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#21 StreetPassWanter


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Posted 17 July 2011 - 06:41 AM

On this forum? Really?

And that's not how it works. At the bottom of each post is a counter with a green plus button.

Yes, check my sig.

Oh, OK, I get it now. Yeah, the max number of rep I saw was 3 before coming here.

Edited by StreetPassWanter, 17 July 2011 - 06:42 AM.

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#22 Ponkotsu


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Posted 17 August 2011 - 07:29 AM


Not to just randomly bump this topic, but some news hit over the past weekend that ties into my thoughts in this thread.


Nintendo has recently filed for a patent on a 'massively single player' game experience, where players would be able to exchange content and information online passively for a dynamic in-game world experience, while the core of your gameplay experience is primarily single-player, and you could only interact more directly with people you'd friended and chosen to actively connect with.

People have suggested largely that this is either a) something possibly Animal Crossing related or B) something virtual online Mii world related, like an essential Nintendo answer to Playstation Home, as Miyamoto himself has discussed. Hence, relevance in this Miitropolis thread.

While Nintendo's still largely been a bit quiet for comfort on the online functions and features front for the Wii U and 3DS - though we did get Netflix and Nintendo Video, as well as word of more Mii games and StreetPass Mii gaming content coming since this thread's initial creation - things like this show that Nintendo's quietly planning something interesting and very ambitious to catch up and easily compete with the competition's online features, as EA has recent given strong testimony to as well. Hopefully this will indeed lead to something in the vein of Miitropolis between the Wii U and 3DS.

Given the sudden, unexpected, rapidfire release of Netflix and Nintendo Video that we saw, as well as the continued growth of eShop content, I'm hoping we'll be seeing some more major 3DS online functions out of the blue sooner than later. Instant messaging, expanded friend list/profile content, eventually the ability to link our 3DSes - like our Wii Us - to a single online profile for stat and achievement collection, Nintendo social networking, compatibility with things like Twitter and Facebook, and more. Considering that a ton of social networking compatible features were just unveiled for the Vita at Gamescom, it definitely wouldn't hurt for Nintendo to get things like that going on the 3DS with sudden and unexpected patches over the coming months to cover as much competitive ground as they can. It probably wouldn't take much time or consume many resources to make such apps as is, though we can already use Twitter, Twitpic, Facebook, and things like that through the 3DS browser. Not sure about the likes of Foursquare, but that would certainly be doable.

As it stands, for all the 'later this year'/'later this summer' talk, Netflix and Nintendo Video made very sudden and welcome appearances, and the only updates we know for certain that are on the way this year at this point are eShop demos, which will be able to passively download to our systems while in sleep mode, and additional StreetPass Mii Plaza content. Instant messaging and video recording may come yet too, as there has been talk of those in-demand features as well. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for an Activity Log update to add a full additional page for each game when you tap on them to check out achievements, since given the system's current small library, it wouldn't be hard to release patches for all the currently available 3DS games to add achievements or connect existing in-game achievement systems (Like in Street Fighter, Samurai Warriors, Pac-Man & Galaga Dimensions, Resident Evil, and more.) so you could track that sort of thing in the Activity Log and prepare the system for that kind of data collection to eventually be able to connect to a personal online profile in the future and upload achievement records and data there. Updates for DSiWare, 3DSWare, and Virtual Console releases to add such features could do a lot for replay value and overall sales, too, especially helping little titles like Gamebridge's awesome GO Series games. It'd be another feature people wouldn't be able to complain about Nintendo lacking, which seems like an inevitable coming standard on the Wii U anyway that they should get on enabling on the 3DS as soon as possible too. They've already created a thriving metagame environment with the likes of StreetPass connection gaming, and achievements, Miitropolis, and some kind of general online SpotPass passive connection metagaming with our friend lists would be ideal additions.

At any rate, not a mere idle bump - some concrete positive evidence here that Nintendo is up to something with their patents that distinctly connects with this idea. Pretty exciting.

#23 Feld0



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Posted 23 August 2011 - 02:09 PM


Great find, Ponkotsu! I gave your Miitropolis idea a mention on the Go - this last patent to come out of Nintendo really supports your idea, as "out there" as it was.

