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What Was Your 1st FPS Game and Favorite and WHY?

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#1 NintendoReport



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Posted 21 November 2014 - 08:09 AM

So I've been thinking recently more about the gaming I use to do when I was younger and what things may have influenced my current gaming likes and dislikes.


In this thread, please post your first ever FPS (First Person Shooter) game. It doesn't have to be one you owned, but the very first one you played. Also, please list your favorite FPS game and why.


Please make sure to state your reasoning, no lists. This should be a fairly interesting thread as the forum has members of various ages. Please no bashing the genre, or any games users choose.


I'll start.




Doom, which was released in 1993. I didn't own the game at the time, but my best friend did. I was 13 years old and most of my gaming was on the Sega Genesis, and NES. I didn't even own a computer of my own yet. 





I had heard of Wolfenstein 3D but never played it until after my experience with DOOM. So DOOM was truly my first experience in the FPS genre. I remember visiting my friend just about every other week, staying up late and playing our way through the game. The game invoked some weird emotions, even though I was 13, the music, enemies, and atmosphere the game gave off created some scary moments. I suppose playing all through the night added to that feeling.


As my friend and I would switch back and forth from playing, we'd spend time flipping through the game manual and reading about all of the enemies and getting some big laughs at the descriptions.


I still remember reading this very line under this enemy: The Imp - " Where Did These Brown Bstrds Come From" ( i know, I am missing a letter)




Growing up, it was just my sister, my dad and I. My parents split when I was younger so we never really had a lot of money to spend on games or a computer. Eventually, when I turned 14 I got my first computer. It was a Mac Performa 600 which came out in 1992, so we got a fairly good deal on it.


I was able to purchase Doom 2 around the holidays of 1994 as my grandma got it as a gift for me. It hardly ran on my low end MAC, took almost an hour perhaps a bit more to install and I often thought it froze my computer. Playing the game... umm well let's just say I had to scale the screen size down to a business card size view on my monitor for playable framerate.


It didn't bother me though, I was hooked and played that game several times a day.


My favorite FPS game:




Delta Force 2 by Novalogic. I had played a demo of Delta Force off a free CD ROM full of demo's from a gaming mag back in 1999. By then, I was 19 and had a bit better computer and was starting to really get into some sports and RTS games. 


I enjoyed the open world of Delta Force 2 and that it was set in modern day. I mostly played the single player campaign but soon realized the real meat of Delta Force games came in online multiplayer. At the time, up to 32 players could be in a server and I thought that was amazing. Most of the game modes I played online were Capture the Flag and Attack and Defend only later getting into King of the Hill and Team King of The Hill.


What really grabbed me with Delta Force 2 was the free roam, open world, battle anywhere you want style. The guns were balanced and I loved either being a Gunner or Sniper. As a Sniper you could camp all map, well away from the enemy and pick off people left and right... but it took skill!





The maps were varied and I really have a lot of memories playing in certain servers. My favorite was called RAW MEAT. Can't forget to mention the many public servers with maps that users made in mission editor. 


Got to love a voxel engine!




Here is a video of a custom map in DF2 multiplayer.


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#2 Raiden


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Posted 21 November 2014 - 08:44 AM

Turok 2 and Serious Sam II HD


Good old fashioned FPS when It was just wave after wave of enemies. Just was fun. Great original soundtrack to Turok 2.

Serious Sam II can be challenging but looks nice in HD.


Turok 2 lets me ride a Triceratops with cannons attached to it. Oh and Turok 2 has the best gun in the history of shooters.


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#3 storabajskorven



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Posted 21 November 2014 - 09:01 AM

The first one for me would be MIDI Maze for the Atari ST (late 80's). Great multiplayer fun! My favourite is either Half Life or Metroid Prime, depending on definitions.

#4 MatrixChicken


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Posted 21 November 2014 - 09:03 AM

First was Halo, and it's probably still my favorite. My friend has two Xboxes and we've played 8-player system link games before. It's awesome.


EDIT: I can't believe I did that... to > two

Edited by MatrixChicken, 21 November 2014 - 09:34 AM.



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#5 Tom


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Posted 21 November 2014 - 09:33 AM

My first FPS game was ...


Goldeneye 007 on the N64.


