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After the Update Today (5.0) my wii games only play in green and pink

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#21 Another Matthew

Another Matthew


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Posted 07 June 2014 - 06:21 AM

I'm also having the same issue. Please let us know if you've found a solution or what Nintendo support says!

#22 Mutassem



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Posted 13 June 2014 - 09:07 AM

Hello All ,,




Its not a Wii U issue (dont send it to nintendo) ...  its true that the Wii U's update caused the TV to get a different signle ( Pink , Green) 


The solution is from Sony Bravia support page.   The answer is in the firmware update for the TV .


After updating my firmware from 1.09 to 1.514  ..  My Wii menu got the colors back on HDMI 1080p



You need to find your model Number and upgrade the firmware .

THis firmware is for my TV model ..  you need to search for your model and upgrade it via USB .

System Software Update (version 1.514)
What Does This Do?
Sony has designed the BRAVIA® Televisions software update process to be customer friendly. This software update (version 1.514) provides the following benefits:

Benefits provided by previous updates and included in version 1.514:

  • Resolves an issue where color may be incorrect when using an HDMI® connection.
  • Resolves an issue where some Cisco cable boxes may stop responding when the TV is turned on.
  • Resolves an issue where the picture may not be displayed when using a Sony® BDP-S570 Blu-ray Disc™ player connected by HDMI and using one-touch play.
  • Allows for the power-on chime sound coming through the TV speakers (not through the Optical Out) to be turned off in the Setup Menu.


If you have any questions reply here .. ill check . 



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