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GOP Senate Candidate Tom Cotton Calls Food Stamp Recipients 'Addicts'

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#1 Zinix



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Posted 17 July 2014 - 12:35 PM

Arkansas Senate candidate Rep. Tom Cotton ®, who is challenging Sen. Mark Pryor (D-Ark.), defended his vote against an agriculture and nutrition assistance bill by characterizing food stamp recipients as addicts.

Cotton made his comments about food stamps during a July 8 tele-town hall, in audio sent to The Huffington Post.

"I don’t think that we should be using farmers as a way to pack more welfare spending into Barack Obama’s government," Cotton said. "Nor should we have a food stamp program that isn’t reformed, that doesn’t have job training and work requirements, that doesn't have drug testing requirements, so we can get people who are addicted the help they need. Or make sure that long-term addicts or recidivists are not abusing taxpayer dollars."

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, more colloquially referred to as the food stamp program, serves 1 in 7 Americans, or 46 million. Congress cut food stamp spending by about 1 percent in a bipartisan compromise in order to pass the agriculture legislation. Republicans wanted to cut a larger chunk.

A hallmark of Republican opposition to food stamps and welfare has been the suspicion that some beneficiaries are addicted to drugs at radically higher rates than the rest of the population. In 2013, conservative House Republicans unsuccessfully tried to take food stamps out of the farm bill. They also attempted to empower states be able to screen food stamp applicants for evidence of drug abuse. Lawmakers stripped the tests from the final version of the measure.

Cotton was the only member of Arkansas' all-GOP House delegation to vote against the agricultural spending bill. He has variously justified his vote as one motivated by a desire for larger cuts, a belief that the program "has resulted in long-term dependency" and an impression that "millionaires can get food stamps."

He has also claimed the food stamp program is "riddled with fraud and abuse," though the benefits are estimated to have a fraud rate of just 1 percent.

Cotton's campaign did not respond to a request for comment about his remarks.

A U.S. Department of Agriculture report found that Arkansas ranked first among states in the number of residents who suffer from “very low food security."

HuffPost Pollster, which combines all publicly available polling data, has Pryor leading Cotton by roughly four percentage points.





Wow. How does someone this stupid get in such a high position of power. Next he'll say that unemployed people are addicts to unemployment. 

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#2 NintendoReport



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Posted 17 July 2014 - 12:40 PM




Wow. How does someone this stupid get in such a high position of power. Next he'll say that unemployed people are addicts to unemployment. 


Some people are.

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#3 Raiden


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Posted 17 July 2014 - 01:03 PM

Well EXUUUUUUUUSE me princess. All us disabled people are so damn sorry we are addicted to staying alive. Man disabled people should just seek help for that man. 


To be honest tho I only get 16$..oh wait they reduced it a full 1$ to 15$. They just keep reducing it for people at random. Before I had 25$ then they cut it to 16$. Now yearly SSI checks go up a small amount but the rate they raise food prices and living costs and reduce food stamps they kinda screw us over. Now so far I been doing ok I still shell out 150$ a month on groceries which may not seem like much but when that's a massive chunk of monthly income then the other bills that can make things hard for some. Me I do ok with how so little I get. I make it work I have a system with room to have some spending money. How long tho I don't know. Many in this building are barely able to eat with living costs meds costs car,gas and more. I like how people like this guy are so narrow minded that only people who can work but are out of work are the ones on welfare or how they all are lumped up as addicts.


What a dumbass.

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