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Investor tweets fall conference

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#1 Keviin



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Posted 29 June 2012 - 02:03 AM

In a conference this year that will be occuring in fall, Nintendo is set to reveal Wii U price, launch date, and 2013 games.


I hope we'll get at least one big title reveal for us core gamers. Metroid?
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#2 WisdomPowerCourage



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Posted 29 June 2012 - 05:43 AM

I must set my expectations low so I don't get over excited and disappointed. Uh, let's see here. Oh! I'll just say the only game announced will be Jenga World Tour U.

#3 Keviin



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Posted 29 June 2012 - 10:18 AM

Nah, I think Nintendo knows they dissapointed some people at E3 so they will work at that. But it won't be as huge as like, a new Zelda or something. I think they will reveal something interesting for most fans, and eloborate on it next E3.
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#4 lucario23


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Posted 30 June 2012 - 02:38 PM

Nah, I think Nintendo knows they dissapointed some people at E3 so they will work at that. But it won't be as huge as like, a new Zelda or something. I think they will reveal something interesting for most fans, and eloborate on it next E3.


#5 Soul



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Posted 30 June 2012 - 04:14 PM

Metroid...Black Ops 2 reveal and maybe Watch Dogs and GTA is what I expect.

#6 WisdomPowerCourage



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Posted 30 June 2012 - 05:12 PM

I want Metroid.

#7 Keviin



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Posted 01 July 2012 - 10:24 AM


Let's hope. At least, that's what the rumor is. As for third party: BO2 OFFICIAL confirmation and GTA V would be very cool.

But most likely: Wii Party U, Wii Sports U, Wii Play U.. Let's just not hold our breaths for something as wicked awesome as Metroid.
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#8 Stewox



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Posted 04 July 2012 - 06:50 AM

299€$ give or take, it's ok, but i hope in € is less if they choose to let go of the smelly $ = € trend.

I want my F-Zero, and it better be as hard as GX and even more bonuses for core , i want hardcore difficulty, i want a whole mode for hardcore, that's why i played GX as much as zelda and metroid ... heck now that i remember, probably more because of multiplayer with my brother and other friends, F-Zero GX might really be my total (incl mp) the second most played game after smash bros. and that's a lot considering i did every single zelda and metroid release 300 hours EACH.

Please nintendo, to explain the philosophy, the difficulty played a major factor in the game, it will not be a worthy sequel if it does not provide higher difficulty modes and greater challenges, these things are pretty easy to implement technically but require research and analysis which still does NOT require large teams of resources, just put in harder to get unlockables and much harder modes for and all other little stuff and details that raise the overall quality.
  • very easy
  • easy
  • normal
  • hard
  • very hard
  • veteran
  • brutal
  • hardcore
  • nightmare
Ofcourse paying all the attention to blance these points, the jump from very hard to nightmare is small and carefully calculated in actual code parameters but the effect will be huge once a player tries to time his actions accordingly, the most difficult process of this is polishing and testing it works ... and with a need of some good player to actually prove it's possible to beat, still this is not that demaning on a studio in terms of resources.

... i will buy any addons for F-Zero and i will definitely be a core customer if relevant stuff is provided, i don't usually buy any DLC at all, and i salute nintendo's philosophy, but F-zero i love, but still addons are totally a BONUS-ONLY, the diffculty and the game quality, controls, response, are the primary thing.

Hopefully somebody sees this.

Edited by Stewox, 04 July 2012 - 07:11 AM.

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