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Wii U Camera Ideas Thread

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#1 Epic Kirby

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Posted 23 May 2011 - 12:22 PM

One of the newest rumours about the Wii 2 is that the controller is going to have a front facing camera. The images it creates will be able to be used in games. It is quite plausible seeing as the Nintendo 3DS has one. The only thing that makes it seem less true is that it is shaping up to be a very expensive controller :D . Anyways back to the ideas.

Mii Maker/Video Game Characters

Firstly, I think it will be able to create Miis the same way that you can on the 3DS by filling in the features but maybe it will be hi-tech enough to create all the Mii from the photo and not just the features.

It would be also interesting if it could take a picture of your face and then create the face of a custom game character, for example in an open world game you could take a picture of yourself and it would create the face of the character fro that picture.

Multi-player Face Raiders

Each player could take a picture of their face and then they have to shoot each other's faces and try not to shoot their own face (on the TV). Obviously they wouldn't be shooting each other's faces in the real world but it could still be fun.

Facial analysing

If the camera could analyse your facial expressions as you play, for example, you know in Golden Sun when they ask you to select an emotion on an event that's happened and the characters respond accordingly (you can choose and angry face, sad face happy face) and the characters will respond by your face expression. For example if you select angry they might be like, "Why are you getting so upset for?" and so on.

So what do you think and do you have any ideas for what the camera could be used for?

Edited by Feld0, 09 July 2011 - 08:10 PM.

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Posted 23 May 2011 - 12:48 PM

I think you've covered my ideas for the camera there. I think they could have some facial recognition for certain games. In Nintendogs + Cats they have something along those lines, where the dogs respond to your face. Another idea for facial analysing is that it could use your face for your character in games. I don't know if that would work though.

#3 Mukkinese



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Posted 24 May 2011 - 02:02 AM

If there is a camera, I'd like to see the 3D system prototyped on the DS. Where the camera tracks your head movement and changes the perspective of the display accordingly. This doesn't give true 3D, but does give an amazing illusion of depth, beyond the screen surface. This could be used, in-game, for looking around corners and such.

I would have thought a back facing camera would be more useful though, for augmented reality and taking pictures.

Edited by Mukkinese, 24 May 2011 - 02:03 AM.

#4 Wertville


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Posted 24 May 2011 - 02:36 PM

Video chat... and.. Umm... You got the rest of my ideas :D
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#5 Ruthie



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Posted 26 May 2011 - 04:42 AM

These are some really great ideas guys :D . Another way I was thinking about was the way the NGP is rumoured to be using its camera. Apparently the camera can be used in Uncharted to provide things needed in the game. For example you hold the NGP up to a light source and this would provide light in the game. This would be problematic with a home console controller though :/
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#6 Feld0



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Posted 29 May 2011 - 11:06 PM

The ideas you guys have pitched are brilliant. I'm thinking of putting an editorial together out of them for the blog (with credit, of course!).

I'm finding it difficult to think of any further ideas, but I like Ruthie's suggestion of using the cameras as a way to bring the real world into the game. Milo 2.0, anyone?

#7 Epic Kirby

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Posted 30 May 2011 - 03:04 AM

The ideas you guys have pitched are brilliant. I'm thinking of putting an editorial together out of them for the blog (with credit, of course!).

I'm finding it difficult to think of any further ideas, but I like Ruthie's suggestion of using the cameras as a way to bring the real world into the game. Milo 2.0, anyone?

Ugh, as long as its not that same weird kid, I had to look Milo up, I had completely forgotten about him. When I first saw that tech I was pretty much blown away but surely that sort of thing would need a really sophisticated camera.

Ruthie's light source thing has actually made me think of another idea. The camera (would have to be high quality though, you'll see why) would pick up how dark or light it was in the room and change the game to night or day accordingly.

I would only like this in games where day or night didn't matter as a neat little gimmick. As for games where the day and night are fundamental to gameplay, no, for example you might have to wait ages for it to go dark or for it to become day again in real life so it happens in the game.

And yes, please do write an editorial about them :D
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Posted 30 May 2011 - 03:22 AM

I've had another idea for the camera, which is kind of similar to Ruthie's. In the Free Fishing mode on AR Games on the 3DS, you can catch different fish depending on the colour of the surface the AR card is on. For example, if you put the card on a green surface, you'll be able to catch green shells. If the Wii 2 controller has a front facing camera, then it could feature something similar to this, where the colour of your clothes or the room affect the game.

#9 Epic Kirby

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Posted 30 May 2011 - 04:07 AM

I've had another idea for the camera, which is kind of similar to Ruthie's. In the Free Fishing mode on AR Games on the 3DS, you can catch different fish depending on the colour of the surface the AR card is on. For example, if you put the card on a green surface, you'll be able to catch green shells. If the Wii 2 controller has a front facing camera, then it could feature something similar to this, where the colour of your clothes or the room affect the game.

I didn't know AR fishing did that, lol. That's a really interesting idea and if its already been used in the 3DS then if the Wii 2 has a controller its likely that it would be implemented.

