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StarFox Assault 2 Could It Happen?

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#41 Aaron Barton

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Posted 02 July 2011 - 06:37 AM

I don't bother investing time in something that isn't fun. When I was a kid and had all the time in the world to burn, Star Fox 64 was awesome from the INSTANT I TURNED IT ON. Now that I don't have as much time to play games, I'm supposed to put up with lameness before getting a return on it? No thanks.

#42 bsgpro


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Posted 02 July 2011 - 10:09 AM

I don't bother investing time in something that isn't fun. When I was a kid and had all the time in the world to burn, Star Fox 64 was awesome from the INSTANT I TURNED IT ON. Now that I don't have as much time to play games, I'm supposed to put up with lameness before getting a return on it? No thanks.

This thread is for SFA2 not SF642. You don't have to be on this page make your own Starfox thread if you want. :D
Sorry for your misfortune.
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#43 Aaron Barton

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Posted 02 July 2011 - 11:05 AM

This thread is for SFA2 not SF642. You don't have to be on this page make your own Starfox thread if you want. :D
Sorry for your misfortune.

"Star Fox Assault 2" is just a placeholder name for the next entry in the series...which happens to be exactly what I was talking about. It could be Star Fox Command Wii U for all we know. What's the difference?

It seems a lot more relevant to compare aspects of older Star Fox games than to bring up, say, Battlefield 3. But hey, maybe I'm just wrong.

I just finished reading somewhere that Miyamoto stated that the series is not doing as well as Nintendo had projected. Sales are just not strong with it. I personally don't think it's any coincidence, the brand has an identity problem. It used to be just about flying in space blowing things up. Now you buy a SF game and you really don't know what you're getting.

I don't even count Adventures. It's really not a SF game at all, but we all know that.

Edited by Aaron Barton, 02 July 2011 - 11:08 AM.

#44 Hamez



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Posted 02 July 2011 - 02:30 PM

In my opinion, Nintendo should create an entirely new story. :D

But as I keep repeatedly saying with Star Fox threads, the story line has ended. The multiple endings of Star Fox Command caused there to be no sequel in the series. If Nintendo can find a way to put a story in between two games in the line, it might work, but I wouldn't count on it.

Crappy sequels are pretty much what happens when you let a different company develop each game in a series. Star Fox 64 was the only 100% Nintendo developed Star Fox game is the line. And, big surprise, it was the most successful.

Edited by Hamez, 02 July 2011 - 02:30 PM.

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#45 Aaron Barton

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Posted 02 July 2011 - 04:25 PM

You mean Star Fox SNES was outsourced? No way...

#46 bsgpro


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Posted 02 July 2011 - 07:09 PM

"Star Fox Assault 2" is just a placeholder name for the next entry in the series...which happens to be exactly what I was talking about. It could be Star Fox Command Wii U for all we know. What's the difference?

I am talking directly about SFA2 not anything else. Command was a failed attempt to be SF64 for the DS thats the difference.
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#47 Aaron Barton

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Posted 02 July 2011 - 09:50 PM

You can call it whatever you want, SF Assault 2, SF Command Wii U, SF Peppy Hares & Slippy Toads Hot Action Platinum, there's not much in a name, we're all talking about the same thing: the next Star Fox game that may come to Wii U. Do you really want to make different topics depending on what different people want to call the same unannounced game? lol

#48 bsgpro


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Posted 03 July 2011 - 08:03 AM

You can call it whatever you want, SF Assault 2, SF Command Wii U, SF Peppy Hares & Slippy Toads Hot Action Platinum, there's not much in a name, we're all talking about the same thing: the next Star Fox game that may come to Wii U. Do you really want to make different topics depending on what different people want to call the same unannounced game? lol

I am talking about a sequel to Assault not 64 not the original not Adventures not command. Assault 2 and that is what my topic is about and thats what it stays. Deal with it. :D
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#49 bsgpro


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Posted 07 July 2011 - 02:15 PM

Time for the thread to die I guess. :D
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#50 Narcidius



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Posted 09 July 2011 - 08:39 AM

Whatever they call the new Star Fox game... great. Assault 2 would be fine with me (though to be honest I'd prefer not to have a name that suggested a fresh approach).