All of your ideas sound absolutely fantastic, and a Spore-like MSOG experience does sound like a very Nintendo-y way to create a unique, deep, and interesting online experience. I hope they add a centralized achievement system - not because I care about achievements personally, but just so all the people that do would shut up and stop whining about it. :P

The only thing that concerns me is that I don't want to see this patent go the same way as the one for holographic storage (Nintendo has a joint patent with InPhase for what very well may be the digital storage medium of the future). Now that they've patented what almost sounds like an entire genre, I really hope they take the concept of an MSOG and run with it as far as they can.

#24 StreetPassWanter


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Posted 23 August 2011 - 02:11 PM

Great idea! This might've reached Ninty! (Not)
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@SSB4News <- Pure awesomeness is now on Twitter!

#25 Ponkotsu


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Posted 23 August 2011 - 08:17 PM


Thanks for the nod in the news post! :) Here's hoping they go someplace really interesting with this. It's definitely time that they cover their online weaknesses. Achievements fall into the same issue - fun optional features, I've found in Nintendo platform games that have them, and fun for profile building on Steam, but nothing that makes or breaks a game platform or experience, for sure.

I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what the future holds for both the 3DS and Wii U in terms of online features and experience - it's definitely increasingly sounding like they're going much more ambitious places, with some real evidence for that. They just can't start launching features like this - however Miitropolis-like or not they may be - soon enough.

Agreed on the holographic storage, too - I'm looking forward to seeing how that's eventually integrated into future platforms down the line and how that will effectively resolve internal space limitations for download titles and save files.

The more ambitious Nintendo gets as they continue to move forward, cover their weaknesses, and sharpen their competitiveness even further, the better.

#26 Makar


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Posted 24 August 2011 - 04:09 PM

This really seems like a great idea and something that could be adapted to integrate facebook, twitter and other social networking support.

For example, if you upload a new picture to facebook and you have it connected to your 'miitropolis' your photo could appear in a frame on the wall, or if you have your twitter account linked your Mii could tell other Miis what you've been up to while you're offline. (Eg : You update your twitter saying "I had a great night last night" your Mii would have that above it's head in a speech bubble.)

I approve of this idea in its fullest.
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#27 Ponkotsu


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Posted 25 August 2011 - 09:04 PM

Indeed, social networking features like that are definitely a great idea. I logged onto Club Nintendo the other day too and saw that Nintendo has begun to integrate more social networking features into that too, giving you the option of broadcasting that you just filled out an Intend to Buy survey and things like that on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and a huge variety of other outlets. Little by little, we're seeing more things like that, and with the DSi having direct uploading to Facebook, I suspect we'll only see more integration in the future with the 3DS and Wii U. Similarly, broadcasting things to and from a virtual Mii world like this through Facebook and things like that could actually help to virally spread the appeal of the 3DS and Wii U and get people who might otherwise not look into the systems interested in checking them out.

#28 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 26 August 2011 - 12:20 AM

I believe Nintendo (or probably more so EA) has said that the Wii U will attempt to have a really strong social networking interface.

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#29 Ponkotsu


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Posted 26 August 2011 - 01:32 AM


Yeah, it's been stated by at least a few third parties now at this point, I believe, that the Wii U will be able to "do everything the PS3 and 360 can." And at one point, Reggie did state that the Wii U would have an even more robust online service than Live or PSN, though his statements are typically best taken with a little salt, as their accuracy tends to vary. I'm looking forward to seeing what lies ahead, and hoping they'll make a show of this new ambition with some 3DS firmware updates sooner or later to show how set they are on making good on these intentions. It probably wouldn't be that tough to add something like achievements to the Activity Log at this point - with so few physical release, 3DSWare, and VC games out - to potentially update every game in those three formats to link up with it and to prep the Activity Log to eventually link up to a unified profile next year to share such information, with the potential of DSiWare games also getting updates to add them. It'd help to spur more digital content sales, at least, and provide a feature many have been asking for for years, which Nintendo themselves have implemented plenty of times now themselves, just short of finally giving us a unified system to link with and share with friends online - someplace to collect and view all these things together. And word has been that we'll be getting that with the Wii U. The 3DS certainly already has the framework in place, and if Sony can add trophies a ways into the PS3's life, with 3DS games being patchable and the firmware very updatable, it makes sense. Games with built-in systems like Street Fighter IV wouldn't take much work at all to connect as well.

