franchises for other major publishers but got pissed off and left. If they truly are expanding though, then I don't think they're doing it at fast enough pace. I said it before and I'll say it again, Nintendo had no excuse for delays because they didn't know what HD development would take. They should have been prepping for it as soon as the Wii U was on paper. 


#31 Aiddon



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Posted 13 November 2013 - 12:37 PM

I didn't say anything about 'younger' blood. I said new. As in new to Nintendo. There are a lot of really talented smaller scale studios in Japan that Nintendo could work with. Many of which founded by people who made huge franchises for other major publishers but got pissed off and left. If they truly are expanding though, then I don't think they're doing it at fast enough pace. I said it before and I'll say it again, Nintendo had no excuse for delays because they didn't know what HD development would take. They should have been prepping for it as soon as the Wii U was on paper. 


Here's the thing: they WERE prepping for HD development. And guess what? That STILL wasn't enough because NO ONE IN THE ENTIRE INDUSTRY COULD PREPARE FOR HD. That's just a simple fact. Despite how much you THINK you need it won't be enough. And even when preparing for the worst the worst will probably STILL happen. Not their fault, it's just a quirk of the world.


Furthermore, here's another thing: Nintendo doesn't like to buy studios or scout talent from other studios because most of the time said people will leave without warning. Look at Retro; a TON of staff have left over the years. Not because the environment was bad or they were being mistreated, but just because they felt like it. That's not a system Nintendo really likes so there's a reason they avoid bringing in entire studios.

#32 3Dude



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Posted 13 November 2013 - 01:13 PM

I didn't say anything about 'younger' blood. I said new. As in new to Nintendo. There are a lot of really talented smaller scale studios in Japan that Nintendo could work with. Many of which founded by people who made huge franchises for other major publishers but got pissed off and left. If they truly are expanding though, then I don't think they're doing it at fast enough pace. I said it before and I'll say it again, Nintendo had no excuse for delays because they didn't know what HD development would take. They should have been prepping for it as soon as the Wii U was on paper.

They were prepping for it. It still overwhelmed them... Though I agree its not an excuse.

As far this: 'There are a lot of really talented smaller scale studios in Japan that Nintendo could work with. Many of which founded by people who made huge franchises for other major publishers but got pissed off and left.'

You do realize Nintendo basically now owns like, 90% of Golden age Square-soft right?



#33 Gnomishek



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Posted 13 November 2013 - 05:16 PM

As Benjen Stark said "Nothing before 'but' really counts"; Nintendo are not going to force themselves to be something they are not. They are not interested in M-rated BS or insecure "darker" schlock. They have ONE mission statement: to make games that are FUN and that people of all ages, walks of life, and skill levels can enjoy.


As Tyrion Lannister answered "But..."

Молоту войн и рокоту гроз вольные рати верны, где ветром могучим из братины звёзд рунные стяги пьяны.

#34 Zinix



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Posted 13 November 2013 - 06:15 PM

That's too long, I'm not watching it. Sum it up please. 

“Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of man, that state is obsolete.”— Rod Serling, “The Twilight Zone” The Obsolete Man

Smoke meth. Hail Satan. Watch the yearly Twilight Zone marathons. Talk to dead people. Everyone is gay. Ignore people. Live life to the fullest.

#35 BrandedSwordsman



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Posted 13 November 2013 - 07:02 PM

That's too long, I'm not watching it. Sum it up please. 

-Nintendo needs to be dark and gritty

-Metroid Prime should have been dark and gritty

-Wind Waker should have been dark and gritty (he doesn't mention Twilight Princess)

-Wii is not a gaming console

-Nintendo needs to stop catering towards families (even though they've been for the family ever since the FamiCom) 

#36 Aiddon



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Posted 13 November 2013 - 08:38 PM

As Tyrion Lannister answered "But..."


And Tyrion's answer was proven wrong in the long run.

#37 Gnomishek



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Posted 14 November 2013 - 11:44 AM

And Tyrion's answer was proven wrong in the long run.


Southerners... What do they know about what lies beyond the Wall ?

Молоту войн и рокоту гроз вольные рати верны, где ветром могучим из братины звёзд рунные стяги пьяны.

#38 SoldMyWiiU



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Posted 14 November 2013 - 06:17 PM

-Nintendo needs to be dark and gritty

-Metroid Prime should have been dark and gritty

-Wind Waker should have been dark and gritty (he doesn't mention Twilight Princess)

-Wii is not a gaming console

-Nintendo needs to stop catering towards families (even though they've been for the family ever since the FamiCom) 

This is how you put a bad spin on things as a Nintendo fanboy.

#39 lucario23


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Posted 15 November 2013 - 01:30 PM

-Nintendo needs to be dark and gritty
-Metroid Prime should have been dark and gritty
-Wind Waker should have been dark and gritty (he doesn't mention Twilight Princess)
-Wii is not a gaming console
-Nintendo needs to stop catering towards families (even though they've been for the family ever since the FamiCom)

- he does mention twilight princess actually, but argues it Came at a weird time because he felt it was the evolution of the series after ocarina but windwaker kind of jarred things first.

I watched thi video in its entirety last night and while I did hear them talking about dark and gritty stuff some, it seemed to me like they were really more upset about the presentation and reputation the company was developing than he actual content. (He even admits Windwaker was a "damn good game."

