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Feminist Lunatic Flips Out

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#1 Zinix



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Posted 18 January 2014 - 10:39 AM


What a nutjob. 

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#2 Ledo Jaeger

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Posted 18 January 2014 - 10:52 AM

Clearly this lady has a lot of anger, pent-up emotions, bad experiences, etc. to be saying some of the things she is.

And adversely the guy is being a jerk for filming this and purposely egging her on.


The whole point was to make her look stupid, and she certainly did look stupid here and there, but the guy with his 'your mom' comments, etc. equally bugged me, perhaps more than she did, it's all juvenile 

In other words, I love you

#3 Nollog


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Posted 18 January 2014 - 11:21 AM


He created a confrontational environment, she responded in kind, and he escalated it, then she decided to just be completely honest with how rainbowty some people are.

Also, who the Wii records himself trying to pick up random girls?

Edited by Nollog, 18 January 2014 - 11:23 AM.

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#4 Waller


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Posted 18 January 2014 - 12:03 PM

A lot of people are defending the guy in the comments,


What. The. Wii.

Edited by Miss Understanding, 18 January 2014 - 02:07 PM.


#5 nbond3040



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Posted 18 January 2014 - 01:39 PM

I don't think these people are really talking I think they just recorded a conversation on xbox live and dubbed it onto this video lol

#6 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 18 January 2014 - 03:36 PM

He created a confrontational environment, she responded in kind, and he escalated it, then she decided to just be completely honest with how rainbowty some people are.

Also, who the Wii records himself trying to pick up random girls?

How did he create a confrontational environment? He just said hi you're attractive, so I came to talk to you. He escalated it because he said he wasn't sure she was serious. Besides, i quite honestly see nothing wrong with messing people who have stick shoved that far up their anuses. Of course there's are a lot of dicks out there who do the things she say, but that doesn't mean the right she has the right to be so excessively confrontational and stuck up. If she doesn't want to get hit on there are a lot of far more polite ways for her to get him to leave than what she did.

People let girls get away with too much when it comes to these kind of experiences. Yes we all know what his intention was, but a lot of girls out there like that sort of thing and would be perfectly fine, if not happy with the situation. He mistook her for one, ad she decided that he was a terrible human being, which is completely unfair.

And actually quite a few people film themselves picking up girls these days. It's kind of taken off since SimplePickup got pretty big






#7 Nollog


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Posted 18 January 2014 - 05:35 PM

How did he create a confrontational environment?

"Um, for the purposes of normal conversation..."
>dickhead attitude.

If she doesn't want to get hit on there are a lot of far more polite ways for her to get him to leave than what she did.

How? He wouldn't leave her alone, and proceeded to be an softshell lizard and pressure her, and make fun of her.
He is a dickhead.

People let girls get away with too much when it comes to these kind of experiences. Yes we all know what his intention was, but a lot of girls out there like that sort of thing and would be perfectly fine, if not happy with the situation. He mistook her for one, ad she decided that he was a terrible human being, which is completely unfair.

She said "Wow, thank you." when he told her she was attractive.
It's when he asked for her name and pushed it in a not goodly dickish way that she called him out on his dickishness.

Edited by Nollog, 18 January 2014 - 05:39 PM.

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#8 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 18 January 2014 - 05:42 PM

Not all feminists are bad people. I know a very great woman who is a feminist. #Stereotypes 


#9 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 18 January 2014 - 06:27 PM

"Um, for the purposes of normal conversation..."
>dickhead attitude.

How? He wouldn't leave her alone, and proceeded to be an softshell lizard and pressure her, and make fun of her.
He is a dickhead.

She said "Wow, thank you." when he told her she was attractive.
It's when he asked for her name and pushed it in a not goodly dickish way that she called him out on his dickishness.


I don't get what you're trying to say in your first point :/

He only wouldn't leave her alone after she turned... excessive

LOL so because she accepted being called attractive it was his fault the conversation went badly when he asked for er name.

Just think about that for a second, she literally would not give him her NAME.How deluded about yourself do you have to be to think someone doesn't deserve to so much as speak thine awesome name?

