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Your Top 5 Game Series of All Time?

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#1 Brenzicure



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Posted 07 September 2012 - 01:58 PM

Hey everybody! Just here to talk about what my top 5 video game series' of all time! Just a random topic as usual and I thought that I'd like to share it with you guys! And by the way, I would appreciate if you read the whole thing. Thank you ^_^. Here is my top 5 video game series of all time:

#5. Halo
Although I'm not a HUGE fan of First Person Shooters, I say that Halo is an acception. It was, and always will be my first FPS I've ever played. I always find it enjoyable to go back and play these games, especially Halo 3. The multiplayer is addictive, the graphics are nice and the story is great!

#4. Super Mario
I'm sure most saw this coming. Mario was the gateway to most kids' childhood and he will always be here in the gaming community till the end. In fact, the first video game I've ever played was Super Mario 64. Since my N64 sadly no longer works, I'm forced to play it on the Wii's Virtual Console, but I'm not complaining! Although I'm putting him somewhat low in this list, Mario will always stay in a special place in most of our hearts! He's definitely nicknamed "Mr. Video Game" for a reason, and it's definitely not because of that mustache.

#3. Super Smash Brothers
Super Smash Brothers. Some say this could be the best fighting series of all time. Me? Why I 100% agree! Ever since one of my friends introduced me to the series with Melee, I've been nothing but addicted. I've never originally played Smash Bros. on the N64, but I did have to wait a while for Nintendo to release it for Virtual Console. That was a decision that I'm proud of. Ever since I was introduced to this series, I was hooked! When Nintendo first announced Brawl, the wait for that game almost killed me. But let me tell you, it was worth the wait. Brawl is, without a doubt, my favorite game on the Wii. The next Smash Brothers coming out for the Wii U and 3DS is the game I'm most excited about in the future.

#2. Legend of Zelda
This. Series. Kicks. ASS! This series is named the "Lord of the Rings" of video games for a reason! One does not simply get over the fact that this series is freaking amazing (see what I did there?)! Although I never really knew what the heck I was doing when I first played Zelda (Ocarina of Time being the first one I played) I did enjoy walking all over the place, breaking into everybody's houses and destroying their pots. But sadly, after that time of playing Ocarina, I haven't played any other Zelda game up until I tried out Twilight Princess. After first playing, I was drawn in almost immediately. After playing Twilight Princess for a while, I later decided to play some older Zelda games. When I got my hands on Wind Waker, I became the big Zelda fan I am today, plus making Wind Waker my favorite Zelda game of all time. I'm such a Zelda fan, it took me only a week to beat Skyward Sword and, thus later, I 100%-ed that game. I can't wait for the new Zelda game on it's way to the Wii U.

#1. Sonic the Hedgehog
What? Don't tell me you didn't see this coming! Without a doubt, the Sonic the Hedgehog series is my favorite video game series of all time. Ever since my best friend (still is my best friend today) first introduced me to Sonic with Sonic Heroes, I decided to get an Xbox (I didn't know Sonic Heroes was on the gamecube at the time so don't judge me haha) for christmas that year and specifically get it for Sonic Heroes. On that christmas, I was thrilled to have the Xbox 360, which I never knew that existed at the time, and also surprised that my mother actually got me ANOTHER Sonic game for me. But I would have been better without that game...the game I'm talking about is none other than...the dreaded Sonic 06. But at the time, since I was only 9, I played and enjoyed only parts of it. I know people are going to destroy me for saying that, but I will explain why I enjoyed parts of it. I think the graphics were nice, the story was pretty well thought-out, the cutscenes were epic and fun to watch (especially the CG cutscenes), the voice acting was okay, the soundtrack was amazing...but the gameplay was freaking HORRIBLE! But without out Sonic 06, we wouldn't have some of the jokes that came from that game, everyone's favorite being "IT'S NO USE!" Although many people say Sonic 06 was the worst Sonic game in existence, I disagree. I say Sonic and the Secret rings is the worst. It was boring, the story was silly, the cutscenes were unenjoyable in many ways and, worst of all, it was non-linear. I was always confused on how I got the 2nd world ring before the 1st one and the 5th before the 3rd, and I completely gave up on that game. Now onto another game. Many people say that they hated Sonic and the Black Knight. I'm honestly going to say this, I actually enjoyed that game! Sure it did play like Secret Rings, but the sword makes up for it. I honestly think that game is very underrated. Anyways, before I get a ton of hate messages, let's move on. Ever since the release of Sonic Unleashed, SEGA has been getting back on track (minus the "Werehog"). With the release of Sonic Colors, the game has been one to fit a perfect modern style Sonic game. The only problem I have with that game is that 85% of the gameplay is in 2D. But with the release of Sonic Generations, I was stunned. That game (for me at least) is the most nostalgic game ever. Thus, making Sonic Generations my favorite 3D Sonic Game. Before I get a lot of hate comments, yes I do love Sonic Adventure 2 a ton. Don't worry, it is my 2nd favorite 3D Sonic game. Now just for the hell of it, I will make a Top 5 list of my favorite Sonic Characters (a Top 5 List within a Top 5 List? TOP-5-LIST-CEPTION!).

