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90's Arcade Racer Wii U - Update

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#1 NintendoReport



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Posted 04 June 2014 - 12:36 PM

Updated - May 7th from KickStarter




May 7 2014 '90s Arcade Racer and Nailing Every Part of the Game


We've have been quite for a while on the '90s Arcade Racer front and there are a few (good) reasons why.

First, the game has taken on a life of itself and we really want to get it just right. Yes, there are a number of racing games coming, but none have really taken on the idea of reviving an era that we both love and find the most appealing in the genre. To be more specific, we've found that as we continue to polish the game, its visual style, a physics model we're happy with, everything else needs to be powered-up so to speak.


We know we have something special with '90s and we want it all to be special, every. single. part. of. the. game! With that said, we've secretly been trying to get some of the best talent for basically every aspect of development, even if it means we need more time .

One of the aspects of the game we really haven't spoken much about, but have put a lot of time and effort into getting just right is audio. Neither of us are audio experts so to speak, but we have found one!


The engine work and accompanying game sound effects are going to be handled by Stafford Bawler. That name probably means nothing to you, but it should! He's working on everything from Dirt, GRiD and Forza to Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing. He's that good. We're already working with him to create some really amazing, authentic and very dynamic sounds that you'll hear in the finished product.


You can follow Stafford on Twitter: @StaffordBawler


The other area we haven't talked much about is music. We've received so many requests to enlist Takenobu Mitsuyoshi (famous for Daytona USA). But, unfortunately for us, he's still employed by SEGA. However, we do know a number of really amazing musicians who have taken on the cause of '90s Arcade Racer.


We're taking a different approach to '90s Arcade Racer and treating the soundtrack like a compilation of great music from great musicians. Each artist will be giving his or her take on what they feel the '90s sounded like and we'll announce each them as we progress through the final development of the game and near release. By the way, if you can convince Takenobu to do a track for '90s Arcade Racer, we're all for it!


We'll be announcing the first musician in the next couple of weeks with a tiny sample of his track.


As a reminder for anyone who hasn't followed our updates recently, our plans for '90s Arcade Racer were to launch on PC (via Steam) and Wii U and follow-up with mobile. However, given the prevalence of Unity 3D on PlayStation 4, PS Vita and Xbox One, you can be sure we're trying to find a way to get the game on those platforms as well. However, we'd like to get the game out for backers on PC and players on Wii U first--you've been patiently waiting and we do want to give you the ride of your life.

Thanks for everything!





As you probably know, part of working together brought along the opportunity develop and publish ’90s Arcade Racer for Wii U (among other places). The development is moving along well and for this update we’ll share some details related to the Wii U version of the game and our plans.

Fortunately, moving the game from PC/windows environment to Wii U has been a straight forward process since the project is being built on top of Unity and the team porting Unity to Wii U have obviously been doing a great job; that alone has made our part of getting running on Wii U much easier than expected. Of course, the process hasn’t been without it’s fair share of challenges.

Without getting into minutia that we’re probably not allowed to share in great detail, some things that worked on PC couldn’t be ported exactly Wii U without having affecting how the game performs on the Nintendo console–and probably other consoles, too. However, we’re very happy with the results. Fidelity, image quality and a smooth framerate are our priorities. Detractors note, Wii U is proving very capable of running the game at 60fps at 720p with 4xMSAA and FXAA resulting in a crystal clear image. It’s simply beautiful.







Edited by Sorceror12, 04 June 2014 - 02:22 PM.

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#2 Raiden


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Posted 04 June 2014 - 12:49 PM

One of my most wanted games on WiiU. I am such a fan of 90's arcade racing games and esp Daytona USA. A good chunk of this game looks to take from SEGA esp.

#3 Lupaie



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Posted 04 June 2014 - 01:00 PM

A lot of priorities yet gameplay is none of them, at least not mentionef

What the world needs is more geniuses with humility, there are so few of us left

#4 GAMER1984



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Posted 04 June 2014 - 02:05 PM

This is months old to my knowledge.

#5 NintendoReport



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Posted 04 June 2014 - 02:26 PM

This is months old to my knowledge.


Sorry, wasn't around to edit thread. I had forgotten to add in the update from May 7th. It's now up.

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#6 DéliopT



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Posted 04 June 2014 - 03:47 PM

Man, this game is taking so long to come out.

Everytime i see this i feel like playing the daytona games and scud race. Good times! B)



#7 uPadWatcher2


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Posted 04 June 2014 - 04:41 PM

Rolling start!!!!!!!



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