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Wii U and the next gen

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#1 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 22 July 2011 - 12:29 AM

Just some thoughts on the upcoming console and the next gen.

GRAPHICS: We all know the wii wasn't a graphical powerhouse. We also know the Wii U will be more powerful than any console currently available. all i will say is that if every game on the Wii U has the same level of graphical detail that the Zelda HD demo has then im fine with that. At this point getting a HD zelda, Metroid plus new ip's will be enough for me to give up the money.

ONLINE: for me this doesnt matter that much. I never play games online. i think online is mostly for shooters. so yes if nintendo wants 3rd party support they have to get online right. i dont think they have to launch an online that rivals xbox live but i think pricing will be a factor.

NEW IP'S: yes it is that time nintendo! it's time for your developers to shine. i think the recently revealed info that miyamoto didnt have much input in the design of the Wii U is good. its good to hear that nintendo might be letting their younger developers spread their wings with this console. i love mario, i love zelda, and metroid but its time for new nintendo games. im not talking pikmin im talking new ip's that cater to a more adult type of gamer.

CONTROLLER/INNOVATION/GIMMICKS: I for one don't like how people label nintendo's innovations as gimmicks. motion controls were gimmicks until sony and Microsoft adopted them. i believe nintendo has struck gold again with the Wii U controller. the fact that i can sit on the couch and play Zelda HD while my kids watch cartoons is a long overdue feature. i havent held the controller myself but reviews have been good. most say it isn't as big, heavy, or clunky as it may look. basically they are giving us a controller with every single controller innovation included.

SONY/MICROSOFT: the one thing i would like to see from them is innovation. people have mentioned that we could see microsoft or sony make something similar to the Wii U controller. i really hope this isn't the case. right now in my opinion nintendo has the upper hand for the next gen because of their innovation. they have the one stand alone console that you can display two things at once. your controller can display your hud while you are playing the game on your big screen. i really think developers are going to flock to this. and i dont like recently how sony has been saying they can duplicate this with the vita and ps3. why cant they just come up with their own innovations?!?!?!?! so i would love for gamers to have three different console that offer three different ways to game. i know this probably isnt going to happen but it would be good to see.

what are you guys thoughts??????

#2 Andy


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Posted 22 July 2011 - 05:12 AM

I agree with you on the last part. I've been saying for a while now that the big 3 need to do more to make themselves different from each other. The only ones who have been succeeding in this however is Nintendo. The way I see it is that Microsoft and Sony have been depending largely on 3rd party games, with few exclusives (at least nowhere near as many as Nintendo has). So if you have one console, you pretty much have axes to almost every game available on the other system. If they were to do something differently, such as creating a new original control system that their competition does not have(like Nintendo has been doing since the Wii), it would be more of an incentive to own all 3 consoles, as they each would offer a different experience.
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#3 BazzDropperz


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Posted 22 July 2011 - 05:31 AM

I agree with most of this. I'd be happy if the graphics in most Wii U games were "only" as good as that demo, and I really hope it isn't like the equivalent of the early PS3 demos where we're just starting to see some games with those levels of detail.

#4 StreetPassWanter


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Posted 27 July 2011 - 10:59 AM

Agreed with almost everything except New IPS and partly Online. I really don't care. As long as the games are good and actually innovative, I'll do it. No shooters all the time, I agree with that, but I really don't care for new series. Second Objection: Online. It will probably need to be a very good online experience for people to buy it. The future is online. Friends usually play over the internet now more than ever. As a result, it needs better online. However, I don't care if it's a tad worse than 360's experience. Just better.
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#5 Fig


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Posted 27 July 2011 - 06:53 PM

GRAPHICS: I Agree 100%. I mean, that bird demo was nothing short of stunning.

ONLINE: Nintendo's online absolutely has to be better. They do not have to top Microsoft, but they need to be on par with Sony. The online experience is a major selling point for a lot of consumers, and therefore it is a major selling point for a lot of developers. Of course the shooters will come, but what I think Nintendo needs to do is cater to an online community. Let me post my speed run on on World 7-2 in NSMB Wii U. Let me show off my boss fight run on Zelda Wii U. Simple things of that nature help build an online community.

NEW IP's: Again, I agree 100%. Keep feeding me the Marios and the Zeldas, but a new IP for Nintendo's longtime fans (i.e. Nintendo fans since 80s and early 90s). Not something nostalgic, but something with mature themes/sequences (right/wrong good/evil choices) would be nice. Something action/adventure based or even, dare I say, a shooter! FPS or TPS, I know Nintendo has the creative minds to make a great INNOVATIVE shooter. Which leads us to...

CONTROLLER/INNOVATION/GIMMICKS: This is where Nintendo has always outshown their competition. Shoulder buttons, four face buttons, rumble packs, shoulder buttons that are sensitive to degree of pressing, motion/pointer gaming, and now touchscreen controller with full traditional controller functionality. Nintendo definately knows how to differientiate themselves from the competition. What's great about it is that their differientation evolves gameplay for the better, imo. This is evidenced by how literally every single innovation I named above is now standard on all home consoles except motion controls, and those are available on all consoles. Its a matter of time before they all have some form of touch functionality. Nintendo has this section nailed down, good job Nintendo.

SONY/MICROSOFT: I believe that the Wii U has the chance to make owning PS4 and Xbox3 irrelevant to people who buy a Nintendo first next generation. If Nintendo can get the third parties onboard and have a decent online system, why would a Wii U owner need a PS or Xbox? The graphics will be better, but will the difference be enough to warrant spending $500+ more on a second system? If Nintendo accomplishes its goals, you will have most all the major games on PS and Xbox, PLUS all of the great first party content from Nintendo. Nintendo has a chance to really hit it out of the park here. I'm not saying they will, but if they play their cards right, they've got a better chance than they've had in a long time to be the only system in a majority of next gen gamers households.

Edited by Fig, 27 July 2011 - 06:54 PM.

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