Dolphin Screenshots
Posted 01 June 2011 - 08:07 AM
And BTW, if they're too big, I'll link the pics in the future. I was just too lazy 'cause linking takes more copy+paste. Also, these pics aren't HD.
Posted 01 June 2011 - 08:39 AM

Attaching them is the preferred way to go, btw - that way, we're not relying on third-party servers to keep the thread looking good.
I have an epic power computer at home which can actually handle Wii and GameCube emulation at full 1080p. Any requests for specific games you'd like some kickass HD screenshots of (or maybe even a video)?
Posted 01 June 2011 - 09:01 AM
Furthermore, Wind Waker in HD is one of the best-looking games I've ever seen. Many fans might hate the style but WW aged much better than most other games.
BTW, if you're planning on playing your GC/Wii games on a PC/notebook, you've got to get a drive capable of reading the discs. That is, if you don't want your PC to be full of viruses

The only request I have is... a complete video walktrough of SMG, SMG2, Z:WW, Z:TP and MP:T. Have fun!

Posted 01 June 2011 - 11:11 AM
Now if only someone was doing requests....
Dang...those look fantastic. A lot of Wii games look like they were designed for bona-fide HD, but are simply forced to run in 480p - seriously, not even all Xbox 360 games look as good as Metroid Prime 3 there. And what do you mean they're not HD? They totally are.
Attaching them is the preferred way to go, btw - that way, we're not relying on third-party servers to keep the thread looking good.
I have an epic power computer at home which can actually handle Wii and GameCube emulation at full 1080p. Any requests for specific games you'd like some kickass HD screenshots of (or maybe even a video)?
I'll take some Skies of Arcadia legends, Samurai Warriors 3 (Preferably xtreme edition), Rune Factory Frontier and RF: Oceans, Harvest Moon Animal Parade and HM: A wonderful life... And...
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.
If you could get screens of any/all of those, you will have saved my life, and I will be eternally grateful. *Insert green three-eyed smiley*
Posted 01 June 2011 - 11:26 AM
Posted 01 June 2011 - 11:44 AM

Well, after that, you can configure your Wiimote to work with your PC (if you've got Bluetooth) or you can use an Xbox360 gamepad. They can be used with PCs AFAIK and Dolphin lets you configure the controls as you like. You can even use your keyboard, but that's not really comfortable. Anyways, I recommend you to visit the Dolphin forums if you're looking for special configurations for a certain game as every game needs other settings to run well. Not to forget that you need a good graphics card for good performance.
The cool thing is, Dolphin supports WiiMotion+ and even 3D! A shame my PC's too slow

PS: Err, it REALLY irritates me that IP.Board links all brand names to eBay shop sites. Is this on purpose, Feld0?
Posted 01 June 2011 - 11:51 AM

As for the links to eBay/Argos/Amazon, I guess their adverts. To be honest, I'm happier having those than having some big adverts at the top and side of every page.
Posted 01 June 2011 - 12:54 PM
About that, AMAC's assumption is correct...PS: Err, it REALLY irritates me that IP.Board links all brand names to eBay shop sites. Is this on purpose, Feld0?
As I hope you're aware, running Wii 2 Blog and Wii 2 Boards isn't free. There are many expenses that need to be covered, like hosting, domains, and the IP.Board license. Advertising is pretty much the only way I can finance the site, because I don't want to ever charge people for membership or content.As for the links to eBay/Argos/Amazon, I guess their adverts. To be honest, I'm happier having those than having some big adverts at the top and side of every page.
The links you're seeing have nothing to do with IP.Board, actually - they are automatically generated by a service called Skimlinks. You can read about it on their website if you want to know how it works. The reason I'm using those is because I personally hate huge banner ads, too - those are only visible if you're not logged in.
Hope that clears things up.

Posted 02 June 2011 - 03:22 PM
What I wanted to say is that they're not 1080p with good AA. I once plugged both my Wii and my bro's notebook to my TV and ran Twilight Princess on both - trust me, the difference is even bigger than you might think... it's mind-blowing.Furthermore, Wind Waker in HD is one of the best-looking games I've ever seen. Many fans might hate the style but WW aged much better than most other games.BTW, if you're planning on playing your GC/Wii games on a PC/notebook, you've got to get a drive capable of reading the discs. That is, if you don't want your PC to be full of viruses :PThe only request I have is... a complete video walktrough of SMG, SMG2, Z:WW, Z:TP and MP:T. Have fun!
Kirby's Epic Yarn and F-Zero GX look friggin' marvelous. The models in the Mario Kart games seem to get a little too blocky for my tastes, though.Those look awesome! I can't wait for the cafe D:Now if only someone was doing requests....Perfect!I'll take some Skies of Arcadia legends, Samurai Warriors 3 (Preferably xtreme edition), Rune Factory Frontier and RF: Oceans, Harvest Moon Animal Parade and HM: A wonderful life... And...Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.If you could get screens of any/all of those, you will have saved my life, and I will be eternally grateful. *Insert green three-eyed smiley*
Wertville, I'll see what I can do for your requests. In the meantime, I discovered a few glorious Super Mario Galaxy 2 screenshots in my Dolphin folder that I'll post.
Posted 02 June 2011 - 08:57 PM
Update: Here's a good helping of 47 Kirby's Epic Yarn shots. I'll try to get some Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn pics next. With the help of Bluetooth, a computer can quite literally act as a Wii HD.
I'm currently trying to find a sane way to capture smooth 1080p video of a Wii game. Anyone got any ideas?
Posted 02 June 2011 - 09:17 PM
Maybe you could use FRAPS?I'm currently trying to find a sane way to capture smooth 1080p video of a Wii game. Anyone got any ideas?
Posted 03 June 2011 - 07:48 AM
Tried it, but I think my hard drive's having trouble keeping up with a 1080p video. Maybe I'm just not configuring it correctly?Maybe you could use FRAPS?
Posted 03 June 2011 - 11:04 AM
Here's a good helping of 47 Kirby's Epic Yarn shots. I'll try to get some Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn pics next. With the help of Bluetooth, a computer can quite literally act as a Wii HD.
I'll try to get some Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn pics next.
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Have I ever told you that you are my most favorite Admin ever? Well, I will know.
You are my most favorite Admin ever!
Posted 19 June 2011 - 10:00 AM

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