I've seen it suggested in articles I've read before that Nintendo should consider implementing little achievements in every free app and channel they either have built in or release for free online, too, and that may not be a bad idea in terms of tapping into people's tendencies toward addiction to get them to get the most out of things like Face Raiders and the AR Games, as well as to fool around with apps like 3DS Sound and going out of their way to listen to the parakeets, or catch the help cats in whatever successors to things like the Photo and News Channels the Wii U may have. Emphasizing little hidden things and easter eggs has always struck me as a pretty delightful little way of drawing people in, and Nintendo does like giving us a lot of cute little mascot characters to interact with. Even on the eShop, we've got the little shopping bag mascot guiding us around. A little achievement pin for a profile with the shopping bag mascot just as a thank-you for shopping could be an effective encouragement for a lot of people to give the online shop a look where they may not otherwise. Same goes for things like StreetPass, having little things go on a profile for completing the little puzzle diorama images - which are practically trophies unto themselves - or finishing StreetPass Quest, and otherwise connecting with a lot of people. And of course, ideally, as I've mentioned, an achievement system's content might in some way extend into a virtual Mii world like Miitropolis, displaying collected figurines in Smash Bros., maybe a virtual shelf or rack displaying your Virtual Console collection with the original box art - which I'm quite glad they brought back on the 3DS and am hoping to see on the Wii U, along with the undoubtedly planned transfer of all Wii VC downloads to the Wii U - and so on, perhaps the actual systems in your VC library as well, from NES to NeoGeo arcade cabinet and more.

The more online social features and additional stat tracking, features, and metagames they can add to the links of the Activity Log, StreetPass Mii Plaza (Which they've already made clear they're going to continue building on), and things like the friend lists and potentially some kind of StreetPass-esque SpotPass metagames to play with online friends, the better. And as always, the sooner they can get a functioning instant messaging service on the 3DS, the better, too. They definitely shouldn't dawdle when it comes to more major updates and ambitious new features, both to expand their audience further by surprising skeptics and further give their current customers even more to play with and do. With word of a new Flipnote application coming this year and other updates planned, I suspect we'll see some more major surprises in firmware updates in the coming months, which new users will get to enjoy right out of the box as the latest firmware hits new units in the factories. But we definitely can't see improved online support and features soon enough, especially with Nintendo's own first first-party online titles coming later this year in Mario Kart 7 and seemingly Kid Icarus: Uprising.

In the least, I'm pleased to see SpotPass living a bit more up to the whole constant stream of regular new content ideal so far where WiiConnect24 didn't end up getting used to anywhere near its full potential and they didn't get nearly ambitious enough about the Wii's social online features or channel potential. Things like free downloadable content for Nintendogs, DOA, Samurai Warriors, and regular weekly updates for things like Nintendo Video are positive signs and definitely bring some nice little regular surprises.

#30 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 26 August 2011 - 01:36 AM

In the least, I'm pleased to see SpotPass living a bit more up to the whole constant stream of regular new content ideal so far where WiiConnect24 didn't end up getting used to anywhere near its full potential and they didn't get nearly ambitious enough about the Wii's social online features or channel potential. Things like free downloadable content for Nintendogs, DOA, Samurai Warriors, and regular weekly updates for things like Nintendo Video are positive signs and definitely bring some nice little regular surprises.

1. Aww man, now I want Nintendogs. I like free DLC too much thanks to the other two.
2. SpotPass is getting quite the workout. Lately, I've been getting more "Blue Lights of Happiness" than "Green Lights of Joy'
3. Oscar's Oasis is pretty fun to watch. :P Nintendo Video is pretty much the only app that I always use 3D on.

Edited by Auzzie Wingman, 26 August 2011 - 01:36 AM.

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#31 lemonlime



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Posted 28 August 2011 - 04:47 AM

I believe nintendo said that they won't have a universal online system such as Xbox Live or PSN, but that they would let developers make their own online systems. I think some EA guy said that, for example, EA sports games would have one universal online system for themselves. Not sure about this, though.

#32 StreetPassWanter


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Posted 28 August 2011 - 05:01 AM

I wish we can drive in cars in Miitropolis. I like racing, so that'll be fun! Just think of it, Mii Race U Mario Kart Wii Mii Racing! And they should also add DLC (like get a free minigame in Miitropolis) and then make clothes for the Miis (seriously, the one color shirt and black/brown/blue pants are old now) It would be wonderful!

Edited by StreetPassWanter, 28 August 2011 - 05:02 AM.

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@SSB4News <- Pure awesomeness is now on Twitter!

