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Wii U will not have system-wide accomplishments

Wii U accomplishments

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#21 JaylisJayP



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Posted 11 November 2012 - 07:44 PM

Why would this matter, most games have them built in anyway, which is better because the developers actually made accomplishments part of the game itself. Achievments are personally a waste of time to me, what do they even do for you and your accomplishments in game? Nothing , of course.

What does beating a video game get you? Nothing, of course.

It's just another form of keeping track of your progress in a game. I would never base my decision on getting a game or system on whether there were achievements, but I have come to understand why they mean something to a lot of gamers.

#22 Press



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Posted 11 November 2012 - 09:53 PM

Try telling that to all the Playstation and Xbox players. Whilst I'm not that bothered about it it's hardly a miniscule matter. You may not care about it but a lot of people do. Not to mention why do you think you can criticise someone for not buying the Wii U because it doesn't have a universal achievement system. Also what's this rubbish about Nintendo believing that players should make their own goals and accomplishments. Whether its lazy or not if Nintendo are serious about competing against Microsoft and Sony and want to go after the hardcore market then they seriously need to reconsider this.

Developers can create things for players to accomplish easy, but do you need a system to let you know you did it? Monitored achievements doesn't make "hardcore" players at all. It's a connoisseur thing. If people avoid buying the Wii U because of this, then they don't care about the console's main concept or any of the games. People can place their own goals without relying on a system that does nothing for them.

What kind of a cop out is that?

Ask Nintendo. They're the ones that invented "Friend Codes".

#23 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 12 November 2012 - 06:41 AM

This sucks. Unlocking acheivments were half the fun back when my 360 was working.


#24 Stormage09


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 06:52 AM

This sucks. Unlocking acheivments were half the fun back when my 360 was working.

wow, then those games had to be real good if half of the fun are the achievements lol
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Posted 12 November 2012 - 06:59 AM

Not too bothered either way!. It certainly wouldn't stop me from buying a console if i did not have Achievements/Trophies. Although i see that some people see them as a reason to squeeze all they can from a game by finding all the achievements.
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#26 Hank Hill

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Posted 12 November 2012 - 07:12 AM

Eh, to be honest, I love the whole "trophy/achievement" system thing (see my PSN card in my signature if you don't believe me. xD), but it's not going to make me ragequit and cancel my preorder.

Besides, I buy games for the game, and not some arbitrary achievements. I was 100%ing games long before achievements came in (looking at you Majora's Mask and Radiant Historia), and I'll do it now too.

Just as a side thought...if anybody isn't going to get the system over this, I doubt they wanted it in the first place.

Edited by GameCollector, 12 November 2012 - 07:20 AM.



The post above was certified to be simply smashing by the Wii U Forum Staff.





#27 Caius Casshern Sins

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Posted 12 November 2012 - 07:22 AM

Yeah, that's always how it goes with Nintendo systems.
But then you post before cud that you you as a person weigh the games you want versus the lack of features, and decide for yourself which are more important: mario, zeldo, and crap, or achievements, being about to log into your friends console and spend 3 hours downloading your game to show them what it's like or play it with them, or play your games from your sd card.

Except his company is now out of business.
Maybe there's a connection? Maybe he should have focused on controls rather than achievements?

Sora LtD isn't out of business, you are thinking of Project Sora which served its purpose after Kid Icarus Uprising was finished
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#28 Spleenzorio



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Posted 12 November 2012 - 08:14 AM

Instead of achievements, I'd be perfectly happy having in-game rewards (epic lootz) for accomplishing difficult or secret things in games. But hey, extra content is extra content.
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#29 korgamer


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 08:16 AM

Players should make their own goals? What kind of a cop out is that? They're the ones designing the games and the systems, they should be giving us things to accomplish; it's just laziness that they're not.

A lot of gamers these days put a lot of value into achievements/trophies so the Wii U lacking that feature will definitely be a factor in whether they buy the system or not. I personally don't need achievements to enjoy a game but I still think they're a good feature for a system to have.

You have a point. Its unfortunate, yes. But saying people will not buy the system because it doesn't have a achievement system is taking it a bit far. I mean your either interested in the system or your not. I don't think there is many people that will not buy the system just because of the lack of achievements IMO. Maybe 1 in 100000? I personally would love Nintendo to add achievements to their system and I am slightly dissappointed by it but that won't be a deal breaker for me. After all, its all about the games and the experience that far outweigh the achievements.

#30 tankopher


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Posted 20 November 2012 - 04:06 PM

I don't see how anyone can argue against a trophy system! If you don't like it, don't pay attention to it. Meanwhile the rest of us that love the system are missing out on a huge part of our gaming. Yeah, you should play the game your way, and enjoy the story the way it's designed, but a trophy system doesn't change that. It adds huge replay value, especially to those of us with kids and careers and classes. It's hard to justify sitting in front of the TV for hours without a little motivation or incentive, even if it is just a ficticious trophy or gamerscore.

#31 UnholyVision



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Posted 20 November 2012 - 04:36 PM

I agree with the Mig, it would have been a good idea for Nintendo to implement an achievement system; the only reason why they wouldn't would most likely be laziness.

This was already confirmed before, was it not?

I would agree as it does bring in more puchases from some people... Yet on the lazy aspect, that can be a double edge sword. Some games focus so much on trophies/achievements that the game is just horrid or not as full of lack luster material. I mean, sure it is something added, but your still calling you prompted messages in your code & paying testers to make sure they popup at set times. When those said testers could be off exploring other said levels made for the game with the same set of cash. "Yippie, lets skip the big awsome extra levels to drive in customers, because we know enough hunters will come buy our game. Specailly if their easy to gain!!!" (I have seen so many posts with said title, "Are the achievements/trophies easy to get?").

One of these days I am so going to make a stupid little 99cent game that is nothing but a plain screen with a menu. Then have awards that insult the customers like, "Get A Life - Moved the joysticks on the menu for three hours straight.". Sit back, pull in the cash because all the awards are super easy, while I laugh at these people for buying such crap, & put my results of all the said stats on the internet. (I mean no offense to anyone, but I do know a few people that will buy the most horrible games for some little popup. Games like StormRise, just for even one achievement).

---My Two Cents----
No problem to me as I personally do not care to much for them. Unless it is something like Steam events like that one time where you got X tickets from achievements to recieve DLC, a game, et cetera. Wish consoles could integrate something like this into their store system every now or then, but nope. If they could I would be working a lot harder for some of these little trinkets.

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