His frustration seems to be coming more from this trend of Nintendo presenting themselves as a company that focuses its image on franchises like Mario that they have almost tried too hard to make into a child's game. ( that is paraphrasing him, but a valid point).

Go back and play Mario 64. I distinctly remember times when I was scared of stuff in those levels like bowsers laugh or just that feelin of defeat when you died and that shadow of bowser ominously consumed the screen. Now when I die in a Mario game it just doesn't feel like the stakes are as high. Yeah, they have added more games for both children and casual people ( I'm looking at you Animal Crossing and Nintendogs), but please remember people that there was a Time when Nintendo actually made many of their great franchises at the same level of quality thy do today, some of which appealed to children just as much as older people because they were marketed and had little things like box art and level design that didn't scream child's game to the consumer.

To illustrate my point, look at Star Wars. A new hope and the entire original trilogy holds a special place in the hearts of many adult and CHILDREN of he time it was released, and even more modern times. No one in their right mind would ever say Star Wars A New Hope was a child's movie, yet children absolutely loved it and could relate to it as much as adults.


this is the magic Nintendo needs to reclaim. To keep in line with the metaphor many of you are using, they have shifted from being LucasArts to Disney. While this is good and means they technically have a more diverse amount of content on their system, What Nintendo is lacking is their dedication to keeping the old "LucasArts" stuff coming in the same way. When was the last time you were scared in a Nintendo game? no seriously, think about it. I want to see them legitimately scare the crap out of us again in a game like they did with some of the older stuff, and I dare them to do it in a full 3D Mario Game.


For those of you who are relatively new to gaming, you don't get it. If you are under 20 years old, or heck even 25 in some cases you may not get it. I'm 20. I freely admit that the only NES game I've ever beaten was the original Super Mario Bros. but that was actually the one on the GBC. I've played a Link to the Past and Donkey Kong Country and Super Mario World, and Yoshi's Island from the SNES (never beat any of them though, currently working on lttp). and I distinctly remember being envious of anyone I knew who had an N64 back in the day with DK64, or Super Mario 64,  or Mariokart64. And I've been exposed to even more of those games since. And the difficulty was there, there was a little bit of grit in them, but they were still stylized in many colorful ways. heck most of these games were even really kid friendly.


For people like Rich and his friend, they grew up with a Nintendo that made games that were amazing, but didn't try to shove it down my throat that it was a little kid's game. It had the elements of Mario simply put on the package and that made the point in and of itself. While Nintendo still makes many of the same Mario games and Zelda games it always has, they really haven't been balanced by maintaining a fresh supply of darker (and yes, occasionally gritty) games to go with it ( though they do it with Zelda some )


Rich then goes on to say that the Nintendo didn't grow up with his generation. I both agree and disagree with this. Yes, growing up gives people a new perspective on games, heck I even start to get nostalgia for games like twilight princess now, but Nintendo doesn't keep trying to promote any of the more mature experiences that a more adult/ older teenage gamer would enjoy and I'm not talking Call of Duty or Gears of War, I'm talking about games like Metroid or fire Emblem that require the thought process of a more developed mind of an older person to truly appreciate. Where were games like these in the masses to sit next to Mario Party/strikers/2D/3D/paper/&Luigi/kart/tennis/hoops/... see where I'm going yet? In the older days Nintendos had tons of ips they used almost as much as Mario and Zelda and now Star Fo, Metroid, Kid Icarus, Earthbound, Fire Emblem, and so on don't get brought up very often and it frustrates older people because they see these games as the IPs Nintendo could be using to engage themes and mechanics in games that older people would enjoy in ways younger people just can't. It would help create a balance to Nintendo's image that they actually kind of need right now.


I'm not saying I agree with everything in this video, but try to read between the lines and try to understand where these two are coming from, because while the company they knew and loved has changed, it really shouldn't nearly abandon them in the way Nintendo has.

Edited by lucario23, 15 November 2013 - 02:14 PM.

#40 3Dude



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Posted 15 November 2013 - 01:54 PM

Go back and play Mario 64. I distinctly remember times when I was scared of stuff in those levels like bowsers laugh or just that feelin of defeat when you died and that shadow of bowser ominously consumed the screen. Now when I die in a Mario game it just doesn't feel like the stakes are as high. Yeah, they have added more games for both children and casual people ( I'm looking at you Animal Crossing and Nintendogs), but please remember people that there was a Time when Nintendo actually made many of their great franchises at the same level of quality thy do today, some of which appealed to children just as much as older people because they were marketed and had little things like box art and level design that didn't scream child's game to the consumer.

That has nothing to do with mario today, and everything to do with you back in 1996.

Bowsers presentation in mario galaxy is LEAGUES beyond mario 64's bowser in every asset you mentioned.

My son was absolutely TERRIFIED of tentaclops or whatever the name of that squid haired boss is in skyward sword.

These people are suffering arrested development. Nothing has changed the way they are trying to make it seem.

ITS ALWAYS been targeted at children. And its ALWAYS, been of a high enough game quality to also be enjoyed by adults, who are not repressed manchildren. UNLIKE other productions, who pander to children by treating them like morons, and make games that thus PLAY moronically, look at KLANK.

The only difference between then and now is you have 17 years of gaming experience. THAT is what has changed. Well, that and the long as crap tutorials. But guess what? Those tutorials arent for the children...  Sad but true.



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