And how did he push the manner dickishly? By saying "Why not?" cause that seems like a pretty valid response. I would want to know why someone doesn't want me to so much as know their name. The only reasons I can think of is 1. You're in witness protection 2. I look way more like a creepy pervert than I thought 3. they're a grade A stuck up so and so...


Not all feminists are bad people. I know a very great woman who is a feminist. #Stereotypes 

Yah that's the one thing I definitely disagreed with about the video. She doesn't actually do anything to label herself as a feminist. The whole part about guys leaving women with kids was kind of true, even if it was blown way out of proportion.






#10 Nollog


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Posted 18 January 2014 - 06:53 PM

I don't get what you're trying to say in your first point :/

I thought it was clear, it's confrontational, which was my main original point, to start a conversation by ridiculing a person's previous comment.
You say hello, I say hello, you say i horsing hate the way you say hello, I say go kill yourself you dirty nice person.

He only wouldn't leave her alone after she turned... excessive

No, when she said she didn't want to give her her name, that's a "no".
He's gonna rape the next feminist? Kappa

LOL so because she accepted being called attractive it was his fault the conversation went badly when he asked for er name.
Just think about that for a second, she literally would not give him her NAME.How deluded about yourself do you have to be to think someone doesn't deserve to so much as speak thine awesome name?

Comprehension skills 12/12.
You don't read something happening as the fault, of something.
I said he called her attractive, to which she politely accepted the compliment.
"... a lot of girls out there like that sort of thing and would be perfectly fine, if not happy with the situation." To me, you alluded that she was not grateful to receive such a compliment. I was pointing out she was clearly grateful for the compliment, but didn't want to converse with the boy.
I didn't say anything about fault.
As for giving your name, some people like having that privacy, he was recording it after all, I'd say it was a very wise move on her part.

And how did he push the manner dickishly? By saying "Why not?" cause that seems like a pretty valid response. I would want to know why someone doesn't want me to so much as know their name. The only reasons I can think of is 1. You're in witness protection 2. I look way more like a creepy pervert than I thought 3. they're a grade A stuck up so and so...

By implying her stance on privacy was ridiculous.
That's not how you start a friendly conversation.
If you want to insert your pegasus generator into a girl, you don't say she's dumb for not wanting to tell you her name, you say "oh, okay, but do you mind talking for a bit?" and earn her trust by being patient, and respectful.
Not by being an ass.

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#11 Xiombarg


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Posted 18 January 2014 - 07:46 PM

Yeah, I only had to watch a minute or two to figure out the entire gist of the video.  He was a dick and purposefully got a reaction out of a random chick.  Probably several previous attempts and videos, this one just happened to be the one he got the most reaction out of.

There's really no point in discussing a video when the intention is so blatant.  Neckbeard reddit fedora approaches random woman and shenanigans ensue.


It was really hard to make it past those two minutes after seeing how pathetic and cancerous the guy is.

#12 Zinix



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Posted 18 January 2014 - 07:47 PM

Not all feminists are bad people. I know a very great woman who is a feminist. #Stereotypes 


Thinking about it, she's more of an Misandrist. 

“Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of man, that state is obsolete.”— Rod Serling, “The Twilight Zone” The Obsolete Man

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#13 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 18 January 2014 - 11:31 PM

1) I thought it was clear, it's confrontational, which was my main original point, to start a conversation by ridiculing a person's previous comment.
You say hello, I say hello, you say i horsing hate the way you say hello, I say go kill yourself you dirty nice person.

2) No, when she said she didn't want to give her her name, that's a "no".
He's gonna rape the next feminist? Kappa

3) Comprehension skills 12/12.
You don't read something happening as the fault, of something.
I said he called her attractive, to which she politely accepted the compliment.
"... a lot of girls out there like that sort of thing and would be perfectly fine, if not happy with the situation." To me, you alluded that she was not grateful to receive such a compliment. I was pointing out she was clearly grateful for the compliment, but didn't want to converse with the boy.
I didn't say anything about fault.
As for giving your name, some people like having that privacy, he was recording it after all, I'd say it was a very wise move on her part.