#5. Knuckles the Echidna
Unlike Sonic, he doesn't chuckle.

#4. Dr. Eggman/Robotnik
"Get a load of this!"

#3. Shadow the Hedgehog
The "Ultimate Life Form" on a hunt for that DAMN fourth Chaos Emerald!

#2. Blaze the Cat
Extremely awesome character. I think she deserves a lot more recognition.

#1. Sonic the Hedgehog
The blue blur himself. "You're too slow!"

Anyways that is my top 5 list of my favorite video game series of all time! I am really thankful if you in fact did read the whole thing. It just means a lot to me when you guys waste your time to read my opinions haha. I hope you guys will accept my opinion as much as I will accept yours. Tell me what you think of my list(s)! And definitely feel free to leave a top 5 list yourself! I'm looking forward to what you guys think and what your favorites are!

Edited by Brenzicure, 07 September 2012 - 03:06 PM.

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#2 Lord Pickleton

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Posted 07 September 2012 - 02:08 PM

I'll explain later, but here is my list. O.O
#5 Need for Speed


#3 DiRT

#2 Burnout

#1 Monster Hunter


#3 Blake



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Posted 07 September 2012 - 02:15 PM

I am a major Nintendo nerd, as you can tell from my list.

#5 Sonic the Hedgehog

#4 Mario Kart

#3 Mario

#2.5 The World Ends With You (Yes this does count as a series. :P)

#2 Pokemon

#1 The Legend of Zelda

#4 nintendo3DS


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Posted 07 September 2012 - 03:01 PM


Mario (in general like every series)


Smash Bros.

Legend of Zelda

#5 Fiery



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Posted 07 September 2012 - 03:16 PM

Anything That isn't Call Of Duty Or Battlefield.
3)Smash Bros
2)The Legend Of Zelda
1)Fire Emblem

#6 Mignaga



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Posted 07 September 2012 - 03:24 PM

5.Resident Evil
4. Uncharted
3. Smash Bros.
2. Metal Gear
1. Zelda


Be wary, the suck is coming.

#7 Tricky Sonic

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Posted 07 September 2012 - 03:36 PM

1 - Sonic the Hedgehog
2 - Final Fantasy
3 - Super Mario Brothers
4 - Shining Force
5 - Jet Set Radio

Big Sega and RPG Fan!
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Check out my video game collection blog at http://genesaturn.blogspot.com/
Feel free to add me as a friend on your 3DS and Wii U as well - Friend Code = 1289-9502-7134 / Nintendo ID - Tricky

#8 SolxBurst


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Posted 07 September 2012 - 04:02 PM

This is kinda hard but here goes.
5. Pokemon
4. Halo
3. Mario
2. The Legend of Zelda
1. Okami (series)


"...A well written villain is a hero in his/her own world..."

#9 Tsuchinoko


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Posted 07 September 2012 - 04:33 PM

1. Metal Gear, for it's extremely deep storyline, addictive gameplay with great rewards. No game in the series feels exactly like another (except for MG2:Solid Snake and MGS1, but that's another topic) yet always keeps the same elements to feel like a series.

2. Mario Kart, it's just so addictive and plain fun. Plus has infinite replay value as most racing games do.

3. Fire Emblem, gameplay is serious, storyline is serious, one of Nintendo's most serious series out there besides Metroid. I love how insanely difficult the game can get. Character development is done extremely well. And there's SUPPORT CONVERSATIONS!!!! All true FE players know that's the best part of the games.

4. Pokemon, pretty much impossible to 100%, but it's always fun to try. It's come a long way. It has something for everyone too whether it be online competion, breeding or shiny hunting there are so many things that will eat up hundreds of hours.

5. Gran Turismo, so real that you'll know how to drive a damn car after playing for two hours. This series is actually very special to me since me and my dad would play it together all the time. I love how many cars are in it and how accurate everything is. They really put a lot of research and hard work into the games development. I also positively love love love how realistic switching parts out is. You could change one part and really feel in game how different the car reacts to that one change. Sometimes I find it hard to believe how they managed to get the physics to be so realistic.