Story line is not really a problem for a game directed by a Japanese developer... mega man was always reinventing itself by retelling the story with a completely different scenario and plot arc, but using the same universe. Personally, I thought this was brilliant (even though it often confused me as a kid)... a new story for a new generation, but always referencing familiar characters, themes, and fan-beloved elements.

#51 Aaron Barton

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Posted 10 July 2011 - 03:39 PM

I actually don't even want very much story in a Star Fox game, whatever it takes to come up with an excuse to have a bunch of forest animals flying space superiority fighters. Something fresh is fine, with some cool cutscenes, but I don't really want it to detract from the game...the priority should be constant shooting action :D

#52 bsgpro


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Posted 18 July 2011 - 08:54 AM

I actually don't even want very much story in a Star Fox game, whatever it takes to come up with an excuse to have a bunch of forest animals flying space superiority fighters. Something fresh is fine, with some cool cutscenes, but I don't really want it to detract from the game...the priority should be constant shooting action :P

So you want a half done story? You sound like a little child obsessed with shooting things. A space shooter? Yeah that shows the true capability of the system, not really.
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#53 xXSuperNintendoXx


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Posted 19 July 2011 - 09:50 PM

I would like to see the return of on foot action, but it needs improved a lot.

#54 Hamez



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Posted 20 July 2011 - 01:56 PM

I would like to see the return of on foot action, but it needs improved a lot.

I would just like Star Fox to be the on-rails shooter that is was designed to be.
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#55 Aaron Barton

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Posted 20 July 2011 - 04:26 PM

So you want a half done story? You sound like a little child obsessed with shooting things. A space shooter? Yeah that shows the true capability of the system, not really.

Actually I'm 26 and I read books more often than I play video games. If I want a good story, I'll read a book. If I want to play a video game, let me enjoy the GAME without dealing with what will probably be a worthless story anyway. Super Mario never has a story beyond rescuing the Princess and getting a cake, what's the difference?

The stories of games are most usually godawful and would be better off not existing at all. A simple story that sets up the role playing aspect is all you need and any more than that is usually more than they can write without messing up.

Old Zelda, Mario, Starfox64, Phantasy Star Online, Ikaruga, to name a few off the top of my head, got it right. The last time Nintendo tried in earnest with a real story, we got Twilight Princess, and it just made me laugh.

Even better example. What would "show the capability of the system" better, a game with a simple concept like Sonic Generations, or the convoluted storytelling mess of Sonic Adventure 2?

Edited by Aaron Barton, 20 July 2011 - 04:30 PM.

#56 SomeRandomGuy



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Posted 20 July 2011 - 04:31 PM

I'd love this to be real.
I'm a huge StarFox fan.
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#57 bsgpro


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Posted 23 July 2011 - 09:00 PM

Actually I'm 26 and I read books more often than I play video games. If I want a good story, I'll read a book. If I want to play a video game, let me enjoy the GAME without dealing with what will probably be a worthless story anyway. Super Mario never has a story beyond rescuing the Princess and getting a cake, what's the difference?

The stories of games are most usually godawful and would be better off not existing at all. A simple story that sets up the role playing aspect is all you need and any more than that is usually more than they can write without messing up.

Old Zelda, Mario, Starfox64, Phantasy Star Online, Ikaruga, to name a few off the top of my head, got it right. The last time Nintendo tried in earnest with a real story, we got Twilight Princess, and it just made me laugh.

Even better example. What would "show the capability of the system" better, a game with a simple concept like Sonic Generations, or the convoluted storytelling mess of Sonic Adventure 2?

Well then mister 26 year old. (I really don't care how old you are) I think you just want things simple which is fine. But newer gen people like having some sort of story to a game and want something to scream massive environment. The more environment (If implemented correctly) is better for the life of a game. Variety is one thing you will be missing. On foot kept me interested in the game. I don't have the time to type a long message considering having a job (9-5 to be exact) and having a car and license in a car and on boat. (but thats a bit off track isn't it) I am also a near straight A student. (Near due to some random crap like Spanish) I am 17 btw.
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#58 dagwood dang

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Posted 05 September 2011 - 11:37 PM


I think about a Starfox game for Wii U probably more often than I should.