#33 Bill Cipher

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Posted 28 August 2011 - 07:23 AM

I wish we can drive in cars in Miitropolis. I like racing, so that'll be fun! Just think of it, Mii Race U Mario Kart Wii Mii Racing! And they should also add DLC (like get a free minigame in Miitropolis) and then make clothes for the Miis (seriously, the one color shirt and black/brown/blue pants are old now) It would be wonderful!

Apparently you don't understand what this is about. Typical SPW.
Anyways, this idea is really well though out. I knew about TC, so I had no problems with keeping up. my only major problem with this is that Nintendo's online record is worse then my sisters

Games that refuse to use Gameplay effectively to do anything are like films that refuse to use cinematography in film to do anything.

NNID: Lord of Grape Juice /PSN: Nderbert/Steam: Harmonius EX



#34 Ponkotsu


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Posted 28 August 2011 - 03:00 PM


@lemonline: Reggie's also gone on record insisting that they'll have a system that outdoes both Live and PSN. They've already got a basic centralized online system with friend codes as is - odds are, they're not going to abandon having some sort of centralized infrastructure and simply make us log in to a ton of different separate third party online systems, which may or may not have their own respective online fees. The only people who've made more controversial statements who've led to speculation that Nintendo's somehow going to take a huge leap backward with their online are figures in the company who aren't actually involved in the development and design of their new online service.

Third parties are leading the development of their new online system - which Nintendo themselves will be using - and we've already had things from single usernames to achievements and so on confirmed. Odds are, we're going to see something akin to Steam or PSN - but likely closer to the former in its complete openness - where we have a single central online username and identity with a personal Mii as our online face and our stats tied to it, then that account would be tied in to any separate external online services and tied together with EA's Origin and other companies' respective services - Steam itself possibly among them, as Gabe Newell and Valve have taken an interest in the system too - so we'd only have to log in to our online Nintendo account to play anything, socialize, or check our stats and so forth. So far, we've only been hearing good things from third parties, which doesn't exactly lead me to believe that Nintendo will be giving us something even more archaic - especially given their own now open commitment to significantly improving their online to be more competitive - while third parties are merely talking about their own separate services when praising the Wii U's online. At this point, if we can be confident in anything, it's that the Wii U's online will be significantly better than anything we've seen from Nintendo before, and through firmware updates, the 3DS will likely see some significant improvements yet too, as incomplete as its online system is as of far.

@StreetPassWanter: Not bad ideas at all! There's already some light Animal Crossing and Tomodachi Collection elements at the heart of the Miitropolis concept, and I was thinking that some clothing and accessories unlocked from playing certain games and doing certain things in the game world like spending a coin currency earned through interaction of all sorts would be a great addition, but allowing for some personal customization and the social spreading of those like in Animal Crossing would certainly be a welcome element. Some light Mii racing - and perhaps a car or go-kart vehicle or some kind of public transportation like trains or subways to get around the city when it gets too large to easily cross on foot (Though some simple teleportation would also be an ideal addition for users who didn't want to go out of their way to go places on foot or by vehicle, just to keep everyone happy and the experience as convenient as possible for all users.) - would be a fun addition too for another light activity. Perhaps nothing too robust as so to compete with Mario Kart directly, but kind of like the likes of the simple, popular Family Go-Kart Racing on the Wii Shop Channel, with a few tracks, regular racing events, and a variety of things to win for participating or winning races with friends and strangers online. More lightweight little online activities to do with friends and earn things for your virtual space through is always a nice idea, at any rate, though some things could also turn into sort of demos for more robust "WiiUWare" games of sorts to download and potentially connect with Miitropolis

Lord N: Glad to hear you were able to get through the excesses of text alright. There's definitely no question that Nintendo's online has a history of being horribly archaic and inconvenient, as fun as their games have usually been once you actually jump through the hoops to play them. I'm confident that we're going to see a significantly improved online experience from them this gen, though - the single friend code, improved eShop (Though that's still in no way lacking in things that couldn't be improved with future updates, and they probably will be, considering how many times they revised and improved the Wii Shop Channel over the years too.), notably more DLC, SpotPass getting more use than StreetPass so far, pretty well-designed friend list with cards to exchange, etc. have the 3DS off to a good start, though it still obviously has a long way to go and a lot of features it needs and will hopefully see most if not all of in time - between the improvements we've seen on the 3DS so far (Even an online game as ambitious as Heroes of Ruin is on a whole other level from anything we got on the DS, and we're going to see that before the 3DS even finishes its first full year on the market! And the first year is pretty much always one of the roughest in terms of game support for any company or platform.) and everything we've been hearing about how far the Wii U is coming from the Wii.