Zero Escape will be on this list soon if VLR is half as good as 999 was. So far from what I have read about the game it's gonna be quite an experience.
Special thanks to Horchata. I appreciate it so much.

#10 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 07 September 2012 - 04:48 PM

5. Pokemon
4. Mario
3. Super smash bros.
2. Tie- legend of Zelda
- Halo


I was once known here as KillerMario, but since I really like Banjo-Kazooie, I changed my display name to show them my respect :)

#11 unleashedknight



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Posted 07 September 2012 - 05:32 PM

5. Pikmin Series
4. Kirby Series
3. Sonic The Hedgehog Series
2. The Legend Of Zelda Series

#12 DANT3


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Posted 07 September 2012 - 05:33 PM

No particular order for mine.
  • Super Mario Bros. I'm using this as a general term, too, so it includes things like Mario Kart and Mario Party. They're always just plain fun - if a little repetitive - and have this charm and feel that no other series could ever really rival. And, c'mon... Look at him! He's a fat plumber that jumps on walking mushrooms; It's impressive if nothing else.
  • Devil May Cry. While the series doesn't do a whole lot on its own to be special, it's more about the stuff you can't see. Devil May Cry is noted for being a very challenging series of games, but it's not unfair difficulty. You're given every tool and necessity to mow down the demon horde, and so the fault lies with you when you die. Other games have tried (and in my opinion failed) to replicate this sort of gameplay, but DMC is always consistent, and always good... Even if the game itself as a whole isn't... Lookin' at you DMC2!
  • Super Smash Bros. I don't think I need to say more. The games are bloody perfect, and anyone that disagrees is wrong - just plain wrong. Normally, opinions are subjective, but anyone that doesn't like Smash is just a broken human being.
  • The Legend of Zelda. The games always have had, and always will have this scope and atmosphere that a lot of other story driven games will never have. It's the same sort of argument that fuels my love for Super Mario Bros. - it's this charm and feel that no other series can have. Even when the games are extremely dark - and frankly, twisted - they can still feel... Just... Incredibly uplifting and awesome and other adjectives that could never accurately describe how bloody awesome Zelda games are.

Now, things are getting kinda difficult, because I can't decide what the final series is... They tie for that spot on the list.
  • Sonic the Hedgehog. Even though the games have been terrible in recent years, they're getting better, and boy are they getting better. Plus, everything before Heroes (Heroes included) was just excellent.
  • Street Fighter. Great fighting games. Always have been, always will. Yeah.

#13 WisdomPowerCourage



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Posted 07 September 2012 - 05:44 PM

5.) tie- Metroid/Kirby
4.) Mario
3.) Fire Emblem
2.) Legend of Zelda
1.) Pokemon

Yeah, Nintendo obviously has all the best series. I don't play too many other series just because the lack of money to buy every game I want. Now if this was my friends list, he has been obsessed with Persona 4 recently.

#14 -JJ-



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Posted 07 September 2012 - 05:48 PM

I am not sure how to rank them, but I liked Legend of Zelda and Super Smash Brothers 64, Melee, and Brawl a lot! and mario party, mario kart, mario soccer all that stuff

Edited by -JJ-, 07 September 2012 - 05:49 PM.

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#15 samus


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Posted 07 September 2012 - 07:24 PM

1.smash bros.
2.resident evil
i'm a huge nerd about nintendo trust me

#16 Waluigi


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Posted 08 September 2012 - 10:12 AM

5-Metal Gear
3-The Elder Scrolls
2-The Legend of Zelda
1- Mario
Nintendo ID: Waluigi

#17 gregoryorizal



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Posted 08 September 2012 - 11:03 AM

In no real order:

5. Mario (Bros., World, 64, Kart...)
4. Pokemon
3. No More Heroes
2. Zelda
1. Street Fighter
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#18 Water Max

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Posted 11 September 2012 - 02:33 PM

I may explain my choices later. My top 5 favourite video game series are:
5. Professor Layton
4. Final Fantasy
3. Super Mario
2. The Legend of Zelda
1. Pokémon

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#19 Hunter



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Posted 12 September 2012 - 12:38 AM

In no order...

Prince of Persia
Legend of Zelda
Super Star Wars
Donkey Kong
Grand Theft Auto

#20 Keviin



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Posted 12 September 2012 - 02:03 AM

This is kinda hard but here goes.
5. Pokemon
4. Halo
3. Mario
2. The Legend of Zelda
1. Okami (series)

Okami? It has only 2 games. :P
No sig.

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