If Nintendo were taking suggestions for a game on the Wii U, what possible game would u do? MMO? Sandbox? Etc?

Imagine your favorite possible game on the Wii U
Started by Foot, Jan 01 2012 10:11 AM
4 replies to this topic
Posted 01 January 2012 - 10:11 AM
I am the foot. I do not like you. You smother me with socks and shoes, then step on me thousands of times a day.
We foot will rebel one day.
We foot will rebel one day.
Posted 01 January 2012 - 11:19 AM
haha thx ive been wanting that rpg for ages!! i dont know if it will ever happen but i soo wish it will. but the mmo from ubisoft is pretty much confirmed, they didnt announce it, but a while ago, if you went on the studio quebec facebook page they had a bunch of job offers for "AAA Wii U title" and "MMO Wii u" something along those lines

Posted 01 January 2012 - 12:21 PM
Well, I do have an idea for a multiplayer Zelda game that the Wii U seems made for. (Note: I originally posted this in the Zelda multiplayer thread, but I've gone back and added an idea or two) It would basically involve cooperative puzzles, Harry Potter 3 style character switching(for single player), and a new incarnation of Aryll that's a bit closer to Links age. If any of you have played the video game for Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, you'll remember how you would have to switch between Harry, Ron, and Hermione to solve puzzles. Harry was the more physically skilled character, allowing him to do things like climb ropes. Ron had a skill for finding hidden items and passages. Hermione, being smaller built than the other two, could crawl through small passages that the others could not. My idea is that Link would pretty much serve Harry's and Ron's roles, while Aryll serves Hermione's. Also like Harry Potter 3, where each character had their own spells, Link and Aryll could have different items. For example, say that Link and Aryll are on opposite sides of a room, with a huge bottomless pit splitting it in two. Link's path is blocked by a wall of ice, and Aryll's is blocked by a wall of fire. Link has the Ice Rod, and Aryll has the Fire Rod. Link has to aim across the room to put out the fire blocking Aryll, and Aryll has to melt the ice blocking Link. Another idea (That isn't borrowed from Harry Potter 3) is that Link would be Skilled in swordplay while having some weak magic, and Aryll would be strong in magic while having amateur sword fighting skills. This would add to the need to switch between the two characters frequently, or work together as it would be when played with two players. Once again borrowing from Harry Potter 3, there could be sections of dungeons where the two are forced to split up, and work their way toward a latter point in the dungeon where they would meet back up with each other, or one would have to move ahead and open up a path for the other.
I originally came up with this idea before the Wii U was revealed, so I originally imagined the game being split screen. However, the Wii U's tablet like controllers would seem to go quite well with the idea. When playing two player, you could elect to play split screen and keep an OoT3D style HUD on the touch screen, or to place each player's game on the controller. It's been all-but-confirmed that the Wii U will be able to use at least two touch controllers, so I could see this as being a very possible idea for a Zelda game for the system. As much as I'm looking forward to seeing Skyward Sword's motion controls expanded on in Zelda Wii U; I would love just as much to see them explore this idea for using the Wii U's controller to make a game like this.
I originally came up with this idea before the Wii U was revealed, so I originally imagined the game being split screen. However, the Wii U's tablet like controllers would seem to go quite well with the idea. When playing two player, you could elect to play split screen and keep an OoT3D style HUD on the touch screen, or to place each player's game on the controller. It's been all-but-confirmed that the Wii U will be able to use at least two touch controllers, so I could see this as being a very possible idea for a Zelda game for the system. As much as I'm looking forward to seeing Skyward Sword's motion controls expanded on in Zelda Wii U; I would love just as much to see them explore this idea for using the Wii U's controller to make a game like this.
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