EVERYTHING BELOW SHOULD BE SO... lol... but seriously...

-Story should be very deep and engaging. (answer old questions create new problems. expand the universe)
-NOT 60 fps. Usually a higher frame rate is what we want, but to keep a cinematic quality, the f/r should be around 35-40 fps. (super smooth barrel rolls aren't as dramatic as ones with only slightly frayed visuals...DRAMA!)
-Great voice acting is a must.
-Game should include as many planets from the Starfox lore as possible, including the ones that were only mentioned in the comic.
-Allow game to be a little longer, but not "110hrs" longer.
-Increase choice and decision making. More options. (routes in rail levels, as well as cut scenes)
-Not only multiple planet-to-planet routes, but also allow multiple ways to play a planet.
Sometimes a level can be beaten via Arwing while AI Teammate infiltrates a base on foot, or vice versa,
or taking the tank to the enemy on an entirely different route.
All options may not be available every time. Unlockable routes, to increase replay value.
-Multiplayer with good, detailed co-op (local AND online)
-360 degree dogfighting is great, but the game should mostly stay a rail shooter to maintain it's roots.
-'Rail' routes don't have to be a boring straight line. Create winding, abruptly changing paths, like ones that fly low along a surface of a field or a huge space shuttle only to have a sudden drop off a cliff or the edge of a ship for you to DROP and fly straight down the side of. (like something out of Avatar)
-Upgradable, unique and customizable Arwings (sorta like the unreleased Starfox2).
-You are the commander. aside from standard flight/tank/on-foot controls, allow unique but easy TOUCH-SCREEN COMMANDS (defend, attack, V-formation etc.) so you can direct your team through levels. Doing a good job keeps team alive, allowing perks (like in older SF games), also keeps them out of trouble (If done right, no more 'foooox!' or 'thanks fox. I thought they had me'), and can open up secret routes and unlockables.
-OPTIONAL gyro-accelerometer controls Like Starfox for 3DS. they say it works well on it, but it would work better on Wii U, since you wont have to worry about messing up proper 3D visual alignment.
-OPTIONAL gyro-accelerometer tank cannon controls. You can still use both analog nubs, but imagine aiming thru your Wii U controller screen at precicely what you're going to shoot!
(On-foot missions were a bit pooey on assault, but I think the IDEA is good because it opens up the Starfox universe that much more. They're gonna have to do a MUCH better job though.)
I know it's gonna sound crazy, but they should completely overhaul it and take a cue from the GEARS OF WAR series. Not the content, of course, but the camera angles and cover system. And in stead of every on-foot mission being a 360 degree board to fight on, try making the missions a little more linear (corridor) to create a sort of visual progression in the level.

Imagine infiltrating a base, first by jumping into an air-duct, fighting along a long suspended steel bridge, into a factory with big vats of stuff, up onto the main floors fighting elite monkeys, recapturing the ancient space artifact and jumping out of a window having one of the team members catch you with his or her arwing... Sounds MUCH better than skipping about some board shooting at apperoids. with alternate paths to take in these missions too. the foot mission enemies should have much better AI.

-Also a Wii U screen scope mode, emulating binoculars or a sniper scope.
bino view.jpeg
These are just some of my ideas. I have plenty more.

SFadv.jpeg SF SoLSHIP.jpeg

#59 bubba97



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Posted 16 July 2012 - 09:21 AM

Starfox Assault 2 sounds perfect! The only bad thing that Starfox Assault didn't have was a longer Campaign... It was pretty short... Bummer! If we have a new one they should have:
#1 Multiplayer campaign
#2 Longer Campaign( as mentioned above)
#3 Online Multiplayer
#4 More Multiplayer Characters( still includes the original characters plus Leon and Panther!)
#5 Fight inside buildings in Multiplayer (includes the inside of the Great Fox).

Edited by bubba97, 16 July 2012 - 09:23 AM.

#60 SolxBurst


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Posted 16 July 2012 - 09:49 AM

If they make a new Star Fox game for Wii U really want them to use every ounce of potential. It needs some sort of online, I absolutely loved the multi-player in the first Star Fox Assault!


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