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Splatoon is a great game let's talk about it

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#1 Raiden


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Posted 02 June 2015 - 04:02 PM

Leave the finished or not talk in other topics. Talk about what you like and love about it. Arrange matched if you want here.


So far I played some online and was damn fun. The vibe of this game is so Jet Set Radio Nintendo style it's not even funny even down to some of the clothing is near identical.  I have the Inkling Boy amiibo and it's Nintendo's best batch yet in quality.


With all the DLC coming this game will just keep getting better.


Edited by Ryudo, 02 June 2015 - 04:03 PM.

#2 Guy Fieri

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Posted 02 June 2015 - 04:23 PM

It's alright

#3 Basil Ouija

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Posted 02 June 2015 - 05:00 PM

I got my 3-pack in the mail today.  The game is fun--there's not doubt about that--but even with all of the "updates" that I know are coming, that doesn't keep me from having some complaints about it.  Things they likely won't change, such as:


  • No mic with friends. (I wouldn't want a global mic, especially not from a Nintendo game.)
  • Separating Turf Wars from Splat Zones with Regular Battle vs. Ranked Battle.  To my understanding, the various game modes they'll be adding the future will also be Ranked only, which doesn't make much very much sense; in order to play Ranked, you have to reach Level 10 (understandable), but the only way to level up is by via Turf Wars, a game mode that isn't even included under the Ranked Battles?  What if I want to play Splat Zones with friends, without worrying about my rank going up or down?  Turf Wars require map awareness and a level of stealth; why isn't there an option for Ranked Turf Wars?  If they were to keep the current lobby format (Ranked, Regular, With Friends), then after choosing Ranked or Regular, you should then move on to choose Turf Wars or Splat Zones, and in the future Tower Control, etc.
  • I know this was done so players can choose a gear and weapon loadout for the two maps in rotation, but the two maps every two hours limitation is a lot more irritating then I thought it would be.  It has happened more than a few times where I'll get stuck on the same map for more than six or seven games in a row, and with six maps now available, I don't see why this has to be an issue.  If the maps were chosen from the entire pool and at random, then some people would be at an advantage, and others at a disadvantage, but no one had any way of knowing, so the game is still fair.  An easy fix.
  • And finally, my most of minor of complaints: customization.  While I love the options we're given, I wouldn't mind a store that specializes in bottoms, and another in hairstyles; as-is, I have a very difficult time telling any of the characters apart.  I only know one person who plays as the Squid Boy (not to mention my Inkopolis is 90% Squid Girls) because everyone else agrees that her design is just better, and I think hairstyles would add more variety to the mix.  Not a big deal, but it would be neat.

And there's my take on Nintendo's newest IP.  It's original, I love the style, the mechanics are smooth--I've even managed to get used to using the GamePad--but nothing is perfect.




#4 Raiden


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Posted 02 June 2015 - 05:48 PM

:blush: Gamepad batt died mid online match. Only reason  I wish I could use Pro.

#5 Basil Ouija

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Posted 02 June 2015 - 06:01 PM

I don't see why using the pro controller isn't an option.  It's compatible in the 1 v. 1 Battle Dojo; why not in single player?  I can imagine various ways of getting around the currently necessary tapping of the GamePad screen to superjump to one of your teammates.


#6 NintendoReport



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Posted 02 June 2015 - 06:08 PM

I don't see why using the pro controller isn't an option.  It's compatible in the 1 v. 1 Battle Dojo; why not in single player?  I can imagine various ways of getting around the currently necessary tapping of the GamePad screen to superjump to one of your teammates.


Nintendo wanted to make use of the gamepad, which they did. In turf war it's actually pretty useful for seeing the battlefield and spawning/flying to teammates. Also, the motion control aspect I think is quite innovative and accurate with regards to aiming. I know some people turn it off but I prefer it. 


It's a new IP, so lots can be tweaked and changed but I think the controls will remain at least for this.... 


The game is refreshing not only in game play mechanics but art style, color etc. I am glad the game has it's own identity and didn't get pushed into being another Mario title.


Being a new IP, clearly Nintendo is going to tweak things and continue working on the game well past the free content yet to come.

:blush: Gamepad batt died mid online match. Only reason  I wish I could use Pro.


Do you have the larger internal battery? That will net you another 2.5-3 hours

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#7 Raiden


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Posted 02 June 2015 - 06:13 PM

Nope and 30 bucks for a batt is pricey.


Game is seriously damn fun.

#8 Basil Ouija

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Posted 02 June 2015 - 06:15 PM

Nintendo wanted to make use of the gamepad, which they did. In turf war it's actually pretty useful for seeing the battlefield and spawning/flying to teammates. Also, the motion control aspect I think is quite innovative and accurate with regards to aiming. I know some people turn it off but I prefer it. 