People have a bit of a nasty habit of always assuming the worst of Nintendo, where the competition frequently gets a free pass on any kind of criticism, as well as - as we've seen in the news this past week - assuming every negative rumor is unquestionably true. Not the best mindset - Nintendo's definitely not to be unwary of given their shaky at best history with online, obviously, but there's no reason not to be optimistic, either. It's not as though it's exactly hard for Nintendo to significantly improve their online features, offerings, and overall structure after the DS and Wii, and the 3DS is much easier to improve through firmware updates in more meaningful ways than the Wii was with its much more rigid internal menu structure. Just because Nintendo's failed to live up to gamers' expectations for online in the past, it doesn't mean they're guaranteed to always be that way, as I've seen many continually assume on numerous forums these days - that kind of thinking is about as wise as thinking Nintendo's 'rightful place' in the industry is being dead last or becoming a third party, or assuming that companies like Sony and Microsoft are utterly invulnerable. Stranger things have definitely happened in this industry than Nintendo fixing their online, and at this point, I don't see any reason not to be optimistic. People just need to keep making noise, I think, so that both Nintendo and the third parties working on their new online infrastructure can ensure we'll all be happy with it. I'm just hoping that - as largely incomplete as the core of the 3DS's online service still visibly is - we'll see them make sure they release a major firmware update for the system next year so that while shifting from it using friend codes to our new username isn't likely, we'd at least be able to link it to our new Nintendo usernames for stat tracking, achievement sharing, and various online social functions aside from the expected eventual instant messaging and general connectivity with the profile system launching with the Wii U. There's no point in making us wait another generation to get that kind of support on their portables - especially with what the Vita will be offering in that regard - and I don't think Nintendo's likely to make us wait that long, considering how quick they've been to bring significant new features and content to the 3DS so far this year, particularly in response to its sales struggles between the price point and distinct lack of major mass market titles that distinguish the platform as its own thing, rather than a handheld N64/Gamecube - growing pains every portable has seen post-GBA.

Ultimately, we're just going to have to wait and see what we get, but I suspect that whatever we do, it'll be something evolving - as on the 3DS - and significantly better than the DS and Wii.

#35 GeneralCraezy


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Posted 31 August 2011 - 01:30 PM

I looked at your first post and said HOLY MOTHERCRAPPING CRAP!!! :P And then I thought "I'll just read some of it then", then I thought "eh, I'll just fake that I read it".... crap

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#36 Ponkotsu


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Posted 04 September 2011 - 10:12 PM

Well, I just watched the big Dragon Quest unveil event on a livestream, and even Satoru Iwata showed up. The game's a Wii U launch game along with hitting the Wii, and looks to be the most ambitious online game of this generation in many capacities, on top of being the most ambitious online game to hit a Nintendo platform yet. Nintendo's invested in it themselves, and so at this point, it's pretty safe to say that this game is going to basically blow the doors off all the stuff of Nintendo's ultra-conservative online. An amazing leap forward in showing just how ambitious and open the online territory Nintendo gaming is headed for.

I suspect that after the 360+ accolades Dragon Quest IX had, I suspect X will see a system for that to tie in with the new online Nintendo profiles for a first amazing profile for people to get achievement collection crazy over, and they've also talked about possibly letting us transfer our X characters to our 3DSes for StreetPass features as well. What we've just had unveiled to look forward to opens up a massive new world of incredible progress for online and social Nintendo gaming, with Enix and Nintendo leading us forward with a huge, phenomenal franchise. It's incredible finally getting to see in terms this concrete the reality of that lies ahead for Nintendo online as they finally knock down the walls and get ambitious.

All that said, also on topic, if a Miitropolis of sorts does indeed happen between the 3DS and Wii U, it would be pretty awesome to see future Dragon Quest games connect and to get to unlock things like plush Slimes, Dragon Quest themed clothing items and accessories for Miis, and little Tiny Medals and other such collectibles in a virtual Mii world. Perhaps have a Dragon Quest-focused Enix and Nintendo building appear somewhere in your city to visit with Slime and other monster NPCs and series info, little games, etc. to draw more newcomers in and educate them on the world of Dragon Quest.

#37 Andy


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Posted 05 September 2011 - 05:59 PM

Sorry, but I hate that idea. Replace gamerscore (Eurgh - even the name makes me feel sick) with coins though and not unlockable but buy-able and you've got yourself a deal.

