Mii Maker/Video Game Characters
Firstly, I think it will be able to create Miis the same way that you can on the 3DS by filling in the features but maybe it will be hi-tech enough to create all the Mii from the photo and not just the features.
It would be also interesting if it could take a picture of your face and then create the face of a custom game character, for example in an open world game you could take a picture of yourself and it would create the face of the character fro that picture.
Multi-player Face Raiders
Each player could take a picture of their face and then they have to shoot each other's faces and try not to shoot their own face (on the TV). Obviously they wouldn't be shooting each other's faces in the real world but it could still be fun.
Facial analysing
If the camera could analyse your facial expressions as you play, for example, you know in Golden Sun when they ask you to select an emotion on an event that's happened and the characters respond accordingly (you can choose and angry face, sad face happy face) and the characters will respond by your face expression. For example if you select angry they might be like, "Why are you getting so upset for?" and so on.
So what do you think and do you have any ideas for what the camera could be used for?
Edited by Feld0, 09 July 2011 - 08:10 PM.