4) By implying her stance on privacy was ridiculous.
That's not how you start a friendly conversation.
If you want to insert your pegasus generator into a girl, you don't say she's dumb for not wanting to tell you her name, you say "oh, okay, but do you mind talking for a bit?" and earn her trust by being patient, and respectful.
Not by being an ass.

Numbered you paragraphs to match my responses :)

1) Okay yeah I agree

except that's NOT the way the conversation went. Try something more like:

him: Hi

her: Hi...

him: how's it going

her: good how are you?

him: i know it's random but I thought you were attractive and thought I'd just come and say hi

her: thank... you

him: I;m chris, nice to meet you

*appears as though they shake hands*

her: nice to meet you

Him: and your name is...? (I guess this is what you call confrontational? Cause she responds with...)

*roll eyes*

Her: do I have to give it out?

him: for the purposes of normal conversation I think so,

her: i didn't start the convo

him: what's your name?

and here we have it

her: you're just asking me my name? you don't even know me

"you don't even know me"

"you don't even know me"

"you don't even know me"

I'm sorry how is that a valid excuse for not telling people your name? He didn't ask her for her number, or address, or if she shaves her pubes. He asked her name. Have you been i a conversation before? Cause mine usualy go some thing like

"Hi I'm Wydra"

"Hi sexy WydrA, I'm a cute girl"


"Hi I'm wydra"


"... and you are...?

"Go away you jerky vegeta"


a) that;s REALLY frinking stupid.

B) how do you know I'm lookng to sleep with youo, maybe i actually wanted to meet you and plan on marrying you. Not every guy that approaches you without knowing you wants to get in your pants.

c) that's really frinking rude.


in other words, SHE made the conversation confrontational. He just did what's called"social protocol".


2) he said he thought she was joking, which is perfectly understandable since, once again, not giving your name out is REALLY FRINKING STUPID. Also, a lot of girls aren't open to the idea of talking to a stranger at first, but if you push them a little they open up and are willing to talk to you. Heck a lot of them are even willing to do quite a bit more after talking. Just check the channel of the guys in the vid I posted earlier and you'll see it happen a lot.

On a different note, like I said before, there's no proof this woman is a feminist. like Zinix said, she's more likely to be a misandrist.

Also, there' a HUGE difference between trying to get someone to open up and talk to you and raping them.

like I can't iterate how big of a difference there is there...


3) So in other words, you didn't comprehend what I said, but then proceeded to mock me for not comprehending the fact that by saying "... a lot of girls out there like that sort of thing and would be perfectly fine, if not happy with the situation."

Directly after the words "Yes we all know what his intention was".

As biased as my opinion is, I think it' fair to say my lack of comprehension of your response is a lot more warrented since you didn't mention a subject at all, and therefore it would presumed you would be continuing on the subject I had mentioned. Which was as I just showed, pretty clearly stated...

And do you REALLY think she didn't give her name because of "privacy". Because giving your FIRST name, that probably millions of other people had is SUCH a big infringement on your pivacy. "Oh no, he can catch my attention if he see me again!"


4) he didn't imply his stance on privacy was ridiculous at all though. She asked if she "had to give it out" and he said "for the purpose of normal conversation, i think so."

And he's right by the way. That's why since for pretty much all of recorded history, people ask what your name is first when they meet you. because from that point on, you can mention their name when it's appropriate to do so.

And I'm pretty sure he knows calling her dumb won't get him laid, that's why he DIDN'T call her dumb.

And saying "oh, okay, do you mind if I talk to you for a bit" is a much worse response than the the one he when it comes to picking up girls because

a) you officially just showed you're willing to just take whatever crap she throws at you, and therefore kind of luck like a wuss

B) What are you going to talk about now? Saying "I want to talk to you for a bit" after someone say they won't tell your name puts a pretty heavy pressure on yourself to create some other interesting topic to bring up there, and almost anything will seem awkward after that because that's a very quick, very much forced change of subject.






