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Will nextgen fail without 100% Digital download

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#1 giggity3000


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Posted 06 July 2012 - 06:25 AM


I kinda agree somewhat, with prices potentially raising once again It'd be better to sell games digitally for cheap instead of retail with all those extra cost & tax. Of course i'll miss the disc's getting scratched & jamming my system i think i'll live. Hey i'm poor & i'd gladly switch to digital if it means not paying 70 -100$ for 1 game

EDIT: Due to all the disagreements let me rephrase this. All retail games on shelves SHOULD have A digital counter part, Rediscuss

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Edited by giggity3000, 06 July 2012 - 01:53 PM.


#2 Tom


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Posted 06 July 2012 - 06:43 AM

I think the next gen will do fine as long as there is an option for either-or.

I wouldn't mind though if the result of digital downloads only would result in retail stores like GameStop to die. They're a terrible company.


#3 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 06 July 2012 - 06:50 AM

Both have pros and cons. Companies should be aiming to make both co-exist properly.

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#4 neverwinteru



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Posted 06 July 2012 - 06:52 AM

Simple answer: no

Complicated answer: NO!

#5 Keviin



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Posted 06 July 2012 - 06:53 AM

100% digital download would suck mayor ass, and I don't think Nintendo would ever do that. They know they have a long-time fanbase that have been collecting game boxes since the 80s, and those people (and me) wouldn't want some digital download for games like Zelda, Metroid, Mario.. But I do think the consumer should have the option to choose whatever he wants. If he wants to pay for some file instead of for something you can actually hold, he should be able to.
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#6 Hank Hill

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Posted 06 July 2012 - 07:10 AM

Let's think about this.

According to the last Nintendo Direct, only 70% of people have connected their 3DS to the internet. So in other words, if Nintendo was to go completely digital, they'd be (this is speculation, no flaming) cutting their potential profits by 30%.

The whole idea of being 100% digital next gen is foolhardy, and absolutely not good. Not everybody has internet, not everybody that HAS internet has ultra-fast internet, and not everybody wants to download a game for three days just so they can play it. (This was the case for me with Left 4 Dead 1 and 2)

Not to mention that games aren't much cheaper digital than they are physical, so uh...yeah. Going 100% digital would also get rid of the awesome collectors editions we've grown to love.

So no. Next gen will not fail if it isn't 100% digital. It would seem that idiots are still hooked on their iPhones. :facepalm:

Edited by GameCollector, 06 July 2012 - 08:04 AM.



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#7 Deadly Virus

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Posted 06 July 2012 - 09:05 AM

It sounds like a rather ridiculous idea to be honest. No one wants to sit around for a good few hours or even an entire day just to download the new game they bought. Plus there's the issue of HDD space, the Wii U doesn't have a hard drive for one, and even consoles with them have pathetically small ones compared to PCs. You really wouldn't be able to fit many games on at once.

Generally, 100% digital may work fine on PCs, but with consoles and especially handhelds it's just not the best idea. The reason it works so well for smartphones is because of the incredibly small size and scale of most iOS/Android games. This isn't the case for consoles, where the typical game consists of a hefty amount of gigabytes.

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#8 Crackkat



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Posted 06 July 2012 - 09:15 AM

the man's a fool, trying to compare angry birds with games like mario and aliens and AC XD what an idiot, what he soesn't realise is that angry birds sold so well cos it's casual, not cos it's digital download. by his logic, aliens colonial marines should sell billions when it's digitally distributed next year cos it's quality is ten times better than angry birds :P anyway, i believe one day we might be at the stage of digital only, but not next gen
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#9 Matten


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Posted 06 July 2012 - 09:22 AM

Digitally downloadable games is a great thing, I know this because I am a PC gamer. Although there are a few downsides to digital downloads and I'll list them
  • Another hit to the gaming market in terms of retail stores. It will put video games out of the hands of little guy who is too young to get his own checking account or credit card.
  • The I-Don't-Have-Good-Internet-Bro, guy will be out of luck as well. Good luck downloading a 25gb game with terrible internet.
  • A lot less stock will be carried in retail stores like Wal Mart, Best Buy, GameStop, Ect. So if a certain item is retail only for launch, we will be fighting for those copies.
  • Gaming-only stores like GameStop will go out of business so previously owned games will be harder and harder to acquire, meaning you may be buying new copies for more money instead of previously used ones for cheaper.
  • I'm not sure how it could effect rental services like Blockbuster and RedBox. Could go either way I suppose.
  • You will need a much larger hard drive in your Wii U if you are downloading these new, large, HD games. Some games are 10 gigs, some are 25, some 5. You never know how large a game will be until it is released.
I am all for digital downloads though. I don't like having all the cases and discs taking up space and potentially getting scratched. I would hope that if in fact many games are released as digital downloads, that game companies make the prices fair and we see a whole lot less DLC. DLC was implimented because people were buying too many previously used games (gamestop) and when people buy those previously used games the game company who developed the game see 0% of that profit and GameStop sees 100% of the profit of used games. Why do you think they push those used games so hard on you when you go to GameStop? So I hope the price of games goes down or stays reasonable for the next-gen and the DLC format of releasing new content is used in less of a money-grubbing manner such as DLC already available on the first day of the game's release.

Edited by Matten, 06 July 2012 - 09:29 AM.

#10 Jakester897



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Posted 06 July 2012 - 01:31 PM

I'm going to quote Strong Bad on this one.
The short answer is no.
The long answer is nnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Angry Birds has easy-to-learn, addictive gameplay, and its price on Android phones (Read: $0.00) let its popularity grow to slurptastic proportions. The downloads were not because of the format it was sold in. Of course this guy would say that, considering how he is the head of yet another mobile gaming company I have never heard of.

Now, does that mean I don't want downloadable games? No. But I think I'll be buying a mix, like I do on my PS3 now.
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#11 giggity3000


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Posted 06 July 2012 - 01:55 PM

OK I edited the original post :/ What I meant was that every developer should be required to make they're game digital as well as physical.

Complete digital takeover = Gaming crash


#12 009soulmaster


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Posted 06 July 2012 - 01:59 PM

As long as theirs a option for both. I'm not complaining but if someone tells me that digital is the way of the future i wil disagree. because many gamers like 70% want to get a physical copy. we've been asked and we awnsered Physical copys and digital should be optional.

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#13 Hank Hill

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Posted 06 July 2012 - 02:41 PM

Due to all the disagreements let me rephrase this. All retail games on shelves SHOULD have A digital counter part, Rediscuss

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Ok, this I can agree with. Retail games should be released digitally at the same time, but the industry should never go 100% digital. It's just not good for anybody if it's 100% digital.



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#14 AndyG


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Posted 06 July 2012 - 10:50 PM

Man i hate only having 8gb of internet.
About 5 years ago my family were running off just 500mb of internet each month, now 8GB doesn't satisfy our needs.
Not until everybody is connected (like watchdogs) can we switch to 100% digital, plus people like me will miss having the boxes(despite how much room they take up).

Plus if they eliminate physical copies their will be no second hand game market and you will be unable to borrow games anymore.
This would need a llllooootttt more research before it can go through without majorly screwing up.
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#15 3DS Strider

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Posted 08 July 2012 - 12:54 PM

But all-digital means no feelies.

Also on 3DS Forums and Racketboy. I am not an iodit.

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