Feld0 have you started the editorial yet? :D

Edited by Epic Kirby, 30 May 2011 - 04:08 AM.

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#10 Hogge



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Posted 31 May 2011 - 01:52 AM

On the radio, shortly before people started talking about Café, I heard that Nintendo were trying to acheive a 3D-hologram feeling by tracking players eyes. Maybe we'll see this technology sooner than I thought.

#11 Someone


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Posted 03 June 2011 - 07:07 PM

I think there should be an augmented reality feature; another idea I had was having something that has two cameras to find the distance of the player from the controller, a sensor that can tell how far away the remote is from the sensor bar/Wii 2, and some sort of sensor that can measure the distance from the controller to the Wii 2. That would make it able to break the fourth wall by indicating the direction toward the player (e.g. if there was a crime scene and you were playing as the accused person, the person blaming it on you could point at you and say that you did it), or if the Wii 2 had a game that was 3D with glasses, there could be an object that flies in the direction of the player. It might sound odd, but I decided to say it just because there's no harm in not saying it!

#12 Ruthie



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Posted 15 June 2011 - 12:51 PM

I've had another idea for the camera, which is kind of similar to Ruthie's. In the Free Fishing mode on AR Games on the 3DS, you can catch different fish depending on the colour of the surface the AR card is on. For example, if you put the card on a green surface, you'll be able to catch green shells. If the Wii 2 controller has a front facing camera, then it could feature something similar to this, where the colour of your clothes or the room affect the game.

That's a pretty interesting idea, maybe the colour of your clothes could change the colour of your character's clothes.
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#13 WeeYou



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Posted 15 June 2011 - 02:03 PM

In general I think that the camera could be used to seamlessly integrate video chat into many multiplayer games. Imagine having an entire lobby of people able to video chat in between rounds of COD or a similar shooter. On second thought, that could get super confusing and even annoying. Although it could be worth a shot.

#14 Ruthie



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Posted 16 June 2011 - 06:05 PM

In general I think that the camera could be used to seamlessly integrate video chat into many multiplayer games. Imagine having an entire lobby of people able to video chat in between rounds of COD or a similar shooter. On second thought, that could get super confusing and even annoying. Although it could be worth a shot.

I'm almost 100% sure that video chat would be possible with the camera. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.
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#15 CUD


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Posted 17 June 2011 - 04:31 AM

In general I think that the camera could be used to seamlessly integrate video chat into many multiplayer games. Imagine having an entire lobby of people able to video chat in between rounds of COD or a similar shooter. On second thought, that could get super confusing and even annoying. Although it could be worth a shot.

I can't see this working either the whole screen will be filled with video chat boxes of everyone in the lobby or it will be too small as they still need other elements of the GUI on screen so it can't take up all the room. I can't see too many people wanting to have random people see their face, hearing their voice is enough, plus they would have to hold the controller up to their face which would get annoying. There's also the issue of people showing things that aren't their faces, if you know what i mean; that's something Nintendo will definitely be concerned about.

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#16 Ruthie



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Posted 17 June 2011 - 08:12 AM

I can't see this working either the whole screen will be filled with video chat boxes of everyone in the lobby or it will be too small as they still need other elements of the GUI on screen so it can't take up all the room. I can't see too many people wanting to have random people see their face, hearing their voice is enough, plus they would have to hold the controller up to their face which would get annoying. There's also the issue of people showing things that aren't their faces, if you know what i mean; that's something Nintendo will definitely be concerned about.

Yeah, I was thinking about that yesterday (whether the camera can see your face or can it just see the ceiling), having to hold it up would sort of make things annoying. I did a little test with my 3DS, holding it as I would do a controller but all it could see was the ceiling and even when I moved a bit closer and I looked forward, all I got was my chin. Your point is very good.
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#17 Haha



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Posted 17 June 2011 - 11:40 AM

I have a feeling we'll see it implemented into games, like how Starfox is using it on the 3ds. Along with everything else already mentioned.

Edited by Haha, 17 June 2011 - 11:40 AM.

#18 Epic Kirby

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Posted 17 June 2011 - 01:16 PM

I have a feeling we'll see it implemented into games, like how Starfox is using it on the 3ds. Along with everything else already mentioned.

I don't get what the point is with how the starfox is using the camera. All you have to do to see your friend's faces is turn to look at them, I mean they are right next to you seeing as there is no online gameplay :/
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#19 Feld0



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Posted 10 July 2011 - 03:35 AM

I finally got that editorial together. Enjoy.

Sorry I left this thread hanging for almost a month - I've renamed it, since we thought of the console as the Wii 2 back when it was still going. :)

#20 Epic Kirby

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Posted 10 July 2011 - 11:39 AM

I finally got that editorial together. Enjoy.

Sorry I left this thread hanging for almost a month - I've renamed it, since we thought of the console as the Wii 2 back when it was still going. ;)

Thanks a lot Feld :)
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