Just throwing out ideas man.I do think what you said is better. Instead of each achievement/trophy being tied to a point total, make it tied to a number of coins that you can spend on stuff in Miitropolis.
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#38 Bill Cipher

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Posted 05 September 2011 - 06:10 PM

Perhaps have a Dragon Quest-focused Enix and Nintendo building appear somewhere in your city to visit with Slime and other monster NPCs and series info, little games, etc. to draw more newcomers in and educate them on the world of Dragon Quest.

I would love this idea to death if it was to come true

Games that refuse to use Gameplay effectively to do anything are like films that refuse to use cinematography in film to do anything.

NNID: Lord of Grape Juice /PSN: Nderbert/Steam: Harmonius EX



#39 dagwood dang

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Posted 05 September 2011 - 07:14 PM

So @Ponkotsu,

I read it all. I LOVE it all, but now if Nintendo does anything less than this, I'm afraid I'm going to be disappointed! Hahaha. But all joking aside, I'm now visualizing a bustling Mii city with all kinds of fun activities. I didn't know about the Wii no Ma channel. Heck, I didn't know about a lot of the things you brought up, but there does seem to be plenty of evidence toward something big on the way of some kind of online revolution for Ninty. That patent you mentioned further strengthens the evidence. I also liked the idea of cars or some sort of personal transportation around the city. Of course there should be instant teleporting. Public transportation would be cool too.

So I started branching thoughts off of your ideas from your post...
Imagining a TV/Wii set up in your Mii's virtual living room of the house/apartment. Naturally, you should be able to get all of your Miitropolis info, news, and update data from it, but what about the idea of your Mii also having his/her own PERSONAL SMART DEVICE?
It could look like a virtual 3DS, or Wii U controler, that your Mii pulls from his/her pocket while he/she is out and about. The device would essentially act like a smart phone of sorts and include features like:

-A Contacts List-
A way to look up your friends and find out if they're available to play or not. Sending gaming invites whenever you could.
-Txt/audio (maybe even video) messages-
Another way to contact and get in touch with friends.
-Some sort of map of the city-
A quick way to navigate the town with points of interest and the locations of your friends marked, so you can easily find and travel (or instant-travel) to them.
-Some sort of scrolling marquee with news and updates about the city-
News from the real world and from some of the companies you may have in your city (like Nintendo news), and Miitropolis news like upcoming city events like virtual concerts, or carnivals.

Which brings me to:

-Virtual concerts and shows-
It would be cool to have some sort of city square where you could watch streaming concerts or other videos. Similar to your Netflix theater idea (which is an awesome idea), but this could be where they show videos of live concerts and performances. All of the 'Nintendo Video', and 'Nintendo Channel' videos could be at home on your Mii's Wii if you wanted to watch them. Just an Idea.

-Town carnival/theme park-
You touched on a similar idea in your post. A place where Miis have activities like tag, sledding, etc. Elaborating on that, A little theme park with many carnie activities like the milk bottle/ball game (I don't know what its officially called), darts, hammer and bell, etc. This would be a great way to utilize Wii motes and keep them relevant in Miitropolis, which I'm sure Nintendo would want to do. Winning prizes like Nintendo mascot masks to wear on Holidays, stuffed animals and trinkets to bring home, and play coins to use elsewhere in the city. More importantly, an ARCADE TENT where you can play demos of real games from the virtual console as well as Wii (U) ware games. Of course, those options should also be made quickly available on your Mii's Wii at your (virtual) home.

Lastly, as interesting as Miitropolis can be, eventually, it would be nice to get out of the city. At first I thought, 'why not several different themed Miitropolises where you can choose between which one you wanted to live in? Like a New York-like city, more of a 'beachy' Miami-like city, or somewhat of an Asian countryside themed city!!!' but then I thought, 'they could just as easily make different districts within one city with all of those different themes and more!' which would make it all feel more centralized. but... What about an airport on the edge of town where you can fly to Wuhu Island!!! Having features there that you can't find in Miitropolis!!! My friend, you've sparked my brain a great deal. I only wish we could find a way to SLAM your post ideas down in front the Nintendo branch that's overseeing the new online project, cause I think you're on to something.

Edited by dagwood dang, 05 September 2011 - 07:59 PM.

#40 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 05 September 2011 - 07:19 PM

Uhm... what?

Just use the quote button, it's easier.

For everyone.

Trophy Cards are classy too! LOLZIGZAGOON



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