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Nintendo slashes sales forecast by 70%

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#21 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 17 January 2014 - 05:55 PM

That idea is all well and good if the company can remain viable. If I were a share holder I would be pissed if my stock dropped 16% in one day because the company can't forecast....they do have that fiduciary responsibility.

Shareholders would trust Nintendo if they made more money with the Wii U. The solution is games.


#22 Ledo Jaeger

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Posted 17 January 2014 - 07:38 PM

Although it is sad to see negative news like this, it also makes me excited, because Nintendo will respond, be it soon or down the line, with new games, new hardware, etc. with a fresh vision.

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#23 DexterousGecko


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Posted 17 January 2014 - 09:21 PM

Although it is sad to see negative news like this, it also makes me excited, because Nintendo will respond, be it soon or down the line, with new games, new hardware, etc. with a fresh vision.

Or they'll get into iphone apps.

#24 SailtheSeas


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Posted 18 January 2014 - 12:35 AM

Although it is sad to see negative news like this, it also makes me excited, because Nintendo will respond, be it soon or down the line, with new games, new hardware, etc. with a fresh vision.


Nintendo's problem is that they make mistakes a company really shouldn't be making.


It's been one mistake after another with apparently no lessons being learned along the way.


They rushed the Wii U out onto the market with no AAA games, they hardly marketed the system and then they predict that it would sell 9 million units.


Nintendo really need a new direction, they need someone young, ambitious and who understands what gamers want.


Now I'm not suggesting that Nintendo becomes like Sony and Microsoft, but when it comes to marketing and creating hype about your products, few companies have done a better job than Sony with the PS4.


Nintendo really need to improve on marketing, they need to invest in more games development studios, they need to bring out some of their older IP's and more importantly they need to create new IP's.


Nevermind worrying about Miyamoto's new IP, the guy should be enjoying a well-earned retirement, there must be thousands of employees at Nintendo and if those employees between them cannot come up with a new IP, then I'd be very worried because Nintendo shouldn't be relying on one man to create their IP's.

#25 Envy



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Posted 18 January 2014 - 05:25 AM

Or they'll get into iphone apps.


Right, and very much sadly, that seems to be what Iwata thinks the solution is.




#26 DéliopT



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Posted 18 January 2014 - 05:50 AM

Wii U`s failure is only a natural consequence of those early mistakes by Nintendo: confusing brand; no real marketing support for most of its life; no system sellers until Wind Waker, Mario 3D World, Wii Party U. And even here they were too much spaced out.


As that wasn`t enough, Nintendo made a bold projection like that.
Things would be better if they had listen to people.



#27 Ledo Jaeger

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Posted 18 January 2014 - 07:50 AM

Or they'll get into iphone apps.



I echo everyone else's comments here about marketing. Sony did an astounding job making the PS4 name known. Wii U is still a mystery to many.

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#28 Socalmuscle


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Posted 18 January 2014 - 09:20 AM



Iwata has been the antithesis of Yamauchi.

Nicer, kinder, simpler, and with no desire to compete with the big guns -contrast that with yamauchis David vs Goliath approach, where the lit gun overpowers the big guns and proves superior in every way.

The wii u itself is quite capable.

But why in the world did Nintendo have Such little development support at launch? That led to confusion that they merely created a console to compete with 360 and not a new gen. By the time the next gen games began tricking in ( an awful, slooow trickle...), the damage was done. Everywhere you turn, you find ignorant claims about the wii u.

Your first impression is sometimes your last.

And while the wii u has a good amount of power over the last yen, it's no ps4. But it should have been.

Nintendo doesn't know how to read market changes. Even now, while Iwata is waking up to the fact that smart devices are a big deal, he is reading it wrong. He simply now will look for ways to make software (and possibly accessories) for these things.

And this is instead of the real read-one which, surprisingly, ms and Sony have wised up to - people want a REASON to own a console vs smart device for gaming. The ps4 is spec'd out properly to distinguish itself. And any smart device software is simply a value add to the console itself. Not a value add to the smart device. Also, Nintendo is mistaken that people just want a cheap console. If people are spending $500 for a smartphone, subsidized or not, and $500 for a tablet, they'll pay for a console that is worth the money. The wii had its run. No one cares about cheap. They care about what you get for the money spent. It's all about value.

If Iwata doesn't want to resign, he should hire some decent advisors. The recent revelation that Nintendo core staff acts like an ostrich concerning the competition and isn't aware of compete ting software systems, is shocking.

This is looking rough.

Ms has embraced the cesspool known as free to play, Sony has shown interest as well.

Nintendo is sort of the last bastion for proper gaming, with no weird crap going on to make sure the business side ever invades your gaming fun. No one should ever have to "buy gold" with real money in a game just to continue a game properly with level ups, upgrades, etc. if they're worries about money, then make a game people want. Nintendo does this. The only problem right now is that they've done so with a hardware console that has such a bad rap, no. One buys it.

I'm hoping someone slaps Iwata around and shows him how to read a market and how to respond with personnel and resource allocations. Otherwise, he just seems like a guy who cannot adjust. And that's bad news for a CEO. It's actually similar to ballmer of ms. He knew how to be great at what he was good at. But when the market changed in an instant, he was terribly confused and seemed out of his element. Iwata is certainly trying harder than ballmer ever did. But he is expressing views which indicate he has no clue how to respond, because he doesn't understand why people are making the choices they are.

I've defended Iwata before. But new information must be taken into account. Still hopeful. But wow...

#29 Hunter



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Posted 18 January 2014 - 11:20 AM

Yeah I read that quote, made my stomach turn a little. Part of me wonders though if that was just a knee jerk response by Iwata. Anyone with half a brain knows that the last thing in their long term interest is pushing their stuff on to tablets and phones. That would effectively eliminate the ONLY reason to ever buy Nintendo hardware.


It's not the console business that's screwed up, it's their way of approaching the console business. It's pretty sad because I feel like they really could have had it this gen if they had just done things differently. I love the gamepad, but if they sacrificed specs for it then they should have just gone with a traditional controller. Nintendo needs to quite trying to force innovation through hardware and instead go back to innovating through software like they used to.


It's not that big of a deal because they're not going to release proper games on smartphones and tablets. 


We’re also doing a lot of experimentation of what I would call the little experiences you can have on your smartphone and tablet that will drive you back to your Nintendo hardware. It’s largely going to be much more marketing activity-oriented, but we’ve done little things where there’s some element of gameplay – a movement, a shaking, something like that.



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