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Polygon: Nintendo may be drowning, but it's invested in doing so silently

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#1 Zinix



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Posted 29 April 2014 - 03:07 PM


Nintendo is hurting. The Wii U isn’t selling, it’s lacking mainstream publisher acceptance, and the core Nintendo titles don’t seem to be energizing the company’s base of fans. Product lines are being bifurcated in uncomfortable ways; the latest Smash Bros. is coming to the 3DS line of consoles first, and will then hit the Wii U console later.
The business has turned stagnant, even if the company’s new releases remain highly-polished and fun. Sadly, that just isn't enough when you're fighting more powerful systems with better developer support, better outreach to press and fans and of course the mobile market chipping away at your market share.
Sony and Microsoft at least attempt to tell their own story, even if they sometimes stumble, but Nintendo is drawing inward in a way that will only hurt it moving forward. The PlayStation 4 and Xbox One emphasis downloading games, sharing your accomplishments, streaming your video, keeping your favorite moments and interacting with your friends in interesting ways.
Microsoft is making a large bet on video, while Sony focused on power and price. The two companies are competing on multiple fronts, and players have already seen the rewards of that competitive space. Nintendo simply isn’t part of the discussion.
Which is the problem; Nintendo gives us nothing to talk about. It says nothing. Nintendo releases a video every now and again that announces some aspect of a game that will likely be fun, but will also look very much like the last game in the series. Nintendo seems to have ditched any attempt to do novel things with the Wii U’s tablet-style controller, and is instead hoping that high definition graphics are going to be enough for its latest games.
It watches us from behind their veil of carefully constructed silence as savvier companies like Sony pile on social media wins, including developers speaking up in the company’s defense. Nintendo is changing its strategy to deal with its downward trajectory, but the result is a company that’s even more guarded and impenetrable. We're asking each other if Microsoft is going to kill the cable box, while the conversation around Nintendo is whether it's going to kill itself.
Nintendo has the cash reserves and IP needed to stay alive for a very long time, even if it continues to drown. We shouldn’t be worried about the company’s possible death, we should be worried that the closer it gets to that possibility the quieter it becomes.





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#2 Raiden


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 03:10 PM

Doomed article 67,543 in the past year.


BS and Boring. Polygon are often morons anyway same with Eurogamer,Gametrailers and IGN.

Ben is also a kinda an idiot who has cause a lot of issues at Penny Arcade.

Edited by DreamCat, 29 April 2014 - 03:25 PM.

#3 3Dude



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Posted 29 April 2014 - 03:33 PM

Oh wow. An anti Nintendo article from the gamimg media site funded by microsoft. Shocking.



#4 Chrop



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Posted 29 April 2014 - 03:38 PM

What's the point of this artical? we know the Wii U isn't doing well, and this entire artical is just dedicated to how nintendo is releasing slowly and how their slowly dying.

Also I may be misunderstanding this but is it saying nintendo are being quiet about this? Because i'm pretty sure they've came out time and time again saying how the wii u isn't doing as well as they thought and that they're changing stuff to try and help it. 

lhKtSmX.png?2 Well, I've finally found my Starfox, and I love it.

#5 lucario23


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 03:42 PM

Oh wow. An anti Nintendo article from the gamimg media site funded by microsoft. Shocking.

Heaven forbid one of those come out on the day Nintendo actually announces a cool new way to experience their E3 content.

#6 Socalmuscle


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Posted 01 May 2014 - 12:32 AM

Read that article earlier today.

Total crap.

Nintendo may have made missteps with the wii u but that's no reason for them to have to be ashamed or to grovel. They are a proud company.

They aren't "silently drowning."

They are trying to remain faithful to those who bought the wii u while investigating how to breathe life into it and make a real go of it.

In the background, they are also planning new things.

But like any wise company, they aren't letting the cat out of the bag until it's time.

#7 SailtheSeas


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Posted 01 May 2014 - 01:56 AM

The Wii U isn't doing too well at the moment, because of Nintendo's incompetence, but let's see what happens to Wii U sales numbers at the end of this fiscal year when Kart and Smash have been released.

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