I wasn't really good at it and I spent more time watching my brother playing it than actually playing it.



Lookadem graphics.


I'd say my favorite FPS game would have to be...


Halo 2 on the Xbox


It was also my first Xbox/Xbox Live game, aside from that Xbox Live demo disk with the MechAssault online demo.


I spent countless hours playing online and learning about glitches via word-of-mouth from the Xbox Live community. I got really good at the game as well, so people were surprised that a high-pitched squeaky little Daisy was wrecking them.


The best maps IMO in Halo 2 were either Zanzibar or Foundation. There was a superjump glitch in Foundation that allowed you to walk around at the top of the map.



Dis map doe.

Edited by Tom, 21 November 2014 - 09:35 AM.


#6 TheUltimateWaddleDee


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Posted 21 November 2014 - 09:37 AM

I think my first one was Modern Warfare 2. My cousin was a fan during the 1v1 Rust Quickscopes Only period, so we would constantly do that. Fun matches like that are really the only reason I still like CoD.

My favorite, ironically for someone who started with MW2, is Brutal Doom. The classic style of FPS polished for modern day systems makes you realise that shooters back then are better than the Modern Military Shooter.

Honorable Mentions are Halo Multiplayer and Rainbow Six.

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#7 Portal



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Posted 21 November 2014 - 10:06 AM

I think my first was StarWars Battlefront 2 if it counts. If not, then either one of the DS CoDs or Black Ops with a friend. I could play DS pretty decent, but for the life of me I couldn't get a grip on BO. First person and different gameplay mechanics was VERY disorienting. Now, Battlefront and Battlefront 2 I still play with my brother on our PS2. Been playing it for 3-4 years. Doesn't get old.

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#8 Waller


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Posted 21 November 2014 - 12:15 PM

Hmm, I believe my very first FPS was Goldeneye, but I didn't like it at all as a kid, so I can't really comment much on it. I remember hating how I got killed by enemies I couldn't see, and I wasn't a big fan of anything vaguely related to the military. Most of my memories of that game come from seeing my brother playing it.


That said, the first FPS I actually liked was Turok 2, which is no surprise considering in that game your starting weapon was a claw and you fought against evil lizard-man things that for the most part used melee attacks against you. Once I could clearly see what was attacking me and how it was attacking me, the game stopped being "unfair", and once the espionage setting was replaced for a strange Fantasy-science-fiction setting, the game stopped looking bland and started looking interesting.


So, while Goldeneye was technically the first FPS I played, Turok 2 was the game that made me appreciate the genre, so I'm trying to rewrite my memory into believing that was my first FPS.


That reminds me, I really should get Turok 2. I never did beat the first level!



As for my favorite FPS, it kind of feels like that's been changing on a monthly basis now that I'm going back and playing some old games, but the flavor of the week is Doom 2. I still haven't tried the original Half Life, though, and even though I'm really eager to play Descent II (which I've heard nothing but amazing things of) I'm holding back until I get a joystick, so my favorite FPS may change soon enough.


I also feel the need to mention System Shock 2 somewhere around here since I'm really enjoying it, but let's be honest, System Shock 2 when looked at as an FPS isn't that good. It's all about the vast variety of play styles the RPG systems in the game allows. I still think I should mention it, tho :/



Turok 2 and Serious Sam II HD


Have you played any of the other Serious Sam's? 2 is pretty much universally considered the worst in the series.



My favorite, ironically for someone who started with MW2, is Brutal Doom. The classic style of FPS polished for modern day systems makes you realise that shooters back then are better than the Modern Military Shooter.




I suggest you play the original Doom.



Edit: Accidentally typed FAPS instead of FPS.

Edited by Waller, 21 November 2014 - 01:07 PM.


#9 DéliopT



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Posted 21 November 2014 - 01:35 PM

Cool topic!


Let's see... i'm not really sure what my first FPS was, to be honest. It was either Doom 1 or Doom 2. But seeing as Doom 2 was all the rage back then, i'll say it was Doom 2!

Loved the game: it was really well made, hard, atmospheric and sometimes scary. Also, the icon with the soldiers was a really cool touch!


Having to decide which one i loved the most is really hard.