It's a new IP, so lots can be tweaked and changed but I think the controls will remain at least for this.... 


The game is refreshing not only in game play mechanics but art style, color etc. I am glad the game has it's own identity and didn't get pushed into being another Mario title.


Being a new IP, clearly Nintendo is going to tweak things and continue working on the game well past the free content yet to come.


Don't get me wrong, I love using the GamePad, and even if the pro controller were mad compatible, odds are I would continue to use it.  All I meant by my post is that I don't see why the pro controller couldn't be compatible; a map could easily be displayed on the TV, and like I've already said, I can see ways around the tapping to superjump.


#9 Raiden


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Posted 02 June 2015 - 09:26 PM

So I have a goal.  I plan to get all my clothes to eventually look like Beat from Jet Set Radio. Jet Set Squid is coming!

#10 Basil Ouija

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Posted 03 June 2015 - 06:33 AM

Shouldn't be too difficult, from the looks of it.  Is there an official list of all the gear currently present in this game floating about on the Internet yet?


I'm a completionist by nature, so I buy everything I have the money for.  I'm going to replay all the story missions for research notes here soon, but I suppose I'll do my amiibo missions first.


#11 grahamf


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Posted 03 June 2015 - 07:01 AM

I'm up to level 7 and am over halfway through the campaign. I might retry for research notes.



#12 Raiden


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Posted 03 June 2015 - 08:26 AM


#13 Chrop



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Posted 03 June 2015 - 09:04 AM

I'm loving it up to now, really fun to play, statifying to kill people and I feel like it'll be one ofmy faviourite games on the Wii U when everything has been released. Although there are things that need fixing asap, such as


Off-TV play (You can just put a minimap on the screen and use that as a map).

Pro-controller should be able to be used. After playing ranked games,

Voice chat is really really needed if I want to constantly win matches.

Be able to leave the lobby when searching for people, there's litterally no back button to just go back and switch weapons or something, which brings me to my next point

Switch weapons when searching for people, If I join a friend, I can't switch weapons unless I leave him/her alone, switch weapons and hope someone hasn't taken the spot,


Besides that (and a few already said above) it's a great game. Using the Splattershot JR for ranked battles and Aerosmith for Turf wars. Krak-On Roller if I just want to have a break and just have fun for a while. But I don't even want to attempt the charger again, that gun just isn't for me.

lhKtSmX.png?2 Well, I've finally found my Starfox, and I love it.

#14 grahamf


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Posted 03 June 2015 - 09:48 AM

I'm finding all of these cute little details, like how repeating a level nets you a stuffed toy, and your avatar has an awkward expression on his face and pats it.



#15 Tom


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Posted 03 June 2015 - 01:18 PM

If I get the game, I'll be glad that I don't have to hear 14-year-olds shout racial expletives into the microphone when their parents aren't home.


#16 NintendoReport



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Posted 03 June 2015 - 01:24 PM

If I get the game, I'll be glad that I don't have to hear 14-year-olds shout racial expletives into the microphone when their parents aren't home.


If I get the game, I'll be glad that I don't have to hear 14-year-olds shout racial expletives into the microphone when their parents are home. 

I'm finding all of these cute little details, like how repeating a level nets you a stuffed toy, and your avatar has an awkward expression on his face and pats it.


I posted this in another thread i think, have you seen the little details from this video?


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#17 Scumbag



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Posted 03 June 2015 - 01:50 PM

I cancelled my pre order since reading all the poor metacritic reviews plus features missing.

Think I'll wait until the game is finished, i.e all dlc is out before jumping in.

#18 storabajskorven



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Posted 03 June 2015 - 02:15 PM

OK, so I really like this game, which I didn't think I would. But one thing I don't like is that the challenges unlocked by Amiibos are so much fun! They are such a good part of the game that they shouldn't be locked behind an expensive paywall like that. I think the ability to unlock cool exclusive costumes and things like that is the best use of Amiibos in this game.

#19 umegames


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Posted 03 June 2015 - 08:01 PM

Think the game is fun and fantastic. I see the vision that nintendo was trying to accomplish both in gameplay but structure of the game as well, i.e. no voice chat, stage rotation, level perks etc, and i think they nailed it. 

After playing ranked matches today it most certainly without a doubt is best that there's no chat. Never have i been so mad at my teamates, and I've never been one to be that way online, but the splat zones get so intense, especially when you have a big lead and then suddenly you lose the game!!! UGHHH, but my anger is around a 5/10, and i would be turned off if i had to hear the typical online banter that plauges other games.


Thank you nintendo.

#20 Raiden


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Posted 04 June 2015 - 08:36 AM

LOL Someone lagged out with 1 second left in the match we had won. Oh boy Iwanna know how many raged quit.


Likely as close to Beat as I can get


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