#14 Nollog


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Posted 19 January 2014 - 12:56 AM

Numbered you paragraphs to match my responses :)
1) Okay yeah I agree
except that's NOT the way the conversation went. Try something more like:
him: Hi
her: Hi...
him: how's it going
her: good how are you?
him: i know it's random but I thought you were attractive and thought I'd just come and say hi
her: thank... you
him: I;m chris, nice to meet you
*appears as though they shake hands*
her: nice to meet you
Him: and your name is...? (it isn't)
*roll eyes*
Her: do I have to give it out?
him: for the purposes of normal conversation I think so,
her: i didn't start the convo

We have his word for her rolling her eyes. He mosaic'd her face.
Even if she did, was she looking at something? was she just moving her eyes? was she tired of being hit on, who knows.
If she did roll her eyes, that should be an indicator that she isn't interested.

2) he said he thought she was joking, which is perfectly understandable since, once again, not giving your name out is REALLY FRINKING STUPID. Also, a lot of girls aren't open to the idea of talking to a stranger at first, but if you push them a little they open up and are willing to talk to you. Heck a lot of them are even willing to do quite a bit more after talking. Just check the channel of the guys in the vid I posted earlier and you'll see it happen a lot.
On a different note, like I said before, there's no proof this woman is a feminist. like Zinix said, she's more likely to be a misandrist.
Also, there' a HUGE difference between trying to get someone to open up and talk to you and raping them.
like I can't iterate how big of a difference there is there...

To you and him perhaps, not to her. Learn to respect other people's stance on things.

3) So in other words, you didn't comprehend what I said, but then proceeded to mock me for not comprehending the fact that by saying "... a lot of girls out there like that sort of thing and would be perfectly fine, if not happy with the situation."
Directly after the words "Yes we all know what his intention was".
As biased as my opinion is, I think it' fair to say my lack of comprehension of your response is a lot more warrented since you didn't mention a subject at all, and therefore it would presumed you would be continuing on the subject I had mentioned. Which was as I just showed, pretty clearly stated...
And do you REALLY think she didn't give her name because of "privacy". Because giving your FIRST name, that probably millions of other people had is SUCH a big infringement on your pivacy. "Oh no, he can catch my attention if he see me again!"

What was the subject you mentioned? I seem to recall you saying girls should be happy to be called pretty, which is exactly what I said, she did say she was happy he called her pretty, but she cut him off from the heart. Much to his dismay.

4) he didn't imply his stance on privacy was ridiculous at all though. She asked if she "had to give it out" and he said "for the purpose of normal conversation, i think so."
And he's right by the way. That's why since for pretty much all of recorded history, people ask what your name is first when they meet you. because from that point on, you can mention their name when it's appropriate to do so.
And I'm pretty sure he knows calling her dumb won't get him laid, that's why he DIDN'T call her dumb.
And saying "oh, okay, do you mind if I talk to you for a bit" is a much worse response than the the one he when it comes to picking up girls because
a) you officially just showed you're willing to just take whatever crap she throws at you, and therefore kind of luck like a wuss
B) What are you going to talk about now? Saying "I want to talk to you for a bit" after someone say they won't tell your name puts a pretty heavy pressure on yourself to create some other interesting topic to bring up there, and almost anything will seem awkward after that because that's a very quick, very much forced change of subject.

her stance?
You can hold a conversation with someone you just met without knowing their name.
I frequently do so without even thinking to ask their name.
You only need their name if you want to say "name, that's a kawaii name, we should have sex, what's your number?" Or do you plan to say "OH name, I can now talk to you about coffee, name! I'm so happy you gave me your name, name!!!" rather than say "you like frapachino? I can't stand the stuff, I'm espresso all the way" notice the lack of name requirement.
a> so you need to be a sarcastic softshell lizard to not look like a wuss?
b> The coffee in her hand, the one in yours. After that brief conversation, you can gauge if she's warmed up or not, then cut your losses amicably. You won't get internet-famous though :(

Edited by Nollog, 19 January 2014 - 01:08 AM.

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