I'm torn between Perfect Dark and Halo 3.


Perfect Dark was just an amazing game, both in single-player and multi-player. Everything about it was great, but Halo 3 was amazing. It was like seeing a story come alive. It made me love the series - and will make me buy a XB1 just to play the series.


Still, i have to decide on one and it's going to be Perfect Dark. Just had the most fun with it.



#10 Raiden


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Posted 21 November 2014 - 02:48 PM

I lied as I forgot the title said first FPS so before I listed my faves.


My first FPS was Wolfenstien in 1994

Edited by Ryudo, 21 November 2014 - 02:49 PM.

#11 Scumbag



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Posted 21 November 2014 - 03:46 PM

*Enters the sheep*


Sorry to bore you but my first FPS and fave have already been mentioned but here goes :/


First FPS: Goldeneye on N64.


It was a special game to me as it offered endless hours of local multiplayer madness. Our main rule was no looking at the other persons half of the screen but we all cheated... I remember glitch hovering into that vent and camping.

Also pretty significant that it was a Nintendo system that defined FPS for console.


Favourite FPS: Halo Combat Evolved.


Playing Halo for the first time on Xbox was amazing with PC level graphics and incredible sound was something I'll never forget. Thinking it was a cutscene until I could control the camera on the ship.

The level design was epic, gameplay exciting and the world had me exploring every inch.

The duke controller felt like it was made for the game and overall probably my favourite FPS along with Metroid Prime (but I could one pick one).

Edited by Toilet_Snaker, 21 November 2014 - 04:22 PM.

#12 GAMER1984



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Posted 21 November 2014 - 05:07 PM

My first FPS game was ...


Goldeneye 007 on the N64.


I wasn't really good at it and I spent more time watching my brother playing it than actually playing it.



Lookadem graphics.


I'd say my favorite FPS game would have to be...


Halo 2 on the Xbox


It was also my first Xbox/Xbox Live game, aside from that Xbox Live demo disk with the MechAssault online demo.


I spent countless hours playing online and learning about glitches via word-of-mouth from the Xbox Live community. I got really good at the game as well, so people were surprised that a high-pitched squeaky little Daisy was wrecking them.


The best maps IMO in Halo 2 were either Zanzibar or Foundation. There was a superjump glitch in Foundation that allowed you to walk around at the top of the map.



Dis map doe.



yep goldeneye! still my favorite.

#13 3Dude



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Posted 21 November 2014 - 08:10 PM

Wolfenstein 3d back in... 1992? Back When freemium with purchases to expand was called shareware, because it wasnt crap.


Hm.... Dont think I can narrow down a favourite.

Metroid Prime, Half life, system shock 2, call of cthulhu dcoe, Halo, dues ex, faceball 2000, Chex quest, red steel 2...



#14 Kokirii



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Posted 21 November 2014 - 08:16 PM

My first FPS was Wolfenstein 3D on PC in ~1995. Favorite would have to be Half-Life, then Counterstrike (if that counts as separate from Half Life!)

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#15 Mewbot


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Posted 21 November 2014 - 09:20 PM

My first FPS was probably CoD on the DS, as I was never really into FPS's until I saw that game at a really good price and had to buy it ($4!).


My favourite FPS has to be Tribes: Ascend. Wonderful multiplayer shooter with great graphics, and a focus on GAMEPLAY rather than cinematics or anything else like that. Plus, it is FREE. 


Conventional shooter gameplay has never impressed me, but Tribes differentiates itself with its unique speed-based gameplay and incredible map design. The weapons are also different to many other shooters' as most take time to go through the air, meaning hitting someone traveling at a high speed is legitimately rewarding. There's also very little pay-to-win going on with this game. While you can pay to unlock things, everything is unlockable without spending a cent (except a few cosmetic things).


Keeping up your momentum is a must if you want to win a game of capture the flag, and it feels intuitive using the jetpack and skis to do so.


Great game. I recommend it to anyone with a computer (since it's free), you will get addicted to it.

Edited by Ep0nabot, 21 November 2014 - 09:22 PM.


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#16 Bill Cipher

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Posted 21 November 2014 - 09:31 PM

First FPS was Star Wars Battlefront 2. I spent SO much time on that game that I still remember all of the maps/missions, though I played it when I was 10-13.


Favourite FPS? For multiplayer, TF2. For Singleplayer, I can't pick just one so I'll pick the Half Life Franchise. Either that or Halo(Pre 4) or Metroid Prime Trilogy(Though I'm that wierdo that hates 3 and LOVES 2)

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#17 Mahmoodinho98


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Posted 21 November 2014 - 09:51 PM

My first FPS was  call of duty 3 on ps2, It was also my first ps2 game and its one of my favourites.

My favourite fps would be Halo 3:odst

#18 Abcdude


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Posted 21 November 2014 - 10:39 PM



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#19 Son Edo

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Posted 21 November 2014 - 11:01 PM

My favourite is 007 Nightfire

#20 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 21 November 2014 - 11:59 PM

This is kind of weird. Even though I'm older than quite a few people here, my first shooter is still newer than most of the others here.

So yeah, pretty sure my first shooter ever was this, 007: Agent Under Fire. There's some small possibility it was another ps2 007 game (might have been from Russia with love) but i'm pretty sure this was the first. Definitely my first memorable one.

S yeah you guys all talking about great graphics, feast your eyes upon this beaut:



So I've never actually owned this game, but my friend did (and still does) for his PS2. So when I was but a wee child I went over one day, when he had fairly recently purchased a nice fat original PS2 (a pretty big upgrade from his PS1, which we had to stack things on top of to make work). and he decided to pull this out instead of the usual Sly Cooper and Crash bandicoot we were used to. my brother and I were a little apprehensive -after all, how would our mother feel about us playing such a, gory, eerily realistic game about shooting and killing people?- but we went along with it (rather nervously). We only had two working controllers, so we could only play to at a time, but my goodness did we have a lot of fun (and sometimes when the person who sat off had pokemon yellow on the original gameboy or some other thing to do/play while the other two were on so it was all good). In fact we had so much fun, we played it the next time we went over. And the time after that. And the time after that... up until my most recent visit just a couple months ago. Supposed to go over to his place net week, and wouldn't be surprised if we pulled the game out again.

Funnily enough, because i never owned the game, I never got to play the full single player, only the first couple levels.


But that brings us to my favourite, which is much more recent, but from the same franchise, and honestly, not that much better looking (lol): Goldeneye 007 (for Wii)




I don't know. This game isn't like way above agent under fire for me or anything, but I did really like ti. It was the first (and only) FPS I ever owned, and I used to come home and play it every day. I became pretty beast online, usually was placing first or second in on my team every match. I mean it had it's shortcoming, like the absolutely not good sniper system (no recoil or shaking, single kill headshots from a silenced gun. in other words, one minute you're happily trudging along you're just dead. no sound no warning, nothing. Can't even see where the guy who killed you was) or the broken maps (harbor, where once one team got in a certain room it was basically GG, since they just holed up in there, and you couldn't approach them unless you got a lucky spawn) but I still loved it. Alas, it was my attempt to actually finish single player this time that, quite ironically, stopped me from finishing the game. You see, my brother and I used to play in paintball mode, which was the only way we'd been allowed to get the game (there isn't even any blood, mom! it's just paintball!). This was not the case online, so I used to turn my system off every day when i heard my parents coming home (since I wasn't technically supposed to have my wii during the school year anyway) and they never saw the slightly bloody mess that the game truly was. The same went for single player. but I foolishly forgot this, and brought the game with me on vacation one day. I woke up early and began to play single player (since there was no reliable online in the hotel room) which also was not exactly paintball. My mom woke up and was not happy to see me knifing and shooting away. Se expressed her displeasure, but went out with my dad and left me playing. This is where I made my mistake. Had I simply turned the game off and hidden it and my wii right then and there, I probably would still be able to pplay the game to this day. but i didn't I was addicted, and i needed to see what happened next in the story. My parents came home to even more violent scenes on the television, and that was the last straw. The game was taken away right then and there, and my brother and I were made to give it away to a friend.

I did get to play it at the friend's house one more time some years later, but the meta game had moved on, and therefore my skills were useless. Oh well.


but hopefully splatoon will be able to take Goldeneye's place come 2015. I believe